Search results 13
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingHungarian literature.
- Title Heading...ol of Slavonic and East European ......ries: language and literature.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ecameron Pride and prejudice The ......tles of Athlin and Dunbayne The e......ical economy ; and Chapters on so......rogress Modern Verse, 1900-1940 The...... Brown, Jones, and Robinson The R......ry old French 'prose Tristan' Confe......tion in France and other now Poems and plays of Rober......ory of society and its relation t......Aspern papers, and other stories ......illes Speeches and documents on i...... 1918-1937 Alexander's bridge Vil......ties of London and Westminister i......ected speeches and documents on B......letar : lyrics and ballads after ......Hamlyn New Zealand short stories : second series...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSerbo-Croatian prose and verse : a selection ......ammar Rumanian prose and verse : a selection ......grammar Polish prose and verse : a selection ......ductory essay Handbook of Old Church Slavonic Hungarian prose and verse : a selection ......ry essay Texts and glossary Bulgarian prose and verse : a selection with an introdu...
- Alternative TitleLondon East European series (language and literature)
- Alternative TitleLondon East European series (language and literature)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...2, 1813, 1814, and 1815 ; with other poems, and notes Ariana and Maud The vale of Apperley ; and, Other poems W......l poets of England, from Spenser ...... heir Literary and miscellaneous ...... : a romance ; and Ancient times ......ry-Lane The island, or, Christian and his comrades Live and learn Chinese ......added proverbs and moral maxims, ......lassical books and other sources ......y quarters P's and Q's or ; The q......ion, in poetry and prose, from the work......etches, scenes and narratives : c......nes, sketches, and tales The occasions : and including the ......between Yorick and Eliza : to which are added, a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...terature, film and the culture in......e geopolitical and imaginary bord......en the Balkans and Europe The cri......Emigranten und anderes Österreich......itical edition and translation of......n the magic island , and, The diamond o......a-Herzegovina, and the Western Ba......tle : the self and the other Mari......d Werk Elektra and her sisters : ......itzler, Freud, and Hofmannsthal K...... reminiscences and writings of Ma...... Ferenc Molnar and the Austro-Hungarian "fin de siècle......hsen" : growth and decay in Ingeb...... theme, style, and structure in t......l In transit : prose and verse in German and English A...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...: "Robin Hood" and the "king's la......cum meneghini, and other spherica......ccales Whitman and Rolleston : a ......rammar, texts, and lexicon : base......onant quantity and phonological u......ywright, poet, and preacher Rush ......ography Purism and language : a s......dern Ukrainian and Belorussian na......onian Mongolia and the Mongols St......n experimental and historical stu......between Russia and Europe, 1400 t......onetic introd. and vocabulary Lit......ctionary, in reverse listing The Ka...... in continuity and change Studies...... Confederation and the Great Powe......940-43 Latvian and Finnic linguistic convergence...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nce in Chaucer and his contempora...... in Guthlac II and their relation......esponsibility, and renunciation i......teenth-century verse Epinikion : ge...... voice Harmony and the poet : the......ality Ceremony and art : Robert H......ture Structure and texture : sele......Marlowe : poet and playwright : s......vocalic timbre and chroneme patte...... Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra Form......sodic elements and style in Germa......self-knowledge and the springs of......f animal trope and symbol The opp...... : their media and ends : a principles and preoccupations Rhyme effects and rhyming figures : a comparati...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Lermontov's verse and prose Kedang : a stu......ued by British and German Governments and their political and commercial con......cheslav Ivanov and Dante : reflec......of measurement and associated dis......nited Kingdom, and the United Sta......y of knowledge and the curriculum......lic of Germany and the Soviet Union, and the policy of ...... bankers Women and social change ......e Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia......eputy headship and headship in a ......slam The short-and long -term det......nants of money and bank credit ma...... The agitation and propaganda work of the C......hnology policy and firm learning efforts in less...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe social and religious desi...... J.S. Bach's Brandenburg concerto......, set theories and the foundation......public opinion and political part......own : the rise and retreat of sch......sical fashions and fictions The in his time and ours : designi......panese history and ritual Pocketb......eation of nonstandard analysis : a personal and mathematical o......ocratic peace, and democratic int......ce, affluence, and U.S. foreign philosophy, and policy The thr......erican fiction and white-collar w......x, manifestos, and the avant-gard......ial knowledge, and the origins of......ling dominoes, and other adventures in applied m...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the......rxist analyses and social anthrop......tory of infant and nursery educat......ple, resources and power Plato to......uage, schools, and classrooms Int......onal business handbook Social pol......, collectivism and the origins resources and disequilibrium......n trade theory and policy, 1909-1......epresentations and the semantics ......rm, tradition, and transformation......ucation in England German pronunciation and phonology Fren......text The banks and the monetary s......-1971 English landed society in t......son : the life and thought of Wil......dings Anaphora and semantic interpretation The a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...axson languade and Literature" (v......glish language and Literature" (v......: Anthropology and sociology), 07404557 (series ...
- Related Material...e of narrative and authorial voic......Neale Hurston, and Alice Walker F......ural Meyerhold and his set designers Authority and obedience : Ro......rn Japan Villasandino y su hablan......mance practice and the piano sona......istence of God and evil Critical ......s of Aristotle and Saint Thomas A......onial cultures and literatures : modernity and the (un)Commonwealth Fables and aphorisms Euge......lory, Spenser, and Shakespeare So......busch Ideology and art : theories......e : John Almon and the politics o......rn translation and critical inter......a : continuity and change Konráđs......rose symbolism and rose metaphors in view of Ril...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTale type- and motif-indexes : a history and bibliography R......raphy Folklore and literature of photographs and slides of The rainbow and Women in love ...... : a selective and critical bibli......Yanagita Kunio and the folklore m......onal character and distinctivenes......nish, English, and Caló Teaching ......icular reform, and the culture wa......e Round Table, and the Holy Grail Parties and politics in writing A handlist to James J......eories of play and postmodern fiction Hungarian folktales : th......otated primary and secondary bibl......) : literature and the emergence of national ide...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the huma...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the huma...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher (and distributor) varies
- Related Material... women, church and social change ...... Swedish firms and developing cou...... aspect, tense and actionality Gnostica, Mandaica, liturgica......rale Labraunda and Karia : procee......tters, History and Antiquities, S......ft = Education and entertainment ...... Swedish wind bands during the la......telalterliche Handschriften der U......utures trading and international ......eing religious and living iconography and iconology : a ......of imperialism and the First Worl......on-contractual and contractual li...... uralische Verwandte? : eine spra......rganizations Standardization and orthography in ...