Suzaki benzaiten no Yashiro Shrine
Built in Suzaki in 1700 to enshrine Benzaiten (the Hindu goddess Saraswati; goddess of music, eloquence, wealth and water), which was the guardian deity Keishoin, the birth mother of the 5th Shogun Tsunayoshi. This area is reclaimed land, but the Benten no Yashiro Shrine was located on the edge of an embankment facing the shoreline. The area was a popular meisho (famous place) for viewing the sunrise on New Year's Day, shellfish gathering and moon viewing.
Nishiki-e and Paintings
江戸名勝図会 洲崎
江戸自慢三十六興 洲さき汐干かり
〔江都名所〕 〔洲崎しほ干狩〕
江戸名所 洲崎はつ日の出
江都名所 洲崎弁天境内
東都名所 洲崎弁才天境内全図 同海浜汐干之図
Other Materials
Landmarks around Suzaki benzaiten no Yashiro Shrine
Kiba Sanjusangendo Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine Fukagawa Jumantsubo Mannen-bashi Bridge Tsukudajima Eitai-bashi Bridge Teppozu Sazaido Ekoin Temple