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- Note (General)Managing editor, Ryszard Wójcicki ; editors, Petr Hájek ... [et al.] Publisher varies: Springer
- Related MaterialThe convergence of scientific knowl...... : a view from the limit Logics and falsifications : a new perspective on constructivist semantics Probabilistic logic in a coherent setting Advances in proof-theoretic semantics Topological and algebraic structures in fuzzy sets : a handbook of recent developments in the mathematics of fuzzy sets Cut elimination in categories Advanced Łukasiewicz calculus and MV-algebras Gentzen calcul......for modal propositional logic Descriptor revision : belief ch......rect choice Constructive negations and paraconsistency Triangular norms Adaptive logics for defeasible reasoning : applications ...
- Author HeadingWójcicki, Ryszard Hájek, Petr
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- Related MaterialNeue Beiträge zur Geschichte der rheinischen Vulkane : ein Bericht an die Gesellschaft nüsslicher Forschungen zu Trier für 1820 The motion of fluids, natural and artificial : in particular that of the air and water, ... : with plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whichines, which by description only, ......ended Opere Versuch einer Geschichte der Pflanzenwelt Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou sont inserées les memoires mathematiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologische Fragen Untersuchungen über thierische Elektricität Élements d'astronomie Lettres sur les roches du jura et leur distribution géographique dans le...
- Author HeadingHartley, Harold, Sir Roller, Duane H. D. (Duane Henry Du Bose)
- Author Heading (ID)DA15940101
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- Note (General)v. 634: Annals index 1988/1989:Compiled by Vanc...
- Related MaterialCooley's anemia : seventh symposium Nonlinear dynamics in astronomy and physics : in memory of Henry E. Kandrup Computation for cardiovascular research Membrane structure and its biological applications Texas/ESO-CERN Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Fundamental Physics Advances in the understanding and treatment of asthma HIV-associated cardiovascular disease : clinical and biological insights The role of I[131]-labeled proteins in biology and medicine Earthquake hazards and the design of constructed facilities in the eastern United States Myelination and dysmyelination A French engineering realization : the devel...
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- Note (General)Publisher varies: Evanston, Ill. : Chi......ent Publications (of the Society for Research in Child Developm....... Ill. : University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Developm......nt ; Malden, Mass. : Blackwell
- Related MaterialPersistence and change in personality patterns Developmental trajectories of children's adjustment across the transition to siblinghood : pre-birth predictors and sibling outcomes at one year Ma......ritical review of the literature A f......w-up normative study of Negro intelligence and achievement Mental growth and personality develop......nt : a longitudinal study Guided participation in cultural activity by toddlers and caregivers Adolescent siblings in stepfamilies : family functioning and adolescent adjustment Behavioral correlates of breast-bottle regimes under varing parent-infant relationships Vocabulary of 2-year-olds...
- Alternative TitleSRCD
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- Related MaterialLipid oxidation in food Natural organic matter and disinfection by-products : characterization and control in drinking water Medicinal inorganic chemistry Synthetic macromolecules with higher structural order Understanding greenhouse gas emissions from agricultu...... microbial polysaccharides : a symposium co-sponsored by the Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry and the Division of Microbial and Biochemical Technology at the 172nd meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Calif., August 30-31, 1976 Mechanisms and synthetic methodologies Supercomputers in chemistry : based on a symposium cosponsored by the ACS Div...
- Author HeadingAmerican Chemical Society
- Author Heading (ID)DA00350159
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- Related MaterialA guide to Francis Galton's English men of science Description of the Church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople La culture et la civilisation britanniques devant l'opinion française de la paix d'......echt aux lettres philosophiques, 1713-1734 Anatomy of the rat The painted medallions in the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris Bernard de Fontenelle : the idea of science in the French Enlightenment Spain and the American Civil War : relations at mid-century, 1855-1868 The famine plot persuasion in eighteenth-century France The Imperial Library in southern Sung China, 1127-1279 : a study of the organization and operation of the scholarly ag...
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philosophical Society held at ......phia for Promoting Useful Knowledge
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philosophical Society held at ......phia for Promoting Useful Knowledge
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- Related MaterialCurrent problems of mathematics : mathematical analysis, algebra, topo......y : collection of papers dedicated to akademician Lev Semenovich Pontryagin on his seventy-fifth birthday Spectral theory of automorphic functions Topology : a collection of papers Orthogonal series and approximation of functions : collection of papers dedicated to the one-hundredth birthday of Academician N.N. Luzin Distributive lattices and their applications in complex analysis A method of averaging in the theory of orthogonal series and some problems in the theory of bases Theory and applications of differentiable functions of several variables. VIII An...
