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Japanese Linguistics Bibliography (Subject Bibliographies) Published in the Japanese Language

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by Humanities Room

This webpage introduces search tools (subject bibliographies) chiefly in the Japanese language available mainly in the Tokyo Main Library Humanities Room to find reference resources (books, journal articles, etc.) related to Japanese linguistics.

To search for journal articles, please refer to Article Index of Periodicals in Japanese.

Numbers shown in brackets 【 】 indicate the NDL call number for an item.

Items following the materials and database information is as follows below.
[Range]: Indicates the range of years during which the material of interest was cataloged and the material format
[Organization]: Indicates the content of individual volumes in multi-volume works
[Order]: Indicates the order in which a bibliography is filed
[Index]: Indicates the index of type

1. General

  • Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language ResearchLeave the NDL website. (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
    [Range] 1950-present. Books, articles in research paper collections and journals
    [Notes] Searchable by author name, article title, periodical and book title, keyword and chapter title, publication year, and field, etc. Created based on data from the "Japanese language studies, annual survey and bibliography", "Annual review of Japanese language education", "Nihongo kyoiku gakkaishi kikanshi keisai ronbunto bunken ichiran" below, and others. This database is updated with new data 3 or 4 times per year.
  • Kokuritsu Kokugo Kenkyujo, ed., "Japanese language studies, annual survey and bibliography" (Dainihon Tosho et al. 1954-2008 【Z42-99 et al.】)
    [Range] Books and journal articles published in the previous year
    [Index] Author and editor name index
    [Notes] The 2003-2008 editions are available on attached CD-ROM as well. The print edition was discontinued after 2008. The 2009 edition was published electronically [PDF File:5.66MB]Leave the NDL website. and is publicly available on the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics website.
  • Kokugo Gakkai, Kokuritsu Kokugo Kenkyujo, ed., "Kokugogaku kenkyu bunken sakuin" (Japanese language research bibliography index) on'in-hen (phoneme volume), kokugoshi-hen (history of the Japanese language volume)(Shuei Shuppan 1994-1996 【KF1-E7】)
    [Range] Keywords have been assigned to journal articles appearing in the "Japanese language studies, annual survey and bibliography" from 1954 to 1985, as well as journal articles published between 1945-1952 and articles included in books series and festschrifts published from 1945 to 1984. Articles about phonemes and the history of the Japanese language have been selected.
    [Organization] Separate volumes on phonemes and the history of the Japanese language
    [Index] Author name, keyword
  • Database of Research Thesis in Japanese LiteratureLeave the NDL website. (National Institute of Japanese Literature)
    [Range] 1888-2012. Articles in research paper collections and journals owned by the National Institute of Japanese Literature.
    [Notes] Searchable by article title, author name, name of journal in which the article appeared, classification (*in Japanese) and the publication year, etc. Updated as the occasion demands.
  • Kiyoe Saito, ed., "Kokugo kokubungaku ronbun somokuroku"(Catalog of Japanese language and literature academic research papers) (Shibundo 1954 【910.31-Sa249k】)
    [Range] August 1945-July 1953. Journal articles, major monographs
    [Organization] 'Academic research papers published in journals', 'Catalog of major monographs'
    [Order] By theme
    [Index] None
  • "Kindai kokugogaku shomoku kaidaisen" (Anthologies of bibliographies and annotations on Japanese linguistics) 14 volumes (reproduction Yumani Shobo 1992 【KF1-E2】)
    [Range] Meiji-prewar periods
    [Index] None
    [Notes] Reproduction of selected bibliographies and annotations on Japanese linguistics from the Meiji period to the prewar period.
  • "Kokugo kokubungaku nenkan" (Japanese language and literature yearbook) vol.1, 2 and 3 (Seibunsha 1939-1943)
    *vol.12-14 of the above described*"Kindai kokugogaku shomoku kaidaisen"* (Anthologies of bibliographies and annotations on Japanese linguistics)
    [Range] 1938-1940. Books as well as journal and newspaper articles
    [Organization] 'Bibliography of journal articles', ' Bibliography of newspaper articles ', and 'Bibliography of monographs with commentary'
    [Index] None
  • Kiyoji Sato, ed., "Koza nihongo no goi. Bekkan (Goi kenkyu bunken gobetsu mokuroku )" (Japanese lexicon course. Separate volume (Vocabulary research bibliography listing by word)) (Meiji Shoin 1983 【KF91-52】)
    [Range] Meiji period-1982. Books, articles included in research paper collections and journals, etc.
    [Order] Japanese alphabetical order
    [Index] None
    [Notes] Searchable by individual words
  • "The research encyclpedia of Japanese linguistics" (Meiji Shoin 2007 【KF11-H5】)
    [Range] Books and articles published in research paper collections and journals
    [Organization] Subject volume: outlines the research history and the state and topics of research for each research subject. Data volume: commentaries on historical materials related to the Japanese language
    [Index] None
    [Notes] In addition to being able to search important literature for each research subject from 'References' at the end of each item included in the subject volume, related literature may also be introduced in the 'research history' commentaries.

2. Japanese Language Education

  • Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language ResearchLeave the NDL website. (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
    [Range] 1950-present. Books, articles in journals and research paper collections
    [Notes] Searchable by author name, article title, periodical and book title, keyword and chapter title, publication year, and field, etc. Created based on data from the "Japanese language studies, annual survey and bibliography", "Annual review of Japanese language education", "Nihongo kyoiku gakkaishi kikanshi keisai ronbunto bunken ichiran" (Teaching Japanese as a second language: an index to journal articles), and others. This database is updated with new data 3 or 4 times per year.
  • "Annual review of Japanese language education" (Kuroshio Shuppan 2000-2008 【Z47-B25】)
    [Range] Books and journal articles published in the second preceding year
    [Index] Author name
  • "Nihongo kyoiku gakkaishi kikanshi keisai ronbunto bunken ichiran" (Teaching Japanese as a second language: an index to journal articles) (Kokuritsu Kokugo Kenkyujo 1987-1998 【KF1-13, Z42-479】)
    [Range] Journal articles published in the previous year
    [Index] Author name
  • "Japanese language teaching index" (Kokuritsu Kokugo Kenkyujo Nihongo Kyoiku Center Dai 2 Kenkyushitsu 1982-1991 【KF1-9, KF1-11, Z42-389】)
    [Range] 1962-1980, 1984-1987. Books, articles published in books series and journals
    [Index] Keyword, author name
    [Notes] All of the selected articles are included in the above-mentionedBibliographic Database of Japanese Language ResearchLeave the NDL website. .
  • Database of Research Thesis in Japanese LiteratureLeave the NDL website. (National Institute of Japanese Literature)
    [Range] 1888-2012. Articles in research paper collections and journals owned by the National Institute of Japanese Literature.
    [Notes] Searchable by article title, author name, name of journal in which the article appeared, classification (*in Japanese) and the publication year, etc. Updated as the occasion demands.

3. Dialects

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