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National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingGovernment business enterprises -- India. Corporations, Government -- India.
National Diet Library
- Contents...urvival. Unpacking and work / Linda E. Lucas Gender, the economy and the workplace : issues for the women's moveme......tergeographies of globalization : the feminization of survival / Sas...... Desai Engendering human security : intersections of security, glob...... and impact on the lives of the poor / Ngila Mwase Sustainability of rural communities in a global persp......lo pt. 2. Shifting realities: women and men moving in the economy. Gender and work in Malaysia : forces behind the work patterns ......Abu Bakar Locating women : structure and work in the Ugandan macroeconomy / Linda E. Lucas Inquiries into wom...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
- Author HeadingLucas, Linda E.
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- Related issues Stopping tuberculosis in Central Asia for action Financial sector dimensions of the Colombian pens......n system Measuring social capital : an integrated questionnaire Financial sector development and the Millennium Development Goals The role of communication in large infrastructure : the Bumbuna Hydroe......ectric Project in post-conflict Sierra Leone The U.S.-Honduras ...... corridor : acting on opportunities to increase financial inclusion and development of a transnational economy Sustainability of pension systems in the new EU member states and Croatia : coping with aging challenges and fi...
- Alternative TitleWorld Bank working paper Documento de trabajo de...
- Alternative TitleWorld Bank working paper Documento de trabajo de...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAre anti-dumping duties effective? : the case of the China Steel Corpora...... formation and the growth of the steel industry in East Asia Tne "colonial drain" from Indonesia, 1823-1......Foreign direct investment in developing economies : the changing ethos Changes in the roles of various ownership sectors in Chinese industry The Korean wool textile industry : recent......nometric model of Fiji Exports, ......s and growth : the use of panel data Mauritian clothing exports without the MFA Development administration and h......ement A review of the SPARTECA trade......greement Reforming a centrally system : the Chinese experience The extern...
- Author HeadingAustralian National University. Research School of Pacific Studies. Economics Di...
National Diet Library
- Contents...TREPRENEURSHIP IN THE 21ST CENTURY: ...... emergence: business start-up is......d facilitation of entrepreneursh......neurs start another business after failu......Strategic planning in new ventures a......Es PART II: BUSINESS AND SOCIETY...... ISSUES: Fostering social and ci......anizations and their people Pover......sis management in the Post-9/11 business epoch Integrating corporate soc......ponsibility to the management of supply chains Activists groups tactics to influence companies Global business citizanship: a model of social respons......l behavior for the 21st century E......ork and its business consequences Factors influ...
- Subject HeadingManagement -- Study and teaching.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Companies are increasingly asking which of their value chain activities are...... performed within their own company outsourced. In addition, they are also considering which pieces of their value chain may be better ......formed abroad. These interrelated decisions concerning outsourcing and offshoring have not only......changed entire industries, they have also transformed the lives of people across the world. Hundreds of millions of jobs in emerging nations have been the direct result of outsourcing and offshoring decisions. At the same time, many people in the developed world have lost their jobs because a company has ...
- ContentsMachine generated con......nts note: List of figures; List of tables; List of contributors; ......Frameworks and Theories: 1. Global outsourcing and offshoring: in search of the optimal config...... Globalization of R&D: offshoring innovative activity to emerging economies Ash......t Jaffee; 3. A theory of the outsourcing firm Dave Luv......ixen; Part II. The Offshoring and Outsourcing of R&D and Innovative Activities: 4. Blurring firm R&D boundaries: integrating transaction c......ves Andrea Martinez-Noya and; 5. Outsourcing, fragmentation and integration: the pharmaceutical industry Janis K.......tter understanding of multinational enterprises...
