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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ual sites like the Colosseum and ......y 3,000 years, the Rome of the Caesars has given way to the Rome of the Popes, the Rome of the Grand Tourists......ations down to the present. Along the way, it has al......become perhaps the most frequently mapped city on the planet. This book is the first ever pub......nglish to tell the story of Rome ......izations, and other images-all pr......hat illuminate the themes of that era. From the city's first walls ......rd millennium, the Romes depicted in these maps all live on in the city that millions still visit and...
- Contents...and reality Further reading Chapt...... Rome A walled city Urban district......r Two: Rome of the Caesars Destin......aking sense of the shattered past Filling in the gaps A model city Chapter Three: Rome of the Popes Sacred b......ecular symbols The medieval cityscape Pathos an...... Rome reborn A city ready for its close-up The city seen through a......ide-angle lens The city measured A pan...... Five: Rome of the scholars Archa...... ancient Roman theme park A ghost......r Six: Rome of the saints and pilgrims The way of the faithful Scene......rimage map for the modern era Cha......Seven: Rome of the grand tourists Rome as theate...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents..., S.J. Book 1. The crumbling and ......nd rhetoric in The City of God / and demons: the eternal framing of the two cities / J......oks 13 and 14. The incomprehensibility of the fall and its c......on history for the citizens of God's city / Jonathan P. Augustine's City of God / Micha......eeney Book 19. The ends of the two cities: Au...... O.P. Book 20. The last day: judg......oks 21 and 22. The end of the body: heaven and hell in The City of God / David......unter Epilogue The architectonic plan of The City of God / John C. Cavadini
- Note (Content)Augustine of Hippo's The City of God is gene......d to be one of the key works of L...... brought about the decline of Rom...... here explores themes in history,...... and Christian theology, and argues for the truth of Chris...... insights into The City of God. Offeri......ooks chapters, they sequentially ......ically explore The City of God as a wh...... Collectively, these essays demonstrate the development's argument. The volume will be......d contemporary theology, philosop...... and political theory
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCity planning -- Italy -- Rome Rome (Italy)...
- Subject Heading (ID)City planning -- Italy -- Rome Rome (Italy)...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...aphic guide to the microform collection
- Related MaterialA study of the physical vigor......ntury calendar The evolution of the family The Brugoyne campa......s delivered on the battle-field on the one hundredth celebration of the battle of Bemi......rade unions in the United States The American Civil......ter concerning the drafting of 18......r olds] Report The church state p......s and colleges The authentication of the Declaration of......port, 1965. -- The principles for which the American Revol......address before the Ohio Society, Sons of the Revolution, delivered at the Queen City Club, Cincinna......ity parties on the ballot : a sur......y parties, together with recommended legislation...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Trier für 1820 The motion of flui......icular that of the air and water,...... Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou s......les memoires mathematiques ... Ne......ux hémisphères The anatomy and ph......ificial electricity ... Recherches......ed treatise on the cultivation than one : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the Christian la statique The foot-prints of the creator : or, The asterolepis of......lle vipere ... The curious distillatory : or, The art of distill......als. A thing hitherto known by fe......l: relating to the production of ...... and cold. Together with several experiments upo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...d is beautiful The enigma of arri......iage Dot.con : the greatest story......ever sold When the United States ......n First nights The tenth gift That certain age The Penguin book of Southern African stor....... Tell no lies The struggles of and power : the place of sugar......n's universe : the layperson's gu......astle in Spain The rains came The Spanish Armada The Penguin book of facts The king My sister......Sea mammals of the world Nairn's ......ressing up for the carnival Of mi...... is back : how the global is changing the world A passage to India The Arabs : a hist......Elizabeth II : the steadfast Lord Jim : a tale T...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ban government The autumn of central Paris : the defeat of town planning, 1850-1970 and home in the Victorian city : working, 1850-1914 The provincial tow......d : a study of the building process, 1740-1820 The eternal slum : housing and social pol...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe empire of ster......e de Staël and the idea of Italy Mazzini and the origins of fascism The failure of Ita......n nationhood : the geopolitics of......ubled identity City and Nation in the Italian unification : the national festi......r Mussolini In the society of fas......Italy Italy on the Pacific : San ......e : rebuilding the eternal city Thinking Itali......: marriage and the making of mode......ans, 1860-1974 The missing Italia......mory Women and the Great War : fe......olitionism and the persistence of......ture Italy and the military : Mussolini : the making of a po......nce in Italy : planning a state of happiness from lib...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe clement vision......Discipline and the classroom teac......ican symbiosis The last chopper : the denouement of the American role ......f a politician The ethics of deli......te death Up to the front of the line : Blacks in the American polit......n criticism in the twentieth century : theological approa......ure New York : the centennial yea...... urban America The venture of form in the novels of Virg...... Socialism and the cities Militar......itizenship and the Constitution, ......rban police in the United States ......ry explication The early poetry of W.B. Yeats : the poetic quest A...... Lautréamont : the violent Narcissus The insular...