検索結果 5 件
- 関連情報...nth symposium Nonlinear dynamics in astronomy and physics......ndrup Computation for cardiovasc......gical applications Texas/ESO-CERN Symposium on Relativistic A......the design of constructed facili......tates Myelination and dysmyelination A French engin......ering realization : the development of the Rhone river basin T......d time perception Chemistry, bio......surement, and control Mechanisms......emory dysfunctions : an integration of animal and ......ochemical environment in relation to health and ......exas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics Second International Conference on Carriers and C......oteins Modulation of cellular interactions by v...
- 一般注記No. 30 (c1937) stamped "Technical publication No.30"
- 関連情報Symposium on methods of testing building constructions : presented a......nnual Meeting, American Society for Te......face Symposium on Nondestructive Tes......nted at the Second Pacific Area National Meeting, Los...... and 18, 1956, American Society for Te......ials Symposium on methods of mea......hear Symposium on statistical me......Committee D-12 on Soap and Other......rbine lubrication problems : a s......nnual Meeting, American Society for Te......Materials, Boston, Mass., 25-30 ......icide formulations and delivery ......t crop protection industry Skiin......spheric corrosion investigation of zinc-coated and incoated ...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)ASTM STP STP Special technical publication
- 関連情報... to the Right Honourable the Sec...... the Committee on the Provision for Social and Economic Research Conférence internationale du travail : projets de conventions et recommandations adoptés par la conférence ... = International Labour Conference : draft conventions and recommendations adopted by the conference ... Report of ...... and tubes National Health Insur......ort of the National Health Insurance (International arrangements......ard to the National Health Insur......urance Commissioners Profiteerin...... 1920 : report on vinegar : prep......ding committee on trusts Report on the trade in i......ntal Committee on Fire Brigade Services : Prese...
- 関連情報...ht process Regionalism, Ethnicit......ncome fluctuations : an analysis......rket interventions on cotton producers in T......cial organization in Nias, Indonesia A cross-cu......e analysis of conversation and its implications for language ......unist International, 1919-1929 Hegemony and crisis : ......wer in transition From aid to st...... and Islamisation : a comparativ......e social and economic organisation of Muslim and ......ciety networks on the global pol......CMS women missionaries in Iran, ......4 The institutional politics of ...... : a model of contingent innovation Coming to term......r and translation in the bilingual vernacular d...