検索結果 47 件
- 関連情報Theory into practice : professional development for geography teachers
- 掲載誌Theory into practice : professional development for geography teachers
- 内容細目...can literature and language in th......m / Karen Chow and Noelle Brada-W...... of resonance: teaching African American and Asian American literature and culture in Asi......foreign place: geography and American liter....../ Sheila Hones Teaching with anthologi...... affecting the teaching of Asian Ameri......erature inside and outside the Pa......ntive modeling and American India......e great white 'race adventure': Jack London and the yellow per...... Hong Kingston and Toni Morrison ./ Karen Chow Teaching 'representatio......Between memory and history: Maxin......on's China men and The woman warr...... the promised land / Chih-ming Wang Under easter...
- 件名American literature -- Study and teaching -- Pacific Are......ature -- Study and teaching -- East Asia. ......thors -- Study and teaching -- East Asia. East Asia -- Ci...
- 関連情報...luids, natural and artificial : i......hat of the air and water, ... : w......ch experiments and machines, whic......es The anatomy and philosophy of ......he cultivation and manufacture of......he philosopher and the hope of th......als, minerals, and metals. A thin......s, surprizing, and useful: relati......, consistence, and heat, in diver......urless, fluid, and cold. Together......pon the blood (and its serum) of ......ts The history and present state ......vision, light, and colours Techni......tion of active and extinct volcan...... algemeene verhandeling van de bl......he atmosphere, and of its connection with the sc...
- 関連情報...ogy, legality, and personality Mobility, space, and culture Homo l......e Danube basin and the German economic sphere Race and suicide in Sou......ca Adolescents and morality : a s......e moral values and dilemmas of wo......ization, class and control Urbani......, colonialism, and the world-economy : cultural and spatial founda......on Frustration and aggression The......ructure of England and Wales, 1871-1961 Complexity and social movemen......chaos The home and social status Education and the handicapped, 1760-1......iminal justice and social reconst......nce Sentiments and activities : e......ence Knowledge and social structure : an introdu...
- 関連情報...ents described and interpreted Th...... education The Teaching of writing Mass media and education Art ......ucation Nature and nurture Minimu......ool subjects-standards and current practi......eacher as text and the text as te......al differences and the common cur......ol instruction and administration......lum-making The teaching of reading Voi......the elementary and secondary scho......lligence tests and their use The ......er Comparative and critical expos......acher research and educational re......ol instruction and administration......Microcomputers and education Educ......sions Learning and teaching the ways of knowing ...
- 関連情報Webquests in geography Place, "race" and teaching geography
- 関連情報...quiry into the place of geometry in ......s Neurological and neurosurgical ......iety, schools, and progress in Au......ciety, schools and progress in th......an development and Europe : repor......ciety, schools and progress in Ni......eory Marketing and the brand manager A mode......cs with understanding Vector anal......s, scientists, and engineers Russ......ation of the Laplace transformation ......de to business and professional c......Ship magnetism and the magnetic c......ss Heat energy and waves Elementa......sh Social work and medical practice On teaching mathematics : ......roblems in the teaching of mathematics : being the ou...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)The commonwealth and international ......e commonwealth and international ......ce, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international ......y Commonwealth and international ......y The American and international ......y, engineering and liberal studies
- 並列タイトル等The commonwealth and international ......e commonwealth and international ......ce, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international ......y Commonwealth and international ......y The American and international ......y, engineering and liberal studies
- 関連情報...l essays Stars and galaxies: birth, ageing, and death in the u......rtrait A man's place : masculinity i......e thinker : a handbook of techniq......s for creative and critical probl......cal essays Law and the American f......, Marcus Bach, and others Corpora......utive's legal handbook : affidavi......ou may need Poland & Czechoslovak......ainting in Englandand France, 1750-1......dren, parents, and teachers Goals......National Goals and chapters submi...... essays Z8000 handbook How to get......s, interviews, and job-hunting st......economy : rich and poor countries......o select, mix, and operate personal computers an...
- 関連情報Negative theology and utopian though......auma, madness, and the body India......, environment, and identity on th...... from Faulkner and Morrison to Walker and Silko Sex, race, and family in cont...... James Merrill and W.H. Auden : homosexuality and poetic influen......er capitalism, and gay and lesbian subcul......of Saul Bellow and Don DeLillo Fetishism and its discontent...... women writers and problematic belongings Women and race in contemporar...... era Moby-Dick and Melville's ant......legacy Amnesia and redress in con......as Freak shows and the modern Ame......n, Fitzgerald, and the modern(ist......ender, action, and emotion Language, gender, and...
- 一般注記...e L. Kincheloe and Shirley R. Steinberg, general...
- 関連情報...ical democracy and social movemen...... life-writings and strategies of ......ers : critical race theory research and counter histor......ion of Latinos and Latinas : a re......ct, discourse, and diversity Part......on ethnography and education Dism......ogy, politics, and whiteness Soci......nge in diverse teaching contexts : touchy subjects and routine practices For God and country : conservatism and American schoo......terature, law, and culture Undres......s on the unity and integration of......ower, meaning, and identity : ess...... spirituality, and education : cu......om educational and positive psychology Teaching ...
