検索結果 63 件
- 要約等...ntire spectrum of psychology, in......; applications of psychology in ......; and career information
- 内容細目...erican Academy of Child and Adol...... Bayley scales of infant and tod......r depth cues Biofeedback Bipolar......dency measures Character Charcot, Jean ......, Kenneth Bancroft Clark, Mamie ......stress Concept formation Conditioned re......sts Criminal profiling Crisis in......lation Defense mechanisms Delay of gratification ......ages, theories of Dewey, John Di......istical Manual of Mental Disorde......al stimulation of the brain Elec......ical treatment of animals Ethnoc......alt principles of organization G......ntity/identity formation Imagination Im......rity complex Information-processing the......s Kleptomania Koffka, Kurt Kohlberg, Lawrence K...
- 要約等... whole picture of the ecological......us Ohomopterus of the genus Cara......group consists of many geographi......to coexistence of two or more sp...... how a lineage of organisms dive......bout evolution of Ohomopterus. T......hat this story of evolution in C......s a wide range of lineages is im......nthetic theory of species radiat......es in one area of our planet. Teiji Sota, Professor, Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
- 内容細目...n to the World of Carabus 1.1 Di...... and Phylogeny of Carabinae and ......gin and Timing of the Carabus Ra......iversification of Key Traits for...... The Beginning of Ohomopterus St...... The Phylogeny of Ohomopterus Ba......netic Position of Ohomopterus in......ter 3: Biology of Ohomopterus 3.......nal Life Cycle of Ohomopterus 3.......ges 4.1 Number of Co-occurring S......dy Size Ratios of Sympatric Spec......4.5 The Nature of Interspecific ......ifferentiation of Ecological Nic......1 Hybrid Zones of Ohomopterus Sp......ecies 5.4 Role of Cuticular Hydr......tive Isolation Mechanisms: Genital Misma......n the Analysis of Mitochondrial Introgression P...
- 内容細目...: 1. General Information on Tsunami Wav......mi: Definition of Concepts 1.2. Manifestations of Tsunami Waves ......ls in the Case of Underwater Ear......nces 2. Source of a Tsunami of Seismotectonic......the Parameters of a Tsunami Sour.......4. Properties of Coseismic Deformations of the Oceanic Bo....... Distribution of Tsunami Source...... at the Source of a Tsunami of Seismotectonic......ic Description of Tsunami Waves:......al Formulation of the Hydrodynam......neral Solution of the Problem of Excitation of Gravitational ......ves in a Layer of Incompressible Liquid by Deformations of the Basin Bott......Plane Problems of Tsunami Excitation by Deforma...
- 要約等...s every aspect of research writi......tative account of MLA documentat...... several kinds of works, such as digital files ...
- 内容細目...aper as a form of exploration 1-......aper as a form of communication ......1-3-1: Freedom of choice 1-3-2: ......4-3: Central information system 1-4-4: ......Online catalog of library holdin...... Keeping track of sources 1-5-2:...... publication information 1-5-4: Noting other useful information 1-5-5: Verifyi...... publication information 1-5-6: Convert......1-7-1: Methods of note-taking 1-7-2: Types of note-taking 1-......t and accuracy of note-taking 1-......-1: Definition of plagiarism 2-2: Consequences of plagiarism 2-3: Information sharing today ......ism 2-5: Forms of plagiarism 2-6....... 3: Mechanics of writing 3-1: Spelling 3-1-1: ...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Handbook for writers of research papers
- 内容細目...yo Okuzumi ほか著 Characterization and identification of a restriction ......ato 著 Synonymy of alcaligenes aq......e type spesies of the genus dele......mented species of alteromonas and synonymy of alteromonas ha......ne composition of some marine al...... cell division of a triangular h......Ultrastructure of the cell wall of the triangular......e glycoprotein of haloarcula jap...... ほか著 Isolation of halophilic and......and comaprison of the partial 16...... gene sequence of an extremely h......ate with those of other extreme ......ivity in cells of the yeast sacc......concentrations of the halotolera......ns and species of external salts Shinichi Nagat...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Selected papers on the study of halophilic microorganisms in ...
- 並列タイトル等Selected papers on the study of halophilic microorganisms in ...
- 要約等...eighth edition of the MLA Handbo......dizzying range of formats. A boo......the Web, modes of publication ar......vious editions of the MLA Handbo......ng new edition of its best-selli...... universal set of guidelines, which writers can...
- 内容細目... 1. Principles of MLA style: Int...... : gathering information about your sou......tion: The list of works cited: T......Author ; Title of source ; Title of container ; Ot......art 2. Details of MLA style: Int...... The mechanics of scholarly prose: 1.1. Names of persons: 1.1.1......ubsequent uses of names 1.2.3. Titles of authors ; 1.1.3. Names of authors and fictional characters ; 1.1.4. Name......sh. 1.2 Titles of sources: 1.2.1...... 1.2.5. Titles of sources in lan......e and accuracy of quotations ; 1......er alterations of quotations ; 1....... Translations of quotations. 1.......rs: 1.4.1. Use of numerals or words ; 1.4.2. Co...
- 一般注記Previous title: MLA Handbook for writers of research papers.