- Alternative TitleТруды ордена Ленина и ордена Октябрьской Революции Математического института имени В. А. Стеклова Труды Математического института им. В.А. Стеклова
- Alternative TitleТруды ордена Ленина и ордена Октябрьской Революции Математического института имени В. А. Стеклова Труды Математического института им. В.А. Стеклова
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- Note (General)...): Lecture notes in operations research and mathematical economics <BA03749555> V......): Lecture notes in operations research and mathematical systems. <BA03806637>
- Related Material... Verfahren und Systeme", Hamburg,......73 An economic theory of cities : spatial models with capital, knowledge, and structures Metaheuristics for multiobjective optimisation Control systems and mathematical methods in economics : essays in honor of Vladimir M. Veliov Optimal subset selection : multiple regression, interdependence, and optimal network algorithms Fiscal policies in a general equi...... model with persistent unemployme......ective programming and goal programming : theories and applications Network economics and the allocation of savings : a model of peering in the voice-over-IP ......lecommunications market Approximate behavior o...
- Alternative TitleLNEMS
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- Note (General)Publisher varies: Science Press, Springer Kluwer Academic Publishers incorporates the publishing programmes of D. Reidel, Martinus Nijhoff, Dr W. Junk and MTP Press NCID:AA1104006......:AA11045822 -- Soviet series
- Related MaterialOrdinary and stochastic differential geometry as a tool for mathematical physics Dimensions of ring theory Limit theorems for large deviations Algorithms for elliptic problems : efficient sequential and parallel solvers Enumerative theory of maps Solitons in molecular systems Complete minimal surfaces of finite total curvature Lightlike submanifolds of semi-Riemannian manifolds and applications Differential equations and nonlinear mechanics Inverse Stefan problems Superanalysis Selected topics in algebra and its interrelations with logic, number theory, and algebraic geometry Inconsistent mathematics Opial inequalities with...
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- Note (General)Edited by A. Dold and B. Eckmann
- Related MaterialQuantum Lie theory : a multilinear approach Families of meromorphic functions on compact Riemann surfaces Nilpotent groups Algebraic K-theory, Evanston 1980 : proceedings of the conference held at Northwestern University, Evanston, March 24-2......1980 Algebraic structure of knot modules Optimal period......librium problems in many-particle systems : lectures given at the 3rd Session of the Centro internazionale matematico estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Montecatini, Italy, June 15-27, 1992 Siegel's modular forms and dirichlet series : Course given at the University of Maryland, 1969-1970 Commutative rings whose finitely generated mo...
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- Related MaterialInvestigation of free boundary and related problems Clans Real algebraic curves Some convexity theorems for eigenvalues of Fredholm integral equations Wiener-Hopf equations of matrix valued functions on the n-torus A probability bound for integrals with respect to stochastic processes with independent increments A note on the ergodic theorem Infinite boundary value problems for surfaces of constant mean curvature Absolute equivalence of matrix methods Convergence rates for the central limit theorem A representation theorem for additive functionals Ultraspaces and the lattice of topologies On tests of symmetry for continuous ...
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- Related MaterialDifferential topology : first steps Stochastic modeling : analysis & simulation Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, and the golden section : theory and applications Symmetries and Laplacians : introduction to harmonic analysis, group representations and applications Optimal control and estimation Introduction to field theory Differential games : a mathematical theory with applications to warfare and pursuit, control and optimization Functions of a complex variable Data structures & algorithm analysis in Java Philosophy of mathematics and deductive structure in Euclid's Elements The philosophy of set theory : an historical introducti...
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- Related MaterialThe theory of groups and quantum mechanics The theory of spinors Axiomatic set theory The chemistry of uranium : the element,its binary and related compounds Matrices and transformations A combinatorial introduction to topology Introduction to d......erence equations : with illustrative examples from economics, psychology, and sociology Statistics manual : with examples taken from ord......tational methods of linear algebra Radiative transfer The theory of group representations Transcendental and algebraic numbers Mathematical foundations of statistical mechanics Metric affine geometry What is mathematical logic? Numerical...
