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- Alternative TitleFraser's cases and redings on personal property Cases on personal property
- Alternative TitleFraser's cases and redings on personal property Cases on personal property
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- Note (General)Description from 1975 (19th and 16th printing)....... Taintor. II" on t.p. from "Cases and readings on personal property"
- Alternative TitleFraser's cases and redings on personal property Fraser's cases on property : personal property, Taintor. introduction real property, Fraser
- Alternative TitleFraser's cases and redings on personal property Fraser's cases on property : personal property, Taintor. introduction real property, Fraser
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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....created a rich and multifaceted tradition that has been both a reckoning with American realities and an imaginative response to them. One of the great ......acular, lyric, and protest. The a......of self-assertion, as enslaved their passionate resistance ......ures the power and beauty of this......diverse tradition and its challenge ......merican poetry and culture. The v......s of each poet and notes that ill......ral references and allusions to historical events. -- ada...
- ContentsIntroduction / by Kevin You...... me in a free land: 1770-1899 Lif......6-1989 Praise songs for the day:......ane: 2009-2020 ONE: BURY ME IN A FREE LAND 1770-1899. On imagination ; On Recollection ; On the Death of t......rican Painter, on seeing his Wor......eneral Washington / Phillis Whea......oetess, in Boston / Jupiter Hammon [Bars Fight] /......'s Complaint ; On hearing of the intention of a gentleman......reedom ; Division of an estate ;......orge Moses Horton, Myself / George Moses Horton An Appeal to W......Louisa Forten Concatination [Selected Pott......rica ; Reflections / Ann Plato Armand Lanusse: Epigram ; Camille Th...
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- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Note (General)...roform collection
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- Related Material...nth symposium Nonlinear dynamics in astronomy and physics : in m......y of Henry E. Kandrup Computation for cardiovasc......rane structure and its biological applications Texas/ESO-CERN Symposium on Relativistic A......cs, Cosmology, and Fundamental Ph...... in the understanding and treatment of a......ase : clinical and biological ins......ins in biology and medicine Earthquake hazards and the design of constructed facili......tates Myelination and dysmyelination A French engin......ering realization : the development of the Rhone river basin Timing and time perception Chemistry, biology, and clinical uses of nucleoside a...
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- Related Material...r 1820 The motion of fluids, natural and artificial : i......hat of the air and water, ... : experiments and machines, by description only, might not r......matiques : ou sont inserées les ......tiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologische Fr......Élements d'astronomie Lettres su......leur distribution géographique The anatomy and philosophy of expression A treatise upon artificial ele...... générales des ondes dans les mi......x visqueux et non visqueux Memoir, containing an abridged treatise on the cultivation and manufacture, et perfectionner les vins worlds than one : the creed of the philosoph...
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- Note (General)Publisher varies: Routledge (London) Some volume h......from "ILS xxx" on back cover "Founded by Karl M...
- Related Material...ogy, legality, and personality Mobility, space, and culture Homo l...... social provision for old age in......e Danube basin and the German economic sphere Race and suicide in Adolescents and morality : a s......e moral values and dilemmas of wo......scents in the context of a chang......limate of opinion Sociology beyond societies : m......odes Organization, class and control Urbanism, colonialism, and the world-economy : cultural and spatial foundations of the world ......ciology of nationalism : tomorro......arginal situation : a sociologic...... the Soviet Union Frustration and aggression The changing socia...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of sociology ILS International library of sociology series
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- Note (General)...r varies: Thomson/West, West Academic Pub
- Related MaterialLegal research and citation International commercial arbitration : a transnational perspective ......oach Lawyering and ethics for the......ness attorney Contracts : cases and theory of contractual obligation Civil rights and constitutional litigation : cases and materials International business transactions : a problem-o......ebook Corporations and other business enterprises : cases and materials Admi......strative law : cases-text-problems ......x : a casebook on the basics International law : cases and materials practices : cases and comments The l......ness organizations : cases, materials, and problems Crit...
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- Related MaterialPower and personality Forming a g......ent under the Constitution Public goods and public policy in research and public policy Charles Willson Peale Proceedi......ecember 12, 13 and 14, 1955, Malchi, Menandri historiarum ......use : his life and work Public po......oward competition : new antitrust directions The myths of ......el for charges and fees Environmental effects ......mulating a rational public polic...... Public education : as affected ......: with suggestions as to future ......y The soviet economy in theory and practice : lec......f the celebration of the 50th an......ol of business and public administration Public ...
