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National Diet Library
- Toc / ArticleTable of Contents Foreword Introduction Shinya Ouchi Profes......uate School of Law, Kobe Universi......ate School for Law and Politics Unive......pan Decentralizing Decentralized Industrial Relations?: the Role of <br>Labor Unions and Employee Representatives in Japan/ 1 Hidey......any Decentralizing Industrial Relations and the Role of Labor <br>Unions and Employee Repre......ty of Hagen 3. France Collective Relations in France: A Multi-layered System in Mutation/ 33 J......aly Decentralizing Industrial Relations and the Role of Labor Unions <br>and Employee Repre...... L. Bocconi 5. United Kingdom Worker Representation in ...
- ContentsJapan Decentralizing decentralized industrial relations? by Hideyuki M......any Decentralizing industrial relations and the role of labor unions and employee repre...... by Bernd Waas France Collective relations in France by Julien Mour......izio Del Conte United Kingdom Worker representation in the U.K. by Catherine Barnard United States Decentralizing industrial relations by Thomas Kohl......centralisation and 'deregulation' of labour relations through 'ultra......Forsyth Taiwan The roles of labor unions and employee repre......ntation system in Korea by Sukwan Choi
- Note (General)"Held on February 21, 2006, in Tokyo"--Foreword
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book is the first critique of the widespread and dominant political economy in which central banks set interest rates to zero and engage in unorthodox mon......uantitative easing) while ministries of finance run large ......udget deficits and accumulate debt
- Contents...t of Figures 1 The New Abnormal L......Macroeconomics in Crisis Globali......v Parochialism and other Dichotomies Covid-19 Pandemic Behavioral......Macroeconomics Theory in Brief The Chapters Ahead...... Macroeconomic Theory went wrong ......ural'' Rate of Interest The Natural Rate of Interest in the Neoclassical Growth Model The Dynamics of the Natural Rate of Interest Accumula......ion with Money The New Keynesian ......el Taylor Rule The Missing Link in New Keynesian Theory Filtered Ou......aps Output Gap and Natural Rate Theory Walras' Law Quantitative Easing Balance Sheets Money and Credit The Bond Market Quanatitive Easin...
- Subject Heading...uantitative easing (Monetary policy) Interest rates Finance, Public Po......́taire) Taux d'intérêt Finances publiques
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingLabor laws and legislation -- France. Labor laws and legislation -- United States.
- Related MaterialMichigan international labor studies
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- Note (General)... series title: Institute for Labour Relations, Catholic Univ...... Series editor in chief: R. Blanpain Began with 1975 vol Continues: Bulletin / Instituut voor Ar...... of <v. 30- >: The Hague, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International , 1...... aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International ; Austin, Tex. : Wolter...... 79-80): Bulletin of comparative labor relations
- Related MaterialSmoking and the workplace White paper on the labor market in Italy, the quality of European industrial relations, and changing industrial relations Individual labour......human rights : the contributions of the European Court......mployee rights and industrial justice Unions and industrial relations : recent trends and prospect : a c...... productivity, investment in human capital and youth employme......e developments and global respons......w developments in employment discrimination law Employee rights in bankruptcy : a comparative-law assessment The globalization of labour standards : the soft law track : Global Compact, ILO P...
- Alternative TitleBulletin of comparative labor relations
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialInformation technology as business history : issues in the history and management of computers The econometrics o......itical economy in transition : from Lenin to Gorbachev The intellectual legacy of Thorstein Veblen : unres......y : with guidelines for the economic and social development of the USSR for 1981-1985 and for the period ending in 1990 Dollars through the doors : a pre-...... of bank marketing in America The Politics of industrial recrui......ese automobile investment and economic development in the American states Comparative industrial relations in Europe The pillage of sustainability in Eritrea, 1600s-1990s : rural ...
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- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphle...
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphle...
- Note (General)Accompanied by printed guide with ......tle: Pamphlets in American histo......aphic guide to the microform collection
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- Related MaterialEconomic methods of utilizing western ligni......s Treatment of the tungsten ores ...... of explosives in the United States with especial reference to the administration of the explosives act......ber 6, 1917 by the Bureau of Mines Electric furnaces for making iron and steel Bureau of Mines research on recycling scrapped auto......aracterization and processing The selection of explosives used in engineering and mining operations The entropies of inorganic substan......y of petroleum and allied substances, 1921 The free energies ......f vaporization and vapor pressures of inorganic substances Crushing and grinding Analyses Underg...
- Alternative TitleBulletin - United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines
- Alternative TitleBulletin - United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines
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- Related Material...chichte der rheinischen Vulkane : ein Bericht an die......Trier für 1820 The motion of fluids, natural and artificial : in particular that of the air and water, ... : with plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whichines, which by de......Opere Versuch einer Geschichte d...... Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou sont inserées les memoires mathematiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geo......ux hémisphères The anatomy and philosophy of ......x Memoir, containing an abridged treatise on the cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L'art......ectionner les vins Ursprung der Bergwerke in Sachsen, aus than one : the creed of the philosopher and ...
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- Related MaterialThe Motion picture in its economic and social aspects Russia since Stalin: old trends and new problems F......onal migration and the emergence of new minorities The American industrial opport......n control : an international com......tions to crime and violence Partn......for progress : international China social and economic conditions The second Industrial Revolution and its significan......n : modern selling : a dynamic wealth producing force Social ......ontribution by the aging The cost of living Immigration and American publi......olicy Problems in banking and finance Proceedings of the Conference of Americ...
