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- Related Material...s in astronomy and physics : in memory of Henry E. Kandrup Computation......rane structure and its biological......cs, Cosmology, and Fundamental Ph......cs Advances in the understanding and treatment of asthma HIV-ass......ase : clinical and biological insights The role of I[131]-labeled......ins in biology and medicine Earthquake hazards and the design of constructed facilities in the eastern Myelination and dysmyelination...... realization : the development of the Rhone river basin Timing and time perceptio......stry, biology, and clinical uses of nucleoside ana......nces in odor : theory, measurement, and control ...
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- Note (General)...d by Institute of Economic Development and Research, and the Institute's name remained onl...
- Related MaterialThe high-yielding varieties of rice in the Philippines : ......oyment effects of legal minimum ......nes : monetary and exchange rate ......tries : issues and practices Special and differential treatment of developing countries in the Uruguay Round ......ity, politics, and poverty reducion the Philippines An economic theory of both tenant and landlord : a Philip......ercial banks, other financial institutions and nonfinancial c......ons Estimating the modes of labor force participation in the Philippines Ph......Consumption or income taxation for the Philippines? B...... capability in the Philippines effects of exchange rate adjustment on a...
- Author HeadingUniversity of the Philippines. School of Economics
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- Note (General)Reprinted from "The American economic review" vol...
- Related MaterialReprint series of the Stanford Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences
- Periodical TitleReprint series of the Stanford Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences
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- Related MaterialThe demand for education in public and private school systems The theory of "Screening," education, and the distribution of income On the efficiency of competitive st......ormation Power and taxes in a mul......nomy A note on the menger-wieser theory of imputation Efficent and optimal approach to the production of information and learning by doing The competitive economy Values of markets with a continuun of traders Information and competitive pr......onal economies of scale Rational expectations and the econometric modeling of markets subjec......ty Information and economic consistency of least squares estimates in no...
- Alternative TitleThe Stanford Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences
- Alternative TitleThe Stanford Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences
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- Note (General)...lso online via the World Wide Web
- Related Material... dynamic model of the competitive fi......onment Duality theory of convex program......conomic models The core of an N person ga......ptive capacity and the golden rule of accumulation The general equilibrium model is the wrong model and a noncooperati......tory model for the reconciliation of micro and macroeconomic theory On a class of equilibrium co......s, prediction, and signal extract......on Application of signal extract...... techniques in the study of economic time ......ies Stochastic theories of participation Uncertainty and diversificatio......Optimal output and price policies......ributed lag demand equations Countably additive ...
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- Note (General)Published under the direction of the Department of Economics
- Related MaterialThe development of the American glass industry The state tax comm......sion : a study of the development and results of state control over the assessment of property for t......nomic analysis of anti-trust case The American maritime industries and public policy,......onomic history The service sector......dy Equilibrium and growth in the world economy ......s Some aspects of the tariff question The theory of monopolistic of the theory of value Exchange ......ic competition and general equilibrium theory The economic problems of forestry in the Appalachian re......rade : a study of asymmetric interdependence Ne...
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- Related MaterialWorld trade and output of manufactures :......uctural trends and developing cou...... export policy and administration......: lessons from the East Asian experience Oil and gas policies i......rial prospects and policies in the developed countries The training and visit extensio...... : an analysis of operations and effects Intern......ic development and its relevance for China The consequences of farm tractors ...... an evaluation of IDA credits for financing the mechanization of farms in Pakis......Differences in income, nutrition, and poverty within...... Small farmers and the landless in South A......orms : studies of two industrial enterprises Ec...
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- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist analyses and social anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant......ol : a history of infant and nursery education in Britain, 18...... management in the power industry......ple, resources and power Plato to......onomic history of Rome from the origins to the empire Language, schools, and classrooms Int......onal business handbook Social pol......, collectivism and the origins of the welfare state resources and disequilibrium macrodynamics The contributions of John Maynard...
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- Related MaterialT.S. Eliot, Lancelot Andrewes, and the Word : intersections of literature and Christianity Brand hate : navigat...... negativity in the digital world ......: case studies of SMEs in the manufacturing ......n : challenges of the new aid architecture The debt crisis and European democ......tic legitimacy The silent revolut......rk, journalism and politics witho......weaving a new landscape Developme......e : challenges and initiatives Gr......Digitalization and public sector ......itudinal study of political attitudes and behaviour Chin......state-building and the institutionalization of globally circu......ated knowledge The political economy of Hungary ...
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- Note (General)...ts in religion and violence": 251......ts in politics and society in Southeast Asia": 2515......n quantitative and computational methods for the social science......s "Elements in the economics of emerging marke......ents in public and nonprofit administrati......s "Elements in the philosophy of religion": 251......s "Elements in the philosophy of science": 2517......s in campaigns and elections": 26...... in philosophy and logic ": 25164......ts in decision theory and philosophy": 2......s "Elements in the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgen......ts in politics and communication", economics and politics": 27324923; ISSN for...
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- Related MaterialOn efficient and procedurally-f......nder, workload and agricultural perspective The Land Inflation and its main effects in the transition per......策論への規範経済学的基礎付け The spring offensive : The spillover effect and the wage-setting i......s, employment, and income distribution : selected dev......ountry studies The role of the Western classi......panese society and culture Japane......l policy under the zero lower bound of nominal intere...... not spread? : the case of rice in a area, Ghana The macroeconomic effects of oil price fluc......istent methods of multilateral c......r real product and prices 移行諸国の汚職水準とその決定要因 日本の通貨...