検索結果 38 件
- ジャンル・形式用語Conference papers and proceedings.
- 件名Parallel processing (Electronic computers)--Congresses. Parallel processing (Electronic computers)
- 資料の内容に関する注記Annotation
- ジャンル・形式用語Conference papers and proceedings.
- 件名Wireless communication systems--Security measures--Congresses. Comput......ity measures--Congresses. Intern......ity measures--Congresses. Comput......ess communication systems--Security measures.
- 著者標目IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (4th : ...
- ジャンル・形式用語Conference papers and proceedings.
- 件名Wireless communication systems--Security measures--Congresses. Comput......ity measures--Congresses. Intern......ity measures--Congresses. Comput......ess communication systems--Security measures.
- 著者標目IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (3rd : ...
- 件名Cloud physics -- Congresses.
- 一般注記Cover title. On cover: Preprints. Sponsored by the International Commission on Cloud Physics, International Association of Meteorology......nd Atmospheric Physics, American Mete......Geophysical Union, National Oceanic and ......ic Administration and National Center for Atmospheric Rese...
- 著者標目...Geophysical Union. International Association of Meteorology......nd Atmospheric Physics. International Commission on Cloud Physics. National Center for A......ed States. National Oceanic and ......ic Administration. International Conference on Cloud Physics (1976 : Boulder, Colo.)
- 件名Cloud physics -- Congresses.
- 一般注記Cover title. At head of title: International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
- タイトル標目Monograph (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) ; no. 16.
- 件名Condensation (Meteorology) -- Congresses. Ice nuclei -- Congresses.
- 著者標目International Commission on Cloud Physics. Subcommittee on Nucleation. International Conference on Condensation and Ice Nuclei (7th : 1969 : ...
- 件名Condensation (Meteorology) -- Congresses. Ice nuclei -- Congresses.
- 著者標目Podzimek, Josef. International Commission on Cloud Physics. Subcommittee on Nucleation. International Conference on Condensation and Ice Nuclei (7th : 1969 : ...
- 件名Cloud physics -- Congresses
- 件名(識別子)Cloud physics -- Congresses
- 著者標目International Conference on Cloud Physics (1968 : Toronto, Ont.)
- 一般注記“Sponsored by the International Association of Meterology ......nd Atmospheric Physics, IUGG World Me......gical Orgaization Science Council of Japan. Met...
Proceedings of the international conference on cloud physics, May 24-June 1, 1965, Tokyo and Sapporo
- 件名Cloud physics -- Congresses
- 件名(識別子)Cloud physics -- Congresses
- 一般注記"Sponsored by International Association of Meteorology......nd Atmospheric Physics of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, World Meteoro......ical Organization, Science Council of Japan, Me...
- 関連情報The physics of galaxy formation : proceedings ......op held at National Center for A...... 2001 The astrophysics of cataclysmic......he Interpretation of modern synthesis observations of spiral gal......polis workshop on magnetic catac......oceedings of a conference held in Annapo......d high resolution spectrograph :......d peculiar motions in the univer......ridge workshop on cool stars, st......ter and Michelson Science Center at Hilton Pasadena Hotel......a workshop in honour of Prof. Ke......esota lectures on extragalactic ......dish radio astronomy : techniques and applications : proceedings......ol held at National Astronomy and Ionosphere Ce...
- 並列タイトル等ASP conference series
- 一般注記A continuation of Progress in astronautics and rock......s of volumes sponsored by Americ......nstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Publishe......e, SW, Washington,DC 20024-2518 ......ell Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091
- 関連情報...ics in combustion of solids Conventional warhead systems physics and engineerin......design Space economics Fundament......rocket combustion and propulsion Liquid rocket ......e Space operations : mission management, te......rrent applications Communications satellite tec......Dynamics of detonations and explosions : detonations Economic principles......industry decisions Selected aero......blems of hypersonic flight vehic...... with thermal control applications Recent advanc......hermal protection : technical pa......IAA 14th Thermophysics Conference, June 1979, su......ce Flames and configurations Physics of direct hit and ne...
- 関連情報...r 1820 The motion of fluids, nat......ch by description only, might not r......matiques : ou sont inserées les ......tiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologische Fr......Élements d'astronomie Lettres su......leur distribution géographique d......phy of expression A treatise upon artificial ele...... générales des ondes dans les mi......x visqueux et non visqueux Memoir, containing an abridged treatise on the cultivation and manufactur......er, et perfectionner les vins Ur......re worlds than one : the creed o......turgeschichte von einigen Liebha......ften Introduction a l'étude de l......e, ou description des figures géométriques, pro...
- 関連情報The large-wavelength deformations of the lithos...... of the evolution of thought fro......s to plate tectonics The Nature ......n and implications Pre-Mesozoic ...... their bearing on understanding ......ffin Island : Containing a Study......ry B. Whittington. And Shorter S...... Notes by Preston E. Cloud, Jr., Charles ......d Alice E. Wilson Bibliography o......um-Pacific plutonic terranes Fau......s and Descriptions of Paleozoic ......Basin Lower Devonian Brachiopoda......: and explanation of the geologi......alinspastic reconstruction, and geologic evolution Igneous and me......: a volume in honor of Arie Poldervaart Geology...
- 一般注記...seful information NCID:AA0071601......- New series. Monographs ISSN:09407677
- 関連情報...eedings of the international colloquium hel......plasma simulation Space weather : the physics behind a sloga......oceedings of a conference, held at the U......y and applications Thermodynamics and constitutive equations : lectures gi...... 2nd 1982 session of the Centro internazionale matematico ......82 Lattice hadron physics Heidelberg Colloquium on Glassy Dynamic......f a colloquium on spin glasses, optimization and neural net......e theories Hadrons in dense matt......98 Ernst equation and Riemann su......N-body simulations : lectures held at the Astrophysics School VI, org...... European Astrophysics Doctoral Network (EADN) in Th...
- 関連情報Manual on access to air ......ansport by persons with disabilities Convention : on international interests in m......d at Cape Town on 16 November 2001 Manual on establishment and operation of aviation training centres Air navigation plan : Caribbean region Report of the ......h Atlantic regional air navigation meeting Aeronautical radio operator Continuing airwort......und aids divisional meeting : re......ms implementation conference : report Statistics division : report of the ... session Air traffic controller Special air transport conference : report Manual on the establishment of international air carrier tariffs Manual of...
- 関連情報An introduction to turbulence ......and platinum Economics of public......finance : an economic analysis o......om Management control Transportation planning, poli......Organo-transition metal compound......reader in environmental planning......ics of transition Internal combustion engines : a de......iled introduction to the thermod......k and compression ignition engines, their......he Political economy of EEC relations with African,......ific states : contributions to the unders......g of the Lomé convention on North-South relations Data and form......: an introduction to farm animal......dicine The Commonwealth : a new look Extraction...