Search results 42
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingEastlake, F. Warrington, 1858-1905 熊本, 謙二郎, 1...
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)イーストレーキ イーストレーキ, エフ・ワーリントン イーストレーキ, エフ・ダブルュー Eastlake, Frank Warrington
Other Libraries in Japan
- Periodical Title (NCID)AA12135771
- Alternative TitleAssessing English Proficiency of Japanese Students for Improving Link......Between Elementary and Junior High Schools in the New Courses of Study : A Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Study
- Alternative TitleAssessing English Proficiency of Japanese Students for Improving Link......Between Elementary and Junior High Schools in the New Courses of Study : A Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Study
National Diet Library
- ContentsResearching classrooms. Inclusive practitioner research: why we need it and what exploratory practice offers / DICK ALLWRIGHT Inclusivity and collegiality in exploratory practice / JUDITH HANKS Complexity and idiosyncracy of classroom life / ASSIA SLIMANI-ROLLS "Puzzle-driven"? language teacher developmen......ution of exploratory practice / INÉS K.......LER Developing a new English for academic purposes course: administrator-teacher-student collaboration / CRAIG SMITH Understanding life in the language classroom: a systemic approach / AKIRA TAJINO Researching teachers. Reflection, interaction and authenticity: towards trans...
- Subject HeadingLanguage and languages -- Study and teaching -- Congresses. Second language acquisition -- Congresses. English language -- Study and teaching -- Congre......richt. Fremdsprachenunterricht.
- Note (General)Papers presented at the first Oxford-Kobe English Education Seminar, sponsored by......titute, Kobe, Japan, and held at the Institute from 14-17 March, 2007.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsA Hope Law, Power Rememb......なコミュニケーション能力とは A new course of study approach to the integration of grammar with communicative work Paul R 著 Hope from despair Lawrence Karn 著 Law, justice, and globalization Yutaka Kitamura 著 Power relationships in James Joyce's “Eveline” Alex Shishin 著 R...... 著 田邉祐司 著 On teaching F. Scott Fitzgerald's “Babylon Revisited” to japanese university students Sawako Taniyama 著 羽井佐昭彦 著 Corpses and conspiracies, flarf and filk and filching James Francis 著 松本佳穂子 著 ......effective textual borrowing practices for second language writers Gordon Myskow, Ayako Kanamaru 著 「『英語が使える日本......動向 水野稚 著 Roles english immersion camps play Katsuhik...
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)English language--Study and teaching Hattori, Takahiko Takahiko Hattori
- Author HeadingUnderwood, Paul R 高野, 成彦 羽井佐, 昭彦
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA20721723
- Note (General)第1回配本:家族論・家族史文献集:Family studies se......ion" first installment ; 58 tit......2回配本:婦人教育論:Education studies se......on" second installment ; 76 titles 194 microfi...
- Related MaterialDas Frauenstudium im Ausland : ein über die Zulassung der Frauen zu Mittel-u......, sowie zu den akademischen Berufen in den ausserdeutschen Kulturländen Higher education for women in Great Britain Letters and advice to young girls and young ladies, on dress, education, marriage, their spher......position of woman in primitive society : a study of the matriarchy The life of the Baroness von Marenholtz-Bülow Die Frau im Kampfe ums Dasein : Ratgeber für erwe......bsbedürstige Frauen Die Frauen und ihr Beruf The case for co-education Des rapports conjugaux : considé de vue de la population, de la santé et de...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA10894452
- Related MaterialMomentum : an adult course in elementary English Listening in action : activities for developing listening in language teaching Learning to read in a multicultural society : the social context of second language literacy Grammar and the language teacher Vocabulary in action Telex English Executive skills International restaurant English Getting beginners to talk Language planning and English language teaching Starting English for business English for information systems ESP today : a practitioner's guide Language teachers at work : a description of methods Marketing Business contacts : materials for developing listening an...
