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Library and Museum Bibliographies (Subject Bibliography) Published in the Japanese Language

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by Humanities Room

This webpage introduces search tools (subject bibliographies) chiefly in the Japanese language available mainly in the Tokyo Main Library Humanities Room to find reference resources (books, journal articles, etc.) related to library and museum.

To search for journal articles, please refer to Article Index of Periodicals in Japanese.

Numbers shown in brackets 【 】 indicate the NDL call number for an item.

The [Range] field lists the publication year and period, and format of the selected and cataloged bibliography of interest.

1. Libraries

  • "Toshokangaku kankei bunken mokuroku shusei (General list of literature on bibliography and library science). Meiji, Taisho, Showa zenki hen" vol.1, 2 (Kanazawa bunpokaku 2000-2001 【UL1-G7】)
    "Toshokangaku kankei bunken mokuroku shusei (General list of literature on bibliography and library science). Sengo hen (1945-1969)" vol.1, 2, 3 and 4 (Kanazawa bunpokaku 2001-2002 【UL1-G7】)
    [Range] Meiji period-1969. Books, journal articles
    [Order] Classified order
    [Index] Author name ("Meiji, Taisho, Showa zenki hen" : ends of each volume, "Sengo hen" : vol.4)
    [Comments] 'Meiji, Taisho, Showa zenki hen ' is a copy of bibliographies published in "Toshokan kenkyu" , "Shuppan nenkan" , and "Shoseki nenkan" . Vol.1-3 of 'Sengo hen ' are mainly the copies of bibliographies published in "Toshokan zasshi" . 'Sengo hen ' volume 4 is a replica of "Toshokangaku bunken mokuroku" (Nihon Shiritsu Daigaku Kyokai 1971 【UM1-1】). It contains approximately 105,000 bibliographies in total.
  • "Toshokan johogaku kenkyu bunken yoran" (Bibliography of library and information science) 1970-1981, 1982-1990 (Nichigai Associates 1983-1993 【UL1-19】)
    "Toshokan johogaku kenkyu bunken yoran (Bibliography of library and information science). 1991-1998" (Nichigai Associates 2008 【UL1-J1】)
    "Toshokan johogaku kenkyu bunken yoran (Bibliography of library and information science). 1999-2006" (Nichigai Associates 2009 【UL1-J3】)
    [Range] 1970-2006. Books, parts of books, journal articles
    [Order] Classified order> Publication year order (volume of 1970-1981 and 1982-1990), Classified order> Author name order (volume of 1991-1998 and 1999-2006) 
    [Index] Item name, author name, organization name, personal name
    *organization name index and personal name index are included only in the volume of 1970-1981.
    [Comments] Volume of 1970-1981 and 1982-1990 are cumulative versions of 'Toshokangaku nenji bunken mokuroku' (in "Toshokan gakkai nenpo" 【Z21-133】, a successor of afore-mentioned "Toshokangaku bunken mokuroku"(Nihon Shiritsu Daigaku Kyokai 1971 【UM1-1】)). Volume of 1991-1998 and 1999-2006 are extracted from BOOKPLUS and MAGAZINEPLUS, pay databases of Nichigai Associates. Approximately a total of 80,000 bibliographies are included.
  • Toshio Nakanishi, ed., "Toshokan shuppan dokushoron kihon tosho somokuji sakuin shusei" vol.1, 2 and 3 (Shuppan Bunka Kenkyukai 2001-2003)
    [Range] -2001. Books
    [Order] Alphabetical order in Japanese of book title
    [Index] By item or theme (each is included in volume 3)
  • Current Awareness Portal (National Diet Library)
    [Range] "N.D.L. library science series": March 1960-October 2008, "Current Awareness": June 1989-, "NDL research report": August 2003-

2. Archives, Museums

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