Search results 15
National Diet Library
- NDLCAU-541
- Subject HeadingMedical care -- United States. Comprehensive Health Care. Delivery of Health Care. Health Planning.
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA44390722
- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA53621098
- Related MaterialPress images, national identity, and foreign policy : a case study of U.S.-Japan relations from 1955......Frederick Douglass's curious audiences : ethos in the age of the consumable subject The reproductive u......cious in medieval and early modern England Editing Emily Dickinson : the production of an author Illuminating the borders of northern French and Flemish manuscripts, 1270-1310 Fighting the flames : the spectacular performance of fire at Coney Island Henry Miller and religion Thi......posite voice : the role of W.B. Yeats in James Merrill's poetry Structural markedness and syntactic structure : a study of word order and the l...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00108769
- Related MaterialApplied electromagnetism Mathematics through geometry : an inquiry into the place of geometry in the school mathematics syllabus Neurological and neurosurgical nursing : an introduction The foundations of geneti......ow to find out about literature Society, schools, and progress in Australia The efficient port A modern view of the criminal law Society, schools and progress in the U.S.A African development and Europe : report of a seminar of the International Student Movement for the United Nations, Cambridge, March 1966 Society, schools and progress in Nigeria The old quantum theory Marketing and the brand manager A modern ...
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international library of science, ......y, engineering The commonwealth and international library of science, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international library Commonwealth and international library The American and international library of science, ......y, engineering and liberal studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA10825733
- Related MaterialNationalised industries in the mixed economy The case for capital taxes Poverty, socialism, and Labour in power The war and the workers : handbook of some immediate measures to prevent unemployment and relieve distress Politicians, equality and comprehensives The new politics : a socialist reconnaissance National finance Socialism at the grass roots The future of publ...... ownership Socialism and the study of man : Whither Socialism?-Values in a changing civilisation Socialism and Christianity Some problems of education Policy for the sterling area The revival of agriculture : a national policy for Great Britain Facts for s...
- Alternative TitleFabian tracts Fabian Society. Tracts
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00595309
- Note (General)Some no. have title:Hobart paper special
- Related Material... restrictive practices re-examined Corporate governance : accountability in the marketplace Paying by degrees : a study of the financing of higher education students by grants, loans, and vouchers Gro...... competition : an alternative to the national plan Unshackling accountants Freedom to drink : a critical review of the development of the licensing laws and proposals for reform Can de-industrialisation seriously damage your wealth? : a review of why growth rates differ and how to improve economic performance Growthmanship : a study in mytho...... of investment A market for aircraft : a critique and a proposal for radical reco...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00176011
- Note (General)Series editor: Bernard Johnpoll (as of 1987) Also published by Praeger in Westport
- Related MaterialThe tragedy of Chile Social security programs : a cross-cultural comparative perspective International theory : to the brink and beyond Harry S. Truman, the man from Independ......governments in an era of change Getting the donkey out of the ditch : the Democratic Party in search of itself "For immediate release" : candidate press releases in American political campaigns Jimmy Carter : foreign policy and post-presidential years Botswana's search for autonomy in southern Africa Political culture, foreign policy, and conflict : the Palestine area conflict system Lyndon Baines Johnson and the uses of power Corporatist decline in advanced capit...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00438606
- Related MaterialMachinery industr......lopment in Korea : intra-industry trade between Japan and Korea Technological choice in Thai sericulture P......s in Hong Kong and impact of foreign direct sector programs and their effects on regional development : a comprehensive approach to regional development plannning Capital output ratios and the "residuals" : issues of development planning Structural changes in the Indonesian industry and trade Features of Japan's postwar industrial policies : on policies around 1960s Infrastructure inves...... development : an empirical study of Japan and its comparison with India Small-medium ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00304836
- Related MaterialSuccessful conference and discussion techniques The location of economic activity Shakespeare's songs and poems The housebuilding ...... Prelude to greatness : Lincoln in the 1850's How to ......ervise people Basic grammar for writing Ernest Hemingway : a collection of criticism The white use of Blacks in America : 350 years of law and violence, attitudes and etiquette, politics and change Mariner : mission to Venus Early civilization in China Depth psychology & modern man ; a new view of the magnitude of human personality, its dimen......urces Edison : a biography The age of Keynes New techniques for management decision making Th...