- Subject HeadingContracting out -- Developing countries. Unemployment -- D...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ildren's books in early modern E...... by story : brain, tale and teller, from infancy to old age Apartheid and racism in South African ......y, 1850-1950 : the age of adolescence Ch......od and pethood in literature and......w perspectives in childhood stud......animal studies The role of translators in children's literature : invisible storytellers Inventing the child : cultur...... ideology, and the story of childhood New directions in picturebook re......oaches to food in children's lit......ntemporary writing National character in South African ...... island : West Indians in British childr......ature Transcending boundaries : writing for a d...
- Alternative TitleStudies in children's literature and cul...
- Alternative TitleStudies in children's literature and cul...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General) title Numbering "xxx" from "ILS xxx" on back...
- Related Material...dens : a study of the play-element in culture Social......age : a review of social provision for old age in Great Britain The Danube basin and the German economi......ce and suicide in South Africa A......lity : a study of some moral val......s and dilemmas of working adolescents in the context of a changing climate of opinion Sociology b......mobilities for the twenty-first century The social reality of ethics : the comparative analysis of moral codes Or......lonialism, and the world-economy foundations of the world urban system The sociology of nationalism : ......ow's ancestors The marginal situation : a sociol...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of sociology ILS International library of sociology series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Motion picture in its economic a......spects Russia since Stalin: old trends an...... migration and the emergence of new minorities The American industrial opport......n control : an international com......for progress : international China social and ec......mic conditions The second Industrial Revolu......n : modern selling : a dynamic wealth producing force Social ......ontribution by the aging The cost of living Immigration a......olicy Problems in banking and finance Proceedings of the Conference of American Mayor...... laws : proceedings of the seventh annual conference of the National Child Labor Comm...
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Contents...1202: Transfer of Medical Suppli......rt on Progress in Manchuria No. 1204: Investigation of Disappearance of Mrs. Verna Gordon Britain No. 1205: Incomplete Report Submitted in Compliance with Existing Directive Regarding Reserve Suppl......: Distribution of Beer for Occup......7: Acquisition of The Tokyo University of Commerce and Industry No. 1208: Application of Second Demobilization Ministry for Assistance in Securing Crew for Repa......1209: Transfer of Funds No. 1210: Acquisition of The Bank of Chosen No. 121......rnment Foreign Office Request for Return of Radio Receiving Set No. Requisition of Residences No. 1213: Housing ...
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/13692157
- Subject HeadingMemoranda, Directives and Instructions to Japanese Governm...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...'s English men of science Description of the Church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople La culture......ues devant l'opinion française d......3-1734 Anatomy of the rat The painted medallions in the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris Bernard ......e Fontenelle : the idea of science in the French Enlightenment Spain and the American Civil......ury, 1855-1868 The famine plot persuasion in eighteenth-century France The Imperial Library in southern Sung China, 1127-1279 : a study of the organization and operation of the scholarly agencies of the central govern......iam Croone, on the reason of the movement of the muscles The Nāṭakalakṣaṇa...
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philo......phia for Promoting Useful Knowledge
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philo......phia for Promoting Useful Knowledge
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Some published in Oxford
- Related MaterialIndia in the fifteenth century : being a collection of narratives of voyages to India in the century preceding the Portuguese discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, from Latin, Persian, Russ......rst translated into English The English New En......vel journals : the Americas, Anta......ecke's journal of voyages to Cape Verde, Guinea and Angola (......12) Narratives of voyages towards the North-West in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496 to 16......elections from the early records of the Honourable the East India Company and from MSS. in the British Museum Reports on the discovery of Peru William R......ghton's voyage of discovery to the North Pacifi...
- Alternative TitleWorks issued by the Hakluyt Society
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialEmployment effects of multinational enterprises : a case study of Kenya Export processing zones in Sri Lanka : ec......ial issues Multinational enterprises, technology and employment in Brazil : three......en workers and working conditions in retailing : a comparative study of the situation in a foreign-cont......owned retailer in Canada Export processing zones in developing countries : results of a new survey T......: a case study of three multinational enterprises in Singapore Multinationals in Asia : the case of the Republic of Korea Technolo......ation, and multinationals : a case study of a foreign firm and a local mu...