- 関連情報...820 The motion of fluids, natura......articular that of the air and wa......plain draughts of such experimen...... Newton's laws of motion Geologi......and philosophy of expression A t......nd manufacture of indigo. ... L'......ne : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the Christian ......he foot-prints of the creator : ......he asterolepis of stromness Essa...... : or, The art of distilling col......the production of colours, consi......and its serum) of diseased perso...... present state of discoveries re...... A description of active and ext......rum generalis, of te algemeene v......A general view of the natural history of the at...
- 関連情報The reflexive nature of consciousness ...... : proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness ......he development of implicit and e......: the dynamics of perception, im......ion : the role of the natural an......tion Languages of sentiment : cu...... constructions of emotional subs......ss : a defense of the higher-ord......thought theory of consciousness ......ational theory of mind : a defense of content-intern...... quantum model of brain Mind asc......on and defence of interpretivism......ess Philosophy of the brain : th......em The primacy of movement Const......ysical reality of consciousness ......ns and origins of conscious thought Microgeneti...
- LCCMicrofiche 1014 (E)
- 件名United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- 件名(識別子)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- 関連情報... by-products : characterization and con......y the Division of Carbohydrate C......d the Division of Microbial and ...... 172nd meeting of the American C......st 30-31, 1976 Mechanisms and synthetic ...... ACS Divisions of Computers in C......mical Congress of the North Amer......tional sources of dietary fiber ......ical chemistry of Bacillus thuri......y the Division of Environmental ...... 175th meeting of the American C......ry : the state of the art Partne......or and effects of pesticides in ...... the Divisions of Fluorine and B...... 170th meeting of the American C......y the Division of Fuel Chemistry and the Divisi...
- 関連情報...The life cycle of Oithona nana, ......ly Development of Hymenolepis na......the operations of the United Sta......tematic review of the Pacific co......ive morphology of the body skele......idae Viability of cysts of human intestin......lin The effect of diet upon the ......testinal fauna of Termopsis Impr......fornia isopods of the genus Porc......h descriptions of a new species ......scular anatomy of three mustelid......gy and mitosis of Trichomonas bu......alis (Goodey) Kofoid Experiments on the action of various endocr......ne substances, of liver, and of glycogen on th...... division rate of Paramecium ; The behavior of ...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)University of California publications. Zool...
- 並列タイトル等University of California publications. Zool...
- 関連情報The bottom fauna of Lake Simcoe an......in the ecology of the lake The speeches of Elihu : a study of Job XXXII-XXXV...... a new species of orthopodous di......m the Edmonton formation of Alberta Fluctu......in the numbers of the varying ha...... On the theory of Brownian motion The food of Lake Nipigon f...... a new species of Ornithomimidae......he Belly River formation of Alberta The bottom organisms of Lake Nipigon Publications of the Ontario Fi......ry The problem of freedom in Gre...... The limnology of Lake Nipigon A...... investigation of the Lake Abiti......ime : a course of five lectures ......s to the close of the Republic The fur-trade of...
- 著者標目University of Toronto
- 関連情報...color-patterns of moths and butt......d segmentation of Limax campestr...... Binney Cruise of the steam yach......893, in charge of Alexander Agas......he development of the pronephros......e Holothurians of the western part of the Atlantic o......l canal system of the selachia a......he development of the mesonephro......e segmentation of the nervous sy......the morphology of the vertebrate......reconnoissance of the Bahamas and of the elevated reefs of Cuba in the st......eneral geology of the Fiji Islan......ing operations of the U.S. Coast......" during parts of January and Fe......early cleavage of Haminea solitaria (Say) Some ...
- 著者標目Harvard University. Museum of Comparative Zoology
- 関連情報...nical identity of the Indo-Irani......lklore The use of lumber on Cali......s The literary character of Walter Pater S......a bibliography of musical settings of the poems and prose of William Blake ......the University of California, Lo......ection Storage of perishable fru......aphy The tombs of Iteti, Sekhemʿ......Ptah, and Kaemnofert at Giza On ......on the writing of history I coul......a spider wasps of the subfamily ......The Department of anthropology of the University of California The ticks of California (Ac...... Latin riddles of Claret British......Elam : surveys of political hist......ina : problems of authenticity Adult and immatu...
- 関連情報...ch économistes of the 18th centu......ay on the laws of trade in refer......e to the works of internal impro......mmercial state of Britain since ...... in the theory of money, 1690-17......hts and duties of the poor The idea of value Industry of the Rhine Popu......the principles of the distribution of wealth : most ...... The evolution of the money mark......alytical study of the rise and development of finance as a c......ohn rae's Life of Adam Smith : i......ouse A history of the theories of production & d......he development of American polit......udy The making of index numbers : a study of their varieties, tests, and r...
- 関連情報...he performance of the screw prop......liminary study of the ruins of Cobá, Quintana......or the history of the United Sta......cipal archives of Mexico Anasazi......The physiology of the elephant D......try by the aid of the achromatic......he pleistocene of the western region of North America ......eg's catalogue of stars : revise......h a vocabulary of Persian and Ar......s Condensation of vapor as induc......s illustrative of the history of the slave trad......condary sexual characters of some domestic ...... Anthropometry of adult Maya Indians : a study of their physical...... physiological characteristics A biometric study of ba...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)CIW Carnegie Institution of Washington Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Pub
- 並列タイトル等CIW Carnegie Institution of Washington Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Pub