検索結果 23 件
- タイトル標目World scientific monograph series in mathematics ; v. 6.
- 著者標目Delgado, J. (Joaquín) International Symposium on Hamil...
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical referen...
- 関連情報World scientific monograph series in mathematics
- 掲載誌World scientific monograph series in mathematics
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical references (p. 359-429) and index
- 関連情報World scientific monograph series in mathematics
- 掲載誌World scientific monograph series in mathematics
- 件名Three-body problem Lagrangian points
- 件名(識別子)Three-body problem Lagrangian points
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical referen...
- 件名Three-body problem Lagrangian points
- 件名(識別子)Three-body problem Lagrangian points
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical referen...
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical referen...
- 関連情報World scientific monograph series in mathematics
- 掲載誌World scientific monograph series in mathematics
- 件名Three-body problem Lagrangian points
- 件名(識別子)Three-body problem Lagrangian points
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical referen...
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical referen...
- 関連情報World scientific monograph series in mathematics
- 掲載誌World scientific monograph series in mathematics
- 一般注記...logical Review Monograph Series"] Distributor in U.S. of America: Rowman & Lit...
- 関連情報Sociological studies in British univer......ology and medicine : studies within the framework ......nology, and domination The problems arising from the teaching of personalit...... Service Picturing power : visua......ations Remembering elites Reconfiguring the anthropology of Britain : ethnographic......heoretical and interdisciplinary perspective...... matters : rethinking sociology-biology relations in the twenty-fir......ies, space and interaction in the contempora......oundation year in the University......development of industrial societ......ead at the Nottingham Conference......s and activism in contemporary Europe The Socio...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)The Sociological review monograph Sociological review monographs Sociological review monograph series Monograph series of the Sociological review So...
- 関連情報...chichte der rheinischen Vulkane : ein Bericht an die......d artificial : in particular tha...... ... : with plain draughts of su......iments and machines, whichines, which by de......Opere Versuch einer Geschichte d......ques : ou sont inserées les memo......x Memoir, containing an abridged t......manufacture of indigo. ... L'art......ectionner les vins Ursprung der Bergwerke in Sachsen, aus d......'Amerique More worlds than one : th......eschichte von einigen Liebhabern......Wissenschaften Introduction a l'......en age Les origines de la statique The foot-prints of the creat......orps du regne minéral, connus vulgairement sous...
- 関連情報...ar libration points Hamiltonian ......S-98) : proceedings of the III International Sym......omeric methods in physics Advanc......ethods for collinear points Spectral ana......al operators : interplay between......ued functions minimizing Dirichlet's integral and the ......arity of area-minimizing rectifiable c......r triangylar points
- 関連情報...n and its role in the global car......cture of great interest to geoph......spheric discontinuities Mountain building in the uralides :......onosphere coupling in the solar syst......ssure research in mineral physics : a volume in honor of Syun-...... and chemistry Indian ocean biog......hysics of faulting Rivers over r......vial processes in Bedrock channe......y Petroleum engineering : principles, calcula......rkflows Monitoring and modeling the Deepwater...... a record-breaking enterprise Integrated imaging of the earth ......ent techniques in space plasmas ......per atmosphere in motion : a sel......ic sea ice decline : observations, projections,...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Geophysical monograph series
- 並列タイトル等Geophysical monograph series
- 一般注記Other title information on co...... 177: A Dekker series of textbooks and monographs Cover title o......Statistics : a series of textbooks and monographs Back cover of "Handbook of s...
- 関連情報Computer modeling for business and industry Multiple......d applications in biometry : a festschrift in honor of Charl......methods for engineers and scientists A course in linear models Engineering quality by design : interpreting the Taguchi a......collection and interpretation Ra......d response and indirect questioning techniques in surveys Parts ......ues for estimating quality levels Case studies in sample design ......analysis for clinical studies Ha......l analysis The information in contingency tables Ra......es Survey sampling : theory and ......uadratic forms in random variabl......ional and time series data analysis Nonparametric s...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Statistics : a Dekker series of textbooks and monographs Statistics : a series of textbooks and monographs Statistics
- 一般注記...title of -117: monographs on epistemolo...... 119-: studies in epistemology, ......Dordrecht : Springer
- 関連情報... appearance Definitions and definability : philo......oretic realist interpretation of......cience Studies in the methodolog......1 to 1969 Scrutinizing science : emp......cal studies of scientific change Disposi......odel-theoretic investigation into the varietie......n mathematical instrumentalism A......nd fields : an investigation into archaeologic......ults : studies in pure and applied intensional logic Scientific procedures : a......ibution concerning the methodolo......al problems of scientific concepts and scientific explanation No......c logic Topics in the formal met......guage : proceedings of the 1970 Stanford worksh...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Synthese library : studies in epistemology, ......hese library : monographs on epistemolo......se library : a series of monographs on the recent development of...