- Alternative Title...ntreprises multinationales) Multinational Enterprises Programme working papers Program......ntreprises multinationales docum......nts de travail Working paper Document de travail
- Alternative Title...ntreprises multinationales) Multinational Enterprises Programme working papers Program......ntreprises multinationales docum......nts de travail Working paper Document de travail
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialWomen's health in India : risk and vulnerability Hinduism for our t......hor for modern India The archaeology of ancient Indian cities Imperial Simla : the political culture of the Raj Indian and Britis......h : a handbook of usage and pron......tion Religion, state, and society in medieval India : collected works of S. Nurul Hasan Trade in early India Intellectual property rights in the WTO and developing contries Jung......: child labour in India Viraha-bhakti : the early history of Kṛṣṇa devotion in South India An Anthology of Urdu verse in English, with the original poems in Devanagari Hum......ontext Studies in Islamic culture in the Indian...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe ideology of domesticity and the struggles of women workers : the case of Zimbabwe In the shadow of agriculture : ......grarian change in Java, 1900-1990 Institutionalization of policy analysis in developing countries wit......d Women's role in rural industrialization : the case of Java Some major progress in China's public administration Small......cale manufacturing and regional industrialization : the urban and regi...... framework for the analysis of common pool na......centralization of planning and administration in Zimbabwe : international per......0s experiences The perfumed night...... some notes on the Indonesian women's movement T...
- Alternative TitleISS Working Papers Working paper series Working paper
- Alternative TitleISS Working Papers Working paper series Working paper
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialExternal imbalances, famines, and entitle......: a case study Increased income inequality in OECD countries and the redistributive impact of the government bud...... system reform in China Post-Keynesian theorists and the theory of economic development Freedom of choice : concept and content The entitlement approach to famine : an assessment The role of knowledge and capital in economic growt......mic adjustment in Poland Rebuilding rural livelih......t help to explain income inequality? Human rights and the prevention of humanitarian emergencies Famine prevention in India Food depriv......undernutrition in rural Bangladesh Group functi...
- Alternative TitleWorking papers
- Alternative TitleWorking papers
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRegionalism within multilateralis......isms for RTAs Financial market integration in East Asia : assessment of a tradeoff between FDI a......mpirical tests of comparative ad......geography Fear of inflation : excha......e pass-through in East Asia Kore......y responses to the global financial crisis rate policy in Korea International cap......hical features of international con......ption risk sharing Regional financial arrangement in East Asia : po......osal for strengthening the Chiang Mai initiative multil......overnment Spending Policy Uncertainty and Evidence Rising income inequality and compet...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFinancial transact......cations for savings of aging in the Asian "Tigers"......lization strengthen social capital? Investment and growth in the Middle East an......on Gender bias in tax systems Ti...... unemployment? Investment implications of selected WTO agreements and the proposed multi......l agreement on investment The CFA franc zone......etary standard The underground ec......implications : the case of Pakistan Nominal income targeting : a critical approach to interenterprise arrears in transition Russia Explaining unemployment in Spain : structural c......ket rigidities The savings trap and economic tak...
- Alternative TitleWorking paper
- Alternative TitleWorking paper
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Title varies slightly: working paper
- Related MaterialPoverty, inequality and stagnation : the Ghanaian exper...... development : the case of Lilongwe Land ......angladesh Role of rural institutions in the diffusion of agricultural innovations in Sri Lanka The Socio-economic implications of micro-hydro power systems in India Technologic......ollective bargaining in Australia The internationalisation of the aircraft industry : substance and myth The differential impact of new technologies on developing countries : a framework of analysis New information techn......and employment in financial institutions in Tunisia The social structure and the labour market in Turkish agriculture Technolog...
- Alternative Title...mme research : working paper WEP research working papers World employment progr...