- Alternative TitleMcGraw-Hill paperback series
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA27768827
- Related MaterialFinancial transactions taxes Implications for savings of aging in the Asian "Tigers" Can fiscal decentralization strengthen social capital? Investment and growth in the Middle East and North Africa Credit and exchange rate-based stabilization Gender bias in tax systems Time-to-build and convex adjustment costs......sit-refund on labor : a solution to eq......vestment implications of selected WTO agreements and the proposed multilateral agreement on investment The CFA franc zone : currency union and monetary standard The underground economy : estimation, and economic and policy implications : the case of Pakistan Nominal inco...
- Alternative TitleWorking paper
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA28972206
- Related MaterialThe dynamics of the Maastricht process Regionalism, Ethnicity and voting behaviour in Malaysia Household strategies to cope ......h income fluctuations : an analysis of the effects of producer price and asset market interventi...... producers in Tanzania Exchange and social organization in Nias, Indonesia A cross-cultural approach to the analysis of conversation and its implications for language pedagogy The Communist Party of the United States and the Communist International, 1919-1929 Hegemony and crisis : Swazi royal power in transition From aid to structural adjustment : A study of EC-African diplomacy with particular re...
- Author Heading (ID)DA02729752
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00090845
- Related MaterialFrom the Gracchi to Nero : a history of 133 B.C. to A.D. 68 Life and thought in the Greek and Roman world The imperial theme : further interpretations of Shakespeare's tragedies including the Roman plays Thackeray the novelist Mysticism : a study in the nature and development of man's spiritual consciousness An introduction to the French poets : Villon to the present day Ideas in conflict : the political theories of the contemporary world Learning : a survey of psychological interpretations Technological change : the United States and Britain in the nineteenth century Fantasy and mimesis : responses to reality in Western literature The...
- Alternative TitleUP University paperback A University paperback Methuen university paperbacks
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialGlobal Englishes and change in English language teaching : attitudes and impact Mobile disruptions in the Middle East : lessons from Qatar and the Arabian Gulf region in mobile media content innovation Stories for management success : the power of talk in organizations What is at stake in building ......Western" international relations theory? Care in sport coaching : pedagogical cases Colonialism on the margins of Africa Tourism and urban regeneration : processe......ressed in time and space "Helicopter parenting" and "boomerang children" : how parents support and relate to their student and co-resident graduate children Cryptocurrencie...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00383300
- Related MaterialCreativity : selected readings Modern so......introductory readings : selected readings Organization theory : selected readings Economics of retailing : selected readings From workhouse to welfare : the founding of the Welfare State Ethnomethodo......y : selected readings Intonation : selected readings Management and the social sciences Social conditions in Britain between the wars W. B. Yeats : a critical anthology Kinship : selected readings Writers on organizations Introduci......tics : Chomsky and psychology Sale of goods and hire-purchase The labour market : selected readings Simulation and business decisions Revoluti...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA62188814
- Note (General)日本販売総代理店: 極東書店 Publish year unknown 標題は代理店目録による(496 titl...
- Related MaterialProviding authority for the President to enter into trade agreements to conclude the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations under the auspices of the general agreement on tariffs and trade, to extend tariff proclamation authority to carry out such agreements, and to apply congressional "Fast Track" procedures to a bill implementing such agreements Oversight of U.S. trade policy with Japan : hearing before the Subcommittee o......of Government Management of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred......irst session, May 8, 1991 Effects of regional trade groups on U.S. foreign trade : the EC and EFTA e...