Search results 19
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingLean premixed combustion Carbon monoxide Heat loss Gas turbine combustor Flamelet approaches
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCombustor Lobe mixer Supersonic flow Pi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingNOx formation; impinging jet combustion in a ceramic combustor; heat losses
- Note (General)... impinging jet combustor with minimum h......oadings of the combustor ranged from 1.......of mixture per combustor volume. Impingement of jets o...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Headingheat transfer; rocket combustor; nickel plating; thermal re...
- Note (General)...d calorimetric combustors of different chamber length ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject measurement combustor Mach number research and deve...
- Note (General)...d. A series of combustor experiments in scramjet combustors. In the component experiment...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...ine jet engine combustor research and d......ure combustion combustor form combustor performance test engine inlet...
- Note (General)...of gas turbine combustors are described...... placed on the combustor development fo......he gas turbine combustors are also described. 資料番号: AA...
- Alternative TitleResearch and development of combustors for gas turbine and jet engi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...jet engine ram combustor ram flameholder burning flowf...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... ramjet engine combustor fuel cooled flameholder hydro...
- Note (General)... ramjet engine combustor for the space ......w-off when the combustor inlet velocity was increased ...
- Alternative TitleExperimental investigation of a fuel-cooled flameholder for a ramjet engine combustor
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...存 乱流消散火炎 CFD解析 combustor flow analysis ......pulsion ramjet combustor flow numerical flow simulatio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...ネトレーション ramjet combustor ramjet engine rocket ramjet e...
- Note (General)... fueled ramjet combustor were experimen...... center of the combustor for flame hold...... center of the combustor; this region w......section of the combustor except in the of a ramjet combustor, was smaller than that of low...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject graded type combustor ZrO2 Ni FGM combustion chambe...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...界層 保炎器 圧力分布 壁面 combustor scramjet rectangular cross se...
- Note (General)...ction scramjet combustor was carried out. The effects ...
- Alternative Title...ction scramjet combustor. Part 2: Effects of fuel inje...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...t ram combined combustor propulsion double nozzle sing...
- Note (General)...t-ram combined combustor with a total thrust of 5kN wa...
- Alternative TitleExperiment of rocket-ram combined combustor
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... cooled thrust combustor thermal barrier coating funct...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...combustion RAM combustor jet stabilized flame computer...
- Note (General)...t assisted ram combustor is developed. Favre averaged ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...matrix coating combustor rocket engine heating test hi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...xygen/hydrogen combustor heat transfer characteristic ...
- Note (General)...o LOX-hydrogen combustors. Experiments ......single-element combustors. The combustion test results...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...flow field ram combustor computer model three dimensio...
- Note (General) induced ram combustor is developed. ......w field in the combustor. Computed results showing the...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...ngine scramjet combustor chemically reacting flow reac...
- Note (General)... combustion in combustors and reactive in scramjet combustors are discussed using the mode...