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Exploring Japanese Landmarks in Nishiki-e and Photographs


The location where the Battle of Sekigahara between the Eastern Army led by TOKUGAWA Ieyasu and the Western Army led by ISHIDA Mitsunari took place in 1600. Nine sites from the battle are designated as National Historic Sites. Because several highways intersect here, the area was famous for being a battlefield throughout history, such as during the Jinshin Rebellion in 672.

Nishiki-e and Paintings

西遊街道図絵 [1]


五拾九 木曽海道六拾九次之内関か原



岐阜県写真帖 : 東宮行啓紀念


日本名勝旧蹟産業写真集 奥羽・中部地方之部 新訂




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