- Alternative TitleUMI books on demand
- Alternative TitleUMI books on demand
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... architecture, and social habits, purposes : containing a sketc...... of Chinese chronology, geograph......ernment, religion & customs : de......the use of persons who study the......language China and the Chinese : their religion, character, customs, and manufactures, political, and commercial int......l, commercial, and social : in an......ars The oldest and the newest empire : China and the United Sta......Chinese scenes and people : with ......Christian missions and missionary life in a s......n the flowery land, or, Religious notions and popular superstitions in north Chin......hina as a mission field A retrospect of politic...
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- Note (General)Place of publication: New York, Criminal law : cases and comments / by Andre A. Moenssens ... [et al.]. ...
- Related MaterialLegal methods : cases and materials Cases and materials on restitution 2003 supplement, Constitutional law, fourteenth edition Cases on United Nations law Cases and materials on patent, trademark and copyright law Intellectual property : trademark, copyright and patent law : cases and materials Cases and comments on criminal law Corporations and other business organizations : cases and materials Contract law and its application Legal ethics Studies in contract law Comparative constitutional law Securities regulation Cases and materials on pleading and procedure : State and Federal Law, medicine, and medical technology : cases an...
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- Related Material...s Neurological and neurosurgical ......: an introduction The foundations of genetics On citizenship Ho......iety, schools, and progress in Au......ciety, schools and progress in development and Europe : repor......f the International Student Move......the United Nations, Cambridge, M......ciety, schools and progress in Ni......eory Marketing and the brand manager A mode......cs with understanding Vector anal......s, scientists, and engineers Russian companion Marketing tech......dustrial relations in engineerin......p fire prevention High-voltage e...... Arthur Eddington Lectures franç......bra : a selection for sixth forms All-round sci...
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international library of s......eering The commonwealth and international library of s......ce, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international library Commonwealth and international library The American and international library of s......y, engineering and liberal studies
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international library of s......eering The commonwealth and international library of s......ce, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international library Commonwealth and international library The American and international library of s......y, engineering and liberal studies
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- Related Material'Crimes against peace' and international law War crim......nternal armed conflicts Judges, law and war : the judi......nt of international humanitarian law Transition from illegal r......under international law International law and governance of ...... resources in conflict and post-conflict situations The challenge......ur in international law Judiciar......em in international fisheries law The formation and identification of rules of cu......omary international law in international investment l......ligious hatred and international law : the prohibition of incitement ......or discrimination Cooperation in the law of tra...
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- Related MaterialGrammatical hierarchy and linear precedence Information spreading and levels of representation in LFG Situation semantics and semantic interpretation in constraint-based g......mmars Planning and the stability of intention Communicative ......ems The situation in logic II : conditions and conditional information Sheaf semantics for concurrent interac......language : Action approach to th......ce of computational linguistics Events and "logical form" Modal foundations for predicate......eories of emotion Epsilon substitution method for ele......cedence in discontinuous constituents : complex fronting in German The structures ...
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- Note (General) in medieval and reformation thought" in medieval and Reformation traditions : history, culture, religion, ideas Series editor of v. 23...
- Related MaterialWurzeln der Reformation in Zürich : Zwingli Art and architecture o......orthern Europe and the British Is......enordnung für London (1555) und die reformierte Konfessionsbildung Emotions and health, 1200-1700 Consilium theologicum privatim conscriptum Via Au......, Renaissance, and Reformation : essays in honor of Damasus T......tacle : ritual and ideology at We......sticum Liberty and religion : church and state in Leiden's reformation, 1572-1620 Que......the Habsburgs, and the Holy Roman......ity, denominational plurality, and corporative po......) De arte dubitandi et confidendi, ignorandi et sciendi Art and politics ...
- Alternative TitleStudies in medieval and Reformation traditions SMRT Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions : history, culture, religion, ideas
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAn introduction to turbulence and its measuremen......s : principles and procedures The......smium, iridium and platinum Economics of : an economic analysis o......nt expenditure and revenue in Management control Transportation planning, policy and analysis Organo-transition metal compounds and related aspect......reader in environmental planning and management Fro......ics of transition Internal combustion engines : a de......iled introduction to the thermod......amics of spark and compression ignition engines, their design and development The Political economy of EEC relations with African, Caribbean and ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...em of medieval and Renaissance Fl......diæval Switzerland French freemasonry under the Third Republic Econimics and politics Maryland, 1720-1750 and the public ser......der Fashoda reconsidered : the i......estic politics on French policy : humanists and churchmen on the eve of the Reformation God in La Manc......ligious reform and the people of administration in the state of Maryland South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia A spi......alty jurisdiction Studies in state taxation with particula......26 The self-reconstruction of Maryland, 1864-1867 Wor......en's compensation in Maryland The agrarian movement in Nort...
- Alternative TitleJohns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science
- Alternative TitleJohns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science