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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....o them. One of the great American ...... formal, experimental, vernacular......, and protest. The anthology moving testaments to the power of poetry......olume captures the power and beaut......y and culture. The volume also features biographi...
- 1900-1918 The dark tower: 191......aise songs for the day: 1990-2008 After the hurricane: 2009......ollection ; On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George......ker To Eliza ; The Slave's Complai...... On hearing of the intention of a to purchase the Poet's freedom ......of an estate ; The Art of a Poet ;......eal to Woman ; The Grave of the Slave / Sarah L...... / David Drake The Natives of Amer......rse Written in the Album of Mademo......orge B. Vashon The Emigrant / Benj......Clark Song for the First of August......ting Hymn ; In the earnest path of......delia Ray from The Rape of Florida......ery A. Whitman The Slave Mother ; Bury Me in a Fr...
- Related MaterialThe library of America
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.An examination of one of the most important ......nd failures by the United States, ......pan influenced the course of the war and its final outcome.
- ContentsBefore the deluge. Seekers after truth ; The British: gentlemen and players ; The Russians: templ......s of espionage The storm breaks. The "fiction flood"......iracles take a little longer: Bletch......g with America The dogs that barke......e's warnings ; The orchestra plays ; The deaf man in the Kremlin Divine ......on's tea set ; The Japanese ; The man who won Mid......g and groping: the Russians at mobilises ; The end of Sorge ; The second source ;......t war machine. The sharp end ; The brain ; At sea 'Mars': the bloodiest decep...... ; "Agent Max" The orchestra's las......SOE Hoover's G-men, Donovan's wild men. Adventur...
- Subject Heading...nderground movements. World War, ......nderground movements, War. Bletchley Park (Milto...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....s writings for the student magazin......n writings for the Daily Princetonian, the Princeton Tiger, and the Nassau Literary......his volume are the complete lyrics......ies mounted by the Triangle Club a......Fi-Fi! (1914), The Evil Eye (1915)......First! (1916). The volume includes...... variants and emendations, and nu......notes identify the literary works, publisher. "The present volume of the Cambridge for print. The volume does not include three play scripts that by the Elizabethan Dra......enth years, or the surviving fragments of "The Romantic Egotist," his first a...
- ContentsSt. Paul Academy, 1909-1911. The mystery of the Raymond mortgag......honor ; S.P.A. men in college athletics ; The room with the green blinds The Newman School, ......aus ; Pain and the scientist ; The trail of the duke ; A school...... Fie! Fi-fi! ; The evil eye ; Safe......y small talk ; The ordeal ; How they head the chapters ; A ch......or Princeton ; The conquest of Ame......sue ; Jemina ; The vampiest of vampires ; The usual thing ; Little Minnie McClosk......impressions of the editorial board...... Number 3333 ; The old frontiersman ; The debutante ; Rev......on primarily ; The spire and the gargoyle ; Rain before dawn ; ...
- Authority(Title Heading/broader/narrower)The last tycoon The Great Gatsby
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.From the Publisher: The result of a col...... and funded by the Australia Council for the Arts and the Australian Research Council, The Literature of A......tralia gathers the most distinctiv......significant of the nation's writin......l genres, from the 1700s to the present, and ov......l authors from the early colonial period to the present. Work f...... details about the authors of the works selected,......essays setting the works in their ......rther reading. The Literature of A...... a window into the myriad ways of being Australia...
- Contents...Keneally About the editors List of......ons Acknowledgements General intr......ete account of the settlement at Port Jacks......46) Native's lament / Anonymous in Van Diemen's land / Henry......peditions into the interior of Sou......o hell / Frank the poet (c 1810-c ......summer noon in the Austrailian For......retary, Van Diemen's land / Mary ......retary, Van Diemen's land / Walte......ady's visit to the gold diggings o......841) Letter to the editor by the Conranderrk Abo......70) Spider and the fly / Waif hollow, and the valley of the grose / Louisa ......46-1881) Where the pelican builds / Mary Hannay F...
- Note (General)...Ltd 2009 under the title Macquarie PEN anthology ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....of activities. The two-volume Ency......ctivities from the Colonial era to the present. This t......e examines how the pursuit of leis......omic trends in the United States. Particular atte...