- Alternative TitlePrentice Hall International English language teaching
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA03696969
- Note (General)Publisher varies; also published by Noonday Press, The Wo......Publishing Company, New American Library
- Related MaterialFilm form : essays in film theory Shakespearean tragedy : Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth Men and ideas : history, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance : essays I remember : sketch for an autobiography Ushant : an essay The annotated ancient mariner : the rime of the ancient mariner The man of the Renaissance : four lawgivers, Savonarola, Machiavelli Castiglione, Aretino On love : aspects of a single theme Abraham Lincoln, the man behind the myths Gothic architecture and scholasticism The age of fable : Bulfinch'......mythology Love and death in the American novel The human meaning of the social sciences The Jew in the medi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00483087
- Related MaterialThe OKW war diary series An autosegmental analysis of Venda tonology Bookbindings old and new : notes of a book-lover Latino employment, labor organizations and immigration Studies in social and private accounting Racial violence and law enforcement in the South Pastoral accounting in colonial Australia : a case study of unregulated accounting Vologeso, re de' Parti Alaska native policy in ......ury Modern education, textbooks and the image of the nation : politics of modernization and nationalism in Korean education, 1880-1910......en Evolution, sacrifice, and narrative : Balzac, Zola, and Faulkner The transformation of c...
- Alternative TitleGarland series
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA01151162
- Note (General)Editor: Leonard Cutts
- Related MaterialThe teach yourself history of England Teach yourself everyday French Semantics Teach yourself hockey Teach yourself salesmanship Good soil English grammar Teach yourself commercial correspondence Teach yourself journalism Teach yourself son...... Concise Dutch and English dictionary : Dutch-English/English-Dutch Teach yourself Portuguese The Italian school Teach yourself typewriting Teach yourself underwater swimming French phrase book Teach yourself German Local government Teach yourself skiing Teach yourself comparative linguistics Teach yourself speech training Japanese Teach yourself modern Persian Serbo-Croatian phrase book T...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA07152237
- Related MaterialKorean in a hurry : a quick approach to spoken korean Elementary Korean The magical power of suru : Japanese verbs made easy A guide to learning hiragana and katakana Japanese for fun : make your stay in Japan more enjoyable! The kanji handbook Contemporary Japanese : an introductory textbook for college students Beginning Japanese Kanji ABC : a systematic approach to Japanese characters Martin's pocket dictionary : English-Japanese, Japanese-English : all romanized Outrageous Japanese : slang, curses & epithets Concise English-Tagalog dictionary Elementary Vietnamese Introduction to written Japanese, katakana A Japanese reader :...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00635141
- Related MaterialStudy abroad : the experience of American undergraduates Education of teachers in Russia American higher education : servant of the peopl......tector of special interests? An integrated theory of moral development P...... in higher education Brainpower for the Cold War : the Sputnik crisis and National Defense Education Act of 1958 Assessing what professors do : an introduction to academic performance appraisal in higher education Rethinking......urriculum : toward an integrated, interdisciplinary college education Celestin F......udent outcomes assessment : a historical review and guide to program development Southern cities,...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA01121434
- Related MaterialModern Japanese literature : an anthology Ugetsu monogatari : Tales of moonlight and rain : a complete English version of the......teenth-century Japanese collection of tales of the supernatural Sang thong : a dance-drama from Thailand A programmed course on respect language in modern Japanese Chūshingura = The treasury of loyal retainers : a puppet play Japan and a new world economic order The smart executive's guide to major American cities Japanese recipes Madame de Sade : a play Tujuh cerita rakyat Jepun The Japanese : a cultural portrait Five modern Nō plays Diary of a mad old man Japanese etiquette today : a guide to ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00549731
- Related MaterialThe national library network, its economic rationale and funding A system for inter-library communication (SILC) : final report Politics and practices in the bibliographic control United States government publications Written testimony of San Francisco witnesses Manpower and educational programs for management, research and professional growth in library and information services T......responsibility for reform in higher education The search for successful secondary schools : th...... first three years of the secondary school recognition program Training effects of feedback and modeling procedures on teaching performance The growth o...
- Author HeadingEducational Resources Information Center (U.S.)