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Harmony Societ......evelopement of the principles and......onstitution of the Icarian Community The wisdom of the adepts : esote...... human history The New Harmony co......reat-Salt-Lake City, by Jules a sketch of the history, relig......and customs of the Mormons, and a......ntroduction on the religious movement in the United States The new republic :......a discourse on the prospects, dan......nd safeties of the times Associat...... exposition of the practical part......ntinence ; together with, Essay o......n : a story of the twentieth cent......ul conquest of the desert Life of......ioneer : being the autobiography of James S. Bro...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist ......l anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant...... management in the power industry......y of Rome from the origins to the empire Languag......llectivism and the origins of the welfare state ...... macrodynamics The contributions ...... foreign trade theory and policy,...... reform during the occupation The principles of economic planning The philosophy of ......sentations and the semantics of c......eare's sonnets The Arthurian revi......onstituency in the lexicon Martin Chuzzlewit A s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...tology : a new theory of everythi......rosis London : the unique city A history of the United States The growth of the United States ......ics England in the seventeenth ce......illa warfare : the countryside version The origins and gr...... Archaic Egypt The Dead Sea scrol...... a reappraisal The Israel-Arab re......ary history of the Middle East conflict The floating repub...... an account of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 1797 religion The comprehensive school The struggle for the Middle East : the Soviet Union and the Middle East, Defoe to the Victorians : t......o centuries of the English novel Against our wil...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...e been reading The laundry man Di......ork and London The cut out girl :......rica's queen : the life of Jacque......ily handbook : the ultimate guide...... home & family The farm : the story of one family and the English countr......ention seeking The pleasures and ......mic history of the world Life's a pitch : what the world's best s...... uprisings and the new War games : the story of aid a......n modern times The end of men, and the rise of women ......stant mirror : the calamitous 14th century The old man and the sand eel The bankers : how the banks brought ...... : journeys to the end of the light : a fiction ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...urch and state The European revol......ical adventure The awkward age The language of genes : solving the mysteries of o......A scientist in the city Science in the later middle a......-wide disaster The Bible for stud......d art Death of the soul : from Descartes to the computer Queen......Greek religion The age of Constantine the Great Modern C......nfucian past : the problem of development The language of li......ntroduction to the science of gen......documents from the Puritans to Ro......ta Writings of the young Marx on ......chelangelo and the Mannerists, the Baroque and the eighteenth century The encycl...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Basic Books, Harper & Brothers
- Related MaterialThe Hellenic world......onservatism in the age of enterpr......ndrew Carnegie The philosophy of mathematics : an int...... Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 The house of intel......thnic politics The nature of life : the main problems ......ry studies for the Philosophical ......rally known as the Blue and Brown books The travail of rel......row Wilson and the progressive era, 1910-1917 The raw and the cooked The Logic of scien...... of immigrants The class structure of the advanced socie......s A history of the theories of aether and electricity The social democracy : the emergence of A......ain in America The Presidency of Andrew Jackson ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Published under the general editor......y of Colorado) The name of the publisher changed: East Europ...
- Related Material...y, Russia, and the Balkans : prelude to the Nazi-Soviet No......nsformations : the Four Years' Parliament and the Constitution of May 3, 1791 The history of the Hungarian mili......ion, 1947-1956 The nationalities ......ial history of the Romanian minor......67-1918 and of the Hungarian mino......ule, 1918-1940 The history of the church in Carp......ical ideas and the enlightenment in the Romanian princ...... (1874-1941) : the life of a cont......olitician From the silver Czech t......dwide dollar : the birth of the dollar and its...... in Europe and the world from the 16th to the 20th century to politics The Origins of the Holocaust : Ch...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... (series XXVI, Theater arts), 07421923 (series X...
- Related MaterialThe voices of Afri......erican women : the use of narrati......orial voice in the works of Harri......opian colleges The return of the gods : a philosophical/theological reappraisal of the writings of Er......led defense of the mother world A Beeth......e practice and the piano sonata, ......s 111 Anger in the Old Testament The co-existence o...... evil Critical theoretical inquiry on the notion of act in the metaphysics of...... modernity and the (un)Commonweal...... contemporánea The promised end :......nce closure in the Gawain-poet, reading of the theology of Walter......logy and art : theories of mass culture from Wal...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related art of southern Scandinavia ......l practice and the built environm......nvironments in the late Quaternar......archaeology in the Sudan La ceram...... shipwrecks of the Mediterranean & the Roman projects in the central Andes ......anchester 1982 The economic organ......pastoralism in the Andean highlan......proceedings of the GIS session Mississippi The Çatalhöyük fli......Gem mounts and the classical trad......stros Hunter-gatherer specialised...... Greece during the Upper Palaeolithic from the perspective of......ncien en Grèce The Indian Ocean in the Ancient Period...... Bulgaria from the VI to the III millennia B.C. ...