- Contents...nd Hiking Band Playing Barbershop ...... Childhood and Play Children's Mus......s Civic Clubs, Men Civic Clubs, Women Clocks and Wat...... of Children's Play The Commercializati...... Lawn Care Gay Men's Leisure Life......torical Reenactment Societies Hob......on Home Improvement Home Movies H......lebrow Reading Little League. v. 2. Magazines, Men's Magazines, Women's Marathons Ma......e Memorial Day Men's Leisure Life......istianity" and the YM(W)CA Movements Museum Movements Muslim Ameri......rades Park Movements Patriotism a......tography Piano Playing Plantation Entertaining Playgrounds Pornogr......nd Self-Improvement Raves/Raving Record, CD, Tap...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Routledge Inter...... of gender and men in the future. The forty-eight chapters of the handbook take a......e of topics on men and issues. The handbook's tran......nowledges both the localities and ......ear message in the book is the need for inters......aking sense of men and masculinit...... direct style, the handbook will a......researchers in the social sciences and humanities...
- ContentsThe studies on men and masculinit......n Feminism and men/masculinities ......e Bourdieu and the studies on men and masculinit......das Foucault's men, or what have ......ys and ancient men to do with mas......ican and black men and masculinit......bias Hubinette Men and masculinit......ability, embodiment and masculini...... Tristen Kade 'Little boys': the significance of......y childhood in the making of mascu......culinities and the diverse identit...... work of older men in later life / Anna Tarrant Men, masculinities......hael R.M. Ward The transformation ......reth Longstaff The shifting relationship between ...
- Subject HeadingMen's studies. Mas......ude et enseignement. Hommes--Conditions sociales...
National Diet Library
- Contents... gender when women immigrate firs......k : nursing, women's networks, and men 'tied to a sta......ity : creating Little Kerala and the paradox of 'men who play' in the church Transnat...... connections : the Janus-faced production of an i...
- Subject HeadingWomen, East Indian -...... conditions. Women immigrants -- ...... conditions. Women, East Indian -- Employment -- United States. Women immigrants -- Employment -- Social aspects -- United ...
- Note (General).../catdir/enhancements/fy0642/2004020977-d.html.
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe rival painters:......of Rome (1852) The rival prima donnas (1854) The frost-king: or, the power of love (...... Fables, 1855) The lady and the woman (1850) Lo......1867) Perilous play (1869) M. L. (......ketches, 1863) The Blue and the Gray. A hospita......and XII (1877) The sisters' trial ......inderella: or, The little old shoe (1860......rry Christmas (Little Women) Secrets (Little Women) Literary lessons (Little Women) The valley of the shadow (Little Women) A fire brand (Little Men, 1871) Ten years later (Jo's ...
- Subject Women--New England--Fiction. Femmes...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....vering some of the top global and ......are aligned to the strategic marke...... ensuring that the marketing strat......cademic environment as case studies, or illustra...
- Contents...ur own cup day The ABSOLUT Company...... ABSOLUT blank The adidas Group : the face of the marathon The Allstate Corpor......: Steve Jobs moment of silence Ar......eeper Canal+ : the bear Canon USA ......tivate back to the start Chivas Br......r Cialis : basement/present CIL P......chip names for men The Clorox Company : bleachable moments "daddy" The Coca-Cola Compa......ry made and in the making The Cosmopolitan of......*d DC Entertainment : DC entertainment Dead Space 2 ......ECTV Doritos : the dip desperado Dos Equis : the most interesting man in the world Durex : v......ts Community : the keyboard of isolation FedEx Co...
- Note (General)Revised volume of the Encyclopedia of major marketin...
National Diet Library
- Contents...onnection with the Thirty-Fifth An......ual Meeting of the National, 1913, with the Annual Report and the speeches, inclu......e delivered by the Right Hon. H.H.......ral Federation The great insurance......perience; a comment Thomas James Macnamara The State and the People: speeche......d Lloyd George The difficulties of......ariff reform - the latest phase: a......livered by ... the Marquess of Cre....... Pease ... at the Eighty Club din......13 Eighty Club The Home Rule Bill and the Parliament Act: a speech......livered ... in the House of Lords,......rquis of Crewe The Case for Welsh Disestablishment: a speech delivered ... in t...
National Diet Library
- Contents...onnection with the thirty-second a......ual meeting of the Federation held......5th 1910: with the annual report and the speeches, inclu......e delivered by the Right Hon. H.H.......uith, M.P. and the Right Hon. Alex......ral Federation The Peers and the Finance bill: i......onstitutional? The House of Lords:......Harold Spender The Lords and liber......ilation during the period of office of the Liberal government elected in 1906 The Great Budget: a......examination of the taxes on land v......son Concerning the Navy T. J. Macnamara The Lords' Revoluti......09 Edward Grey The constitutional ......livered ... in the House of Lords on November 29t...
- Note (Production)重複:3338The Lords Signal STOP!-3339GONE BU...
