Search results 16
National Diet Library
- Subject Headinghyperphosphatemia CKD intestine phosphate trans...
- Note (General)...t approved for hyperphosphatemia. However, Pi in treating hyperphosphatemia. We investigat......ter control of hyperphosphatemia.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingProtein-energy wasting Hyperphosphatemia Malnutrition Nutritional diso...
- Note (General)...treatments for hyperphosphatemia in dialysis pa......ion to correct hyperphosphatemia are contradict......cts of PEW and hyperphosphatemia on the prognos......nce of PEW and hyperphosphatemia in patients an......el >6.0 mg/dL (hyperphosphatemia). The 5-year s......up, 57% in the hyperphosphatemia group, and 61% in the non-hyperphosphatemia group. A stati......ce between the hyperphosphatemia and non-hyperphosphatemia groups.Conclus......osis more than hyperphosphatemia in maintenance hemodialysis p...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingchronic kidney disease zinc deficiency hyperphosphatemia dietary phosphate zinc transp...
- Note (General)...cipitation and hyperphosphatemia is a common sy...... conclude that hyperphosphatemia or excess Pi i...... management of hyperphosphatemia will be useful......pozincemia and hyperphosphatemia.
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingchronic kidney disease hyperphosphatemia fetuin-A pyrophosphate alkali...
- Note (General)Hyperphosphatemia is an observed in hyperphosphatemia in adult CKD, vascular calcif...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headinghyperphosphatemia microbiota chronic kidney dis...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headinghyperphosphatemia medial calcification arterios...
- Note (General)...of VSMCs under hyperphosphatemia.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingHyperphosphatemia CKD-MBD Phosphate transporter
- Note (General)Background/Aims: Hyperphosphatemia is a serious c......e treatment of hyperphosphatemia in CKD. Method......ion suppressed hyperphosphatemia. Conclusion: The present find...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...d vasodilation hyperphosphatemia chronic kidney disease
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....t approved for hyperphosphatemia. However, Pi in treating hyperphosphatemia. We investigat......ter control of hyperphosphatemia.
- Subject Headinghyperphosphatemia CKD intestine phosphate trans...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....cipitation and hyperphosphatemia is a common sy...... conclude that hyperphosphatemia or excess Pi i...... management of hyperphosphatemia will be useful......pozincemia and hyperphosphatemia.
- Subject Headingchronic kidney disease zinc deficiency hyperphosphatemia dietary phosphate zinc transp...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Hyperphosphatemia is an observed in hyperphosphatemia in adult CKD, vascular calcif...
- Subject Headingchronic kidney disease hyperphosphatemia fetuin-A pyrophosphate alkali...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Headinghyperphosphatemia microbiota chronic kidney dis...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....of VSMCs under hyperphosphatemia.
- Subject Headinghyperphosphatemia medial calcification arterios...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Background/Aims: Hyperphosphatemia is a serious c......e treatment of hyperphosphatemia in CKD. Method......ion suppressed hyperphosphatemia. Conclusion: The present find...
- Subject HeadingHyperphosphatemia CKD-MBD Phosphate transporter
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....treatments for hyperphosphatemia in dialysis pa......ion to correct hyperphosphatemia are contradict......cts of PEW and hyperphosphatemia on the prognos......nce of PEW and hyperphosphatemia in patients an......el >6.0 mg/dL (hyperphosphatemia). The 5-year s......up, 57% in the hyperphosphatemia group, and 61% in the non-hyperphosphatemia group. A stati......ce between the hyperphosphatemia and non-hyperphosphatemia groups. Conclu......osis more than hyperphosphatemia in maintenance hemodialysis p...
- Subject HeadingProtein-energy wasting Hyperphosphatemia Malnutrition Nutritional diso...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...d vasodilation hyperphosphatemia chronic kidney disease