- 関連情報...n : identities and participation ......niversal basic and secondary educ......dren's drawing and writing : the ......able Education and neoliberal glo......l applications and mobility Educa......on, philosophy and well-being : n...... facilitation, and mediation : children and young people i......ial background and cognitive abil......cial Education and sustainability......a, indigenous, and minority divid......s, immigrants, and education in t...... pedagogies of place : educating students in and for local and global environ......ents Language, race, and power in schoo......erican English and the achievement gap : the rol...
- 関連情報Curating empire : museums and the British im......itual, routine and resistance in ......Empire Borders and conflict in So......ary Commission and the partition ......icket, culture and society New Zealand's empire Ireland, India and empire : Indo-......British Empire and the stage, 179......8-1914 Masters and servants : cul......ties, networks and the British ac...... Sex, politics and empire : a postcolonial geography Imperial medicine and indigenous soc......Victorian army and its use of rai......reconstruction and soldier settle......an icon Empire and nation-buildin......ar imperialism and the military : 1850-1950 Writ...
- 関連情報A prologue to population geography Social and educational re...... a reader The handicapped person ......ity : a reader and sourcebook Dyslexia and literacy : theory and practice Psych......der Curriculum and assessment : s......rt of darkness and other tales Te......ls Child abuse and neglect : faci......enge Dialogues and debates in soc......1914 Schooling and capitalism : a......reader Freedom and reason The new......The government and politics of Br......ogy of African and Caribbean writ......ture, ideology and social process......gs on urbanism and urbanization T......science Understanding the earth :......social thought and social change Developing math...
- 関連情報...onal identity, and foreign policy......us in medieval and early modern England Editing Emily ......orthern French and Flemish manusc......re at Coney Island Henry Miller and religion This ......ral markedness and syntactic stru...... of word order and the left perip......t : authorship and the discourse ......party messages and Latino party i......m, literature, and the transforma......oir, folklore, and fiction of the...... investigation Race, immigration, and American ident......Ralph Ellison, and William Faulkn......ourth Movement and the Chinese di......l partnerships and social relatio......s in workforce and economic development Racial a...
- 関連情報Theories and methodologies ......rch Assessment and selection Cogn......tics The Sage handbook of the 21s......ents The SAGE handbook of process......: a reference handbook Encycloped......arch The SAGE handbook of human geography An unfinished ......The BERA/SAGE handbook of educati......es of training and practice Cultu......limate Poverty and development The SAGE handbook of web his......of immigration and migration in t......tion, politics and popular cultur......a of religious and spiritual deve......ions The Sage handbook of global ......of environment and society Psychological - and American - ori......ncyclopedia of geography Encyclopedia of white-collar ...
- 関連情報Global Englishes and change in English language teaching : attitudes and impact Mobile ......ons from Qatar and the Arabian Gu......Africa Tourism and urban regenera......ressed in time and space "Helicopter parenting" and "boomerang chi......arents support and relate to their student and co-resident gr......money The rise and fall of the Br...... communication and deformative tr......olitics, propaganda, and public health ......hics, meaning, and market society......ip, innovation and technology : a......to core models and tools On extremism and democracy in Europe Race, nation, war :...... public policy and national security Confronting...
- 関連情報Story and philosophy for......ge in medieval and postmodern wri...... power, faith, and crusade Saint ......rer, his world and life : religion and society in lat......resses : image and empire The lab......ies : literary and legal producti......le (1180-1246) and political wome......n medieval England : legally abse......age, property, and women's narratives Understanding scholastic ......lam, the West, and the relevance ......he past Sacred and secular in medieval and early modern c......ers of Heloise and Abelard : perc......e medieval England Received medie...... : a cognitive geography of Viennese wo......) Visual power and fame in René d'Anjou, Geoffre...
- 関連情報...lassical, folk and syncretic trad......ns Altarpieces and their viewers ......f a psalm-tone and its use in pol......llo : practice and policy of a Vi......ween Beethoven and Brahms : the fall and rise of a genre Architecture and pilgrimage, 10......outhern Europe and beyond Mallarmé and Wagner : music and poetic language The Turk and Islam in the W......re Orientalism André Breton in ex......y, space Peace and conflict studi......cy in medieval and Renaissance It......votional image and civic emblem E......ers with music and musicians : es...... music Animism and shamanism in t......century art : Kandinsky, Ernst, Pollock, Beuys V...
- 関連情報Racial exclusionism and the city : the......rxist analyses and social anthrop......tory of infant and nursery educat......ple, resources and power Plato to......uage, schools, and classrooms Int......onal business handbook Social pol......, collectivism and the origins of......able resources and disequilibrium......n trade theory and policy, 1909-1......epresentations and the semantics ......rm, tradition, and transformation......David Harvey's geography Prosodic const......ucation in England German pronunciation and phonology Fren......text The banks and the monetary s......-1971 English landed society in the nineteenth c...
- 関連情報Secrecy and publicity : di......h century NASA and the space indu......gious politics and secular states...... Egypt, India, and the United Sta......nt in American and European space......ns, Europeans, and the remaking o...... on federalism and free governmen......an : challenge and response in th......erican writers and the literary marketplace, from Benjamin F......ture, mimesis, and anthropology T......acy, numeracy, and the computer r......Music in Greek and Roman culture ......ispheres north and south : econom......or examination and evaluation The......c reborn : war and the making of ......0-1820 Slavery and the literary imagination Hist...