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...VE(相川七瀬)(12)ELEMENTS(RIDER CHIPS輝(instrumental)(14)始まりの君へ(......ourney through the Decade(Gackt)(2......TE(三浦大知)(11)Be The One(PANDORA fea......子)(2)DIVE INTO THE MIRROR(defspira......VE(10)good bye little moon(Mitsuru M......CK)(6)IZANAGI(桜men feat.多和田任益)(7)......ANE)(9)You are the HERO(SHOCK EYE ......15)Climax Jump the Final(AAA DEN-O......NG BEST(続き)〉(1)The Next Decade(Gackt)(2)Stay the Ride Alive(Gack......All Stars Z)(2)The Finale Of The Finale(RIDER CH......size)(串田アキラ& KAMEN RIDER GIRLS)(6......(2)stranger in the dark(坂井紀雄)(3)MA......alive(石原慎一)(11)The people with no ......PS)(17)LORD OF THE SPEED(RIDER CHIPS featuring加賀美...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...aphic guide to the microform collection
- Related MaterialA study of the physical vigor of American women Woman's century calendar The evolution of the family The Brugoyne campai......s delivered on the battle-field on the one hundredth celebration of the battle of Bemis......cember, 1916 Women in trade unions in the United States The American Civil ......ter concerning the drafting of 18-......r olds] Report The church state pr......istration of women for war-time s......eedom : a statement of principles......s and colleges The authentication of the Declaration of ......port, 1965. -- The principles for which the American Revolu......address before the Ohio Society, Sons of the Revo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Trier für 1820 The motion of fluid......icular that of the air and water, ...... of such experiments and machines......lektricität Élements d'astronomie......ux hémisphères The anatomy and phi......bre et du mouvement des milieux v......ed treatise on the cultivation et des phenomenes de l'é than one : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the Christian la statique The foot-prints of the creator : or, The asterolepis of ......connus vulgairement sous le nom et développemens Osservazioni ......lle vipere ... The curious distillatory : or, The art of distilling coloured liq...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nleaf Whittier The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club The Decameron Pride and prejudice The castles of Athl......n and Dunbayne The entail, or, The Lairds of Grippy The adventures of R......s on socialism The pilgrim's progr......rse, 1900-1940 The struggles of Br......, and Robinson The Romance of Tristan : the thirteenth-cent......Reflections on the Revolution in F......other writings The way we live now Poems and plays of Robert Bro......p from slavery The adventures of Oliver Twist The picture of Dori......Selected works The essayes of Mich......onnection with the early history o......n ideas Twelve plays The maxims of François duc d...
- Alternative TitleWorld's classics The worlds classics
- Alternative TitleWorld's classics The worlds classics
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...lton's English men of science Description of the Church of the Holy Apostles a......734 Anatomy of the rat The painted medallions in the Sainte-Chapelle......e Fontenelle : the idea of science in the French Enlightenment Spain and the American Civil ......ury, 1855-1868 The famine plot per......century France The Imperial Librar......9 : a study of the organization and operation of the scholarly agencies of the central government William Croone, on the reason of the movement of the muscles The Nāṭakalakṣaṇara......ry treatise on the Hindu theater A......slation and commentary, of the first three boo......De aspectibus, the medieval Latin version of Ibn ...
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philosophical Society...
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philosophical Society...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...riginal title: The "Little men" play : a two-act, f......ty-five-minute play / adapted by E...... famous story "Little men" Original ; Boston : Little, Brown "19th c......h and American plays"--On checklist of publisher
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...t at Vichy : a play The little foxes and Another part of the forest : two plays Red cross . B......s . Good day ; Little fears . Now there's just the three of us ; The bodybuilders Po......r murderer : a play Major Barbara Open space plays Ah, wilderness! ; The hairy ape ; All......llun got wings Plays pleasant : Arms and the man, Candida, The man of destiny,......down and other plays Exiles : a play in three acts ......rt : and other plays The crucible : a play in four acts C......ness and other plays Theatre of war The plays of J.P. Donleavy Last plays In celebration ; The contractor ; The restoration of Arnold Middleto...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...... Best radio plays of 1983 : the Giles Cooper aw......s land Passion play Blue murder : a play or two The Archbishop's ce......ling Saved Eh? The Churchill play : as it will be performed in the winter of 1984 by the internees of Ch......ere in England The sons of light Becket, or, The honour of God L......lf That summer The bundle, or, New......narrow road to the Deep North The hothouse Offending the audience : and,......elf-accusation The good person of Szechwan The hero rises up :......After Haggerty The caretaker : a play A taste of honey : a play The Churchill play : as it will be performed by the internees of Churchill Camp so...
- Alternative TitleModern plays series Modern plays A Methuen modern play Methuen's modern plays Methuen Drama modern plays
- Alternative TitleModern plays series Modern plays A Methuen modern play Methuen's modern plays Methuen Drama modern plays