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00043018
- Related MaterialAn introduction to turbulence and its measurement Behavior management in the s......s : principles and procedures T......ium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum Economics of public finance : an economic analysis of govern......nt expenditure and revenue in t......nited Kingdom Management control Transportation planning, policy and analysis Organo-transition metal compounds and related aspects of homogeneous catalysis An Annotated reader in environmental planning and management From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe : the politics of transition Internal combustion engines : a detailed introducti......o the thermodynamics of spark and compression ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA75836666
- Related MaterialLife in the Sandwich Islands : or, the heart of the Pacific, as it was and is Religious education in the pub......hools of the state and city of New York : a historical study The tou...... of Doctor Syntax in search of the picturesque : a poem Facts about peat as an artical of fuel The Pro-slavery argument : as maintained by the mos......the southern states The principal forms of the skeleton and of the teeth A commentary on the original text of the Acts of the Apostles The botanical text-book : an introduction ...... scientific botany, both structural and systematic : for colleges, schools, and private students The Life o...
- Alternative TitleMichigan historical reprint series
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA40494089
- Related MaterialThe charter school sol......istinguishing fact from rhetoric Mathematical relationships in education : identities and participation Lesson study : professional learning for our time International perspectives on the goals of universal basic and secondary education Children's drawing and writing : the remarkable in the unremarkable Education and neoliberal globalization Technology-enhanced language learning for specialized domains : practical applications and mobility Education, philosophy and well-being : new perspectives o......of John White Participation, facilitation, and mediation : children and young people in their socia...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA41351983
- Related MaterialLanguage complexity as an evolving variable The Jarawara language of Southern Amazonia Aspect and reference time Taking form Linguistic structure and change : an explanation from language processing P......cs, phonology, and cognition The syntax of yes and no Dissolvin......prehistory of language Grammatical change : origins, nature, outcomes In name only The pho......ions Experimental approaches to phonology Grammatical constructions : their form and meaning Studying bilinguals Sound change and the history of English The phonology of standard Chinese Dynamical grammar : minimalism, acquisition, and change Categorial grammar :...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMeasurements of the efficiency and refrigeration power of p......e-tube refrigerators Intelligibility and the philosop......ree philosophical essays Traité de droit pu......tionnel, droit administratif A treatise on architecture and building con......te in Murners Satiren I rimatori lucchesi d......colo XIII : Bonagiunta Orbicciani, Gonnella Antelminelli, Bonodico, Bartolomeo, Fredi, Dotto Reali John Milton: his life and times, religious and political opinions : with an appendix, containing animadversions upon ......c Bookbinding, and the care of books : a handbook for amateurs, bookbinders & librarians The nursery rhymes of En...
- Alternative TitleForgotten Books' classic reprint series
- Alternative TitleForgotten Books' classic reprint series
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA90574973
- Note (General)Place of publication varies: La Vergne, Tenn
- Related MaterialBaltasar : a biblical drama in four acts and in verse A sketch of the ...... regium donum, and parliamentary grant to poor diss......nisters of England and Wales Record of Mr. Alcott's school,......the principles and methods of moral culture The supernatural in modern English fiction Third ......eport on the state of education in Bengal Children of the state : the training of juvenile paupers Chinese p......ild tribes of Davao district, Mindanao Maude : prose & verse Catalogue of books ......heology ecclesiastical history and canon law with an appendix of metaphysics and moral philosophy Th...... Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud : or, biblic...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA88540695
- Related MaterialJapanese notions of European political economy The Waverly gallery of the principal female characters in Sir Walter Scott's romances Across America and Asia : notes of a five years' journey around the world Leonhard Euler's Mechanik, oder, Analytische Darstellung der Wissenschaft von der Bewegung Lettres d'Auguste Comte a John Stuart Mill, 1841-1846 The Jew and other storie......istory of the wars, books V and VI The government of India A concise history, of the efforts to obtain an extension of suffrage in Rhode Island Football for public and player Technique of social surveys The Novels and tales of Henry James Dove cottag...
- Alternative TitleBiblioBazaar reproduction series