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
National Diet Library
- ContentsOn the causes of war ......le de Laveleye The law and custom of C. Brodrick The present aspect of the land question / by ......illiam Fowler Financial reform /......een Great Britain and Germany / by Julius Faucher The English coinage question / by John Prince Smith Trade-unions, and the relations of capital and labor / by Joseph Gostick The colonial quest......Thorald Rogers The recent financial, industrial and commercial experience of the United States : a curious chapeter in politico-econo......cial policy of France, and the treaty with England of 1860.
- Author Heading...b (London, England)
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- Related MaterialLabor relations and the law in West Germany and the United States : a comparative study Labor relations and the law in Belgium and the United States : a comparative study Labor relations and the law in Italy and the United States : a comparative study Labor relations and the law in the United Kingdom and the United States : a comparative study Labor relations and the law in France and the United States : a comparative study
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- Related MaterialCulture in the domains of law Lost in China? : law, culture and identity in post-1997 Hong Kong Law, violence and sovereignty am......est Bank Palestinians Cultures o......udicialization and political activism in Latin America Investing in authoritarian ......e : punishment and patronage in Rwanda's Gacaca cour...... crimes Revisiting the law and governance of trafficking, forced labor and modern slavery......l legal orders The invention of the passport : sur......e, citizenship and the state Diseases of the will : alcohol and the dilemmas of freedom Indigeneity and legal pluralism in India : claims, histories, meanings Law and globalization from ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Edited by the Faculty of Pol......sity Edited by the University Faculty of Politic...
- Related MaterialWage differentials : the case of the unskilled The recognition policy of the United States The peaceable Amer......1861 : a study in public opinion The I.W.W. : a stu......dicalism Crime in its relations to social progress Treaties, their making and enforcement The civil war and reconstruction in Florida The ratification of the federal constitution in North Carolina The syndical and corporative institutions of Italian fascism The economic theory of cost of living index numbers Early New England towns : a comp......ative study of their development Intermarriage in New York City ......tical study of the amalgamation of European peop...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAmerican conservatives : the political thou......Francis Lieber and John W. Burgess The distribution of incomes in the United States The theory of fluctuations in contemporary e......hought Studies in the theory of welfare economics The economic theory of cost of living index numbers A h......ary government in newly acquired territory of the United States Clearing and collections : foreign and domestic Heresy and inquisition in Narbonne Engli......y : a study of the relations of central and local government Canadian labor laws and the treaty France and the Saar, 1680-1948 The Whig Party in Pennsylvania Devolution in Great Britain Legal developme...
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- Note (General)Editor: Herbert B. Adams Publisher varies: Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins Press
- Related MaterialErin's daughters in America : Iris......mmigrant women in the nineteenth century The criminal law system of medieval and Renaissance Fl......cipal problems in mediæval Switzerland French freemasonry under the Third Republic Econimics and politics Maryland, 1720-1750 and the public service...... Daniel Dulany the elder Fashoda reconsidered : the impact of dome...... French policy in Africa, 1893-1......sance humanism in papal Rome : humanists and churchmen on the eve of the Reformation God in La Mancha : religious reform and the people of Cuen......of judicial administration in the state of Maryland South Carolina, Maryland, and...
- Alternative TitleJohns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMarried women's property in Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman law, and the origin of the common-law dower The social basis o......tion Economics in elementary schools The alcohol question in Switzerland The significance of a decreasing birth-rate Ho......ave bimetalism The local governme......ry communities in Prussia Cost and utility Econom......moral progress The beginnings of the Connecticut monopolies Land transfer reform The George Junior Republic The effects of experiments in the Swiss democrac......medy for gerrymandering The formation of the Greater New Yo......charter Silver in China, and its relation to Ch...
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- Related MaterialThe framework of a lasting peace Builders of peace : being ten years' history of the Union of Democratic Control The psychology and strategy of Gandhi's nonviolent......esistance Fighting for peace : the story of the war resistance......racter "Bad" : the story of a con......ector, as told in the letters of Har......old Conscience and the state : legal and administrative probl...... 1943-1944 ; printed with The conscientious objector and the law The war in cartoons The Learned Blacksmith : the letters and journals of Elihu Burritt . and, A congress of nations The United States and the World Court . ......t's wrong with international law ? . The legal ...
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- Note (General)The series was formerly known as "Studies in history, economics and public law"
- Related MaterialFarmers and workers in American politics Privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States India's demand for transporta......ilway monopoly and rate control The Puritan frontier town-planting in New England colonial devel......1660 Valuation and rate-making : the conflicting theories of the Wisconsin Railroad Commi......h a chapter on the uncertainty of the United States Supreme Court decisions, and a concluding chapter on the need of a revised principle of utilit......luation An hypothesis of populati......owth Sociology and education : an analysis of the theories of Spencer and Ward Sieyes: his life and his...
- Alternative TitleColumbia University studies in the social science Columbia studies in the social sciences
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- Related MaterialThe biographic reg......ster General ; The British Commonwealth ; The far East Diplomacy for the 70's : a progr......ent reform for the Department of ......lics : Central and South America The quest for peace : principal United States public statements and related documents on the Arab-Israeli p......ess, 1967-1983 The United States - Japan Commit...... Cooperation : the second five ye......stern Europe : the Soviet Union China Vietnam, Janu......ry-August 1968 The American Republics Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreements of the United States in force on January 1, 1995 United States policy in the Korean C...
- Alternative TitleUnited States Department of ......ublications of the Department of State
- Alternative TitleUnited States Department of ......ublications of the Department of State