- Alternative TitleDover books on intermediate and advanced mathematics
- Alternative TitleDover books on intermediate and advanced mathematics
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- Note (General)Title change (c2013?-): Boston studies in the philosophy and history of science Edited by Robert S. Cohen, Marx W. Wartofsky (1960-1997) Editors of v. 220 (c2001): Robert S. Cohen, Jürgen Renn, Kostas Gavroglu Editors of v. 303(c2014),......5 (c2015)-: Alisa Bokulich, Robert S. Cohen, Jürgen Renn, Kostas Gavroglu Also published by Kluwer Academic, and Springer
- Related MaterialTools and modes of representation in the laboratory sciences Incommensurability and related matters The structure of appearance History of artificial cold, scientific, technological and cultural issues The natural background of meaning Transformation in the writing : a case of surrender-and-catch Logic, mathematics, physics and history of science : essays in honor of Hugues Leblanc A pragmatist orientation for the social sciences in climate policy : how to make integrated economic assessments serve society Goethe and the sciences : a reappraisal Bohmian mechanics and quantum theory : an appraisal The scientist's atom and th...
- Alternative TitleBSPS Boston studies in the philosophy and history of science
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- Related MaterialPhilosophy, dialogue, and education : nine modern European philosophers Education, knowledge and truth : beyond the postmodern impasse Derrida and education Education, science and truth Social reconstruction learning : dualism, Dewey and philosophy in schools The aims of education Education and work in Great Britain, Germany and Italy Philosophical discussion in moral education : the community of ethical inquiry Epistemology and the predicates of education : building upon a process theory of learning Flourishing as the aim of education : a neo-Aristotelian view Parallels and responses to curricular innovation : the possibilities o...
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- Note (General)Publisher varies: Springer
- Related MaterialMultiscalar processors Wavelet image and video compression Scalar diffracti......aperture Wireless multimedia net......ork technologies Probability distributions involving Gaussian random variables : a handbook for engineers and scientists Symbolic analysis of analog circuits : techniques and applications : a special issue of analog integrated circuits and signal processing Learning from good and bad data Photo......fractive effects and materials Synchronous programming of reactive systems Reasoning with complex cases Stochastically-based semantic analysis Systematic modeling and analysis of telecom frontends and their building blocks Wir...
- Alternative TitleKluwer international series in engineering and computer science SECS
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- Related MaterialApplied electromagnetism Mathematics through geometry : an inquiry into the place of geometry in the school mathematics syllabus Neurological and neurosurgical nursing : an introduction The foundations of genetics On citizenship How to find out about literature Society, schools, and progress in Australia The efficient port A modern view of the criminal law Society, schools and progress in the U.S.A African development and Europe : report of a seminar of the International Student Movement for the United Nations, Cambridge, March 1966 Society, schools and progress in Nigeria The old quantum theory Marketing and the brand manager A mode...
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international library of science, technology, engineering The commonwealth and international library of science, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international lib......y Commonwealth and international library The American and international library of science, technology, engineering and liberal studies
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international library of science, technology, engineering The commonwealth and international library of science, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international lib......y Commonwealth and international library The American and international library of science, technology, engineering and liberal studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialHistoire generale des choses de la Nouvelle-Espagne The inner life of Syria, Palestine and the Holy land Physiology and hygiene : with......ractical exercises by Buel P. Colton and Louis Murbach The revenge : a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants An essay on the history of civil An Excursion in Bosnia, Hercegovina, and Dalmatia The little ballet ......fact Meditations on the Life of Christ Democracy and social ethics (1902) Select private orations of Demosthenes The union of England and Scotland : a study of international history The children's Bible history A view of the A...
- Alternative TitleThousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger legacy reprints Legacy reprint series Kessinger's legacy reprints
- Alternative TitleThousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger legacy reprints Legacy reprint series Kessinger's legacy reprints
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- Related MaterialGirolamo Savonarola: a prophet of righteousness The homilies of the Anglo-Saxon church : the first part, containing the Sermones catholici, or, Homilies of Ælfric : in the original Anglo-Saxon, with an English version Walt Whitman's children Collected writings Luke the physician : the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the the Apostles Pvrchas his pilgrimage, or relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages and places discouered, from the Creation vnto this present Defence of usury Experience and nature Is this theosophy? : (1936) Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore : comprising their life and work as rec...
- Alternative TitleRare mystical reprints Kessinger publishing's rare reprints Kessinger Publishing's rare reprints : thousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger's rare reprints
- Alternative TitleRare mystical reprints Kessinger publishing's rare reprints Kessinger Publishing's rare reprints : thousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger's rare reprints