- 一般注記Publisher's name in English: Sri Satguru Publicat...
- 関連情報... Varāha Mihira Inscriptions of K......531 A.D. Unveiling the light in the Veda South Indian Jainism भाट्टदीपिका......itical study : Indian spirituali......m : the unchanging testament The...... Today's woman in world religions Gaṇa......tions for Pūjā Inscriptions of A......e and death : Hindu ethics in North American......nce to cognate Indo-European lan...... Question of being : East-West p......ought : essays in honour of the ......Self as person in Asian theory a......e logic of the intermediate causal link : containing the Sanskrit ...... of the Tattvacintāmaṇi of Gaṅge......ranslation and introduction Encyclopaedia of In...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Sri Garib Dass oriental series Sri Garib Das oriental series प्राज्ञपाठशालामण्डलग्रन्थमाला...
- 一般注記Subtitle: a series of monographs on ancient ph......e of v. 44-: a series of studies on ......ed by J.H. Waszink and W.J. Verdenius
- 関連情報...ii Manlii Severini Boethii De di......s of understanding Untersuchunge......ics, semantics in Aristotle's st......ot and thought in Plato's Timaeu......on and rule-making in Aristotle's pr...... Théodicée plotinienne, théodicé......i Chalcidensis In Platonis dialo......nth letter Plotinus and the Stoics : a preliminary study The C......critique of naming The libraries......nists : proceedings of the meeting of the Europe......ught. Patterns in the constituti...... culture" held in Strasbourg, Ma......pulsion of the scientific committee of the meeting, composed by ......Cacouros, Cristina D'Ancona, Tiz......gonnard Roche Eine Auswahl herkulanischer klein...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Philosophia antiqua : a series of studies on ......ia antiqua : a series of monographs on ancient philosophy PhA
- 関連情報...he sanitary drainage of Washington city A method of reaching extreme altit......l radiation during expeditions t......e skeletal remains of early man ......d, subject-heading bibliography ......tes, 1961-1965 World weather record......cation and terminology of the Ca......gravities, boiling and melting points, and chemica......cter of the brain Index catalogue o......d memoirs relating to nebulæ and......tes Researches in helminthology and par...... Archeological investigations at......on of the West Indies Smithsonia......he Smithsonian Institution, 1887......: memorial meeting, December 3, ......anscription of Indian languages : report of Com...
- 関連情報Narrative of travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the seventeent......ations made during a voyage round the world, on physical g......, settlements, inhabitants, clim......n : considered in relation to ex......third part of King Henry VI Euri......ts Shakespeare in the theatre Mi......us studies : a series of essays Pamphlets on West Indian slavery Na...... L'Abbaye De Saint-etienne De Baigne, En Saintonge Life and ...... grammatik der Indogermanischen ...... coffee houses in England : with......state of music in France and Ita......notes taken during some rapid jo......ndes Practical introduction to Latin prose composition The wood be...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Cambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
- 並列タイトル等Cambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
- 関連情報...rst part, containing the Sermones ......es of Ælfric : in the original Anglo-Saxon,...... Collected writings Luke the phy......lations of the world and the religions observed in all ages and p......fiore : comprising their life an......rk as recorded in their diaries ......gy of food Tracings from the Act......t. John the Divine ( 1912 ) Thom......h a historical introduction (1927) Linga Yoni : a Hindustan sexual s......yers and magic incantations of t......922) Diary, Reminiscences and co......Henry Crabb Robinson, barrister at law Readings in the economics ...... months at the World's Fair Oil colors and printer's inks : a practical handb...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Rare mystical reprints Kessinger publishing's rare reprints Kessinger Publishing's rare reprints : thousands ......e and hard-to-find books Kessinger's rare reprints
- 並列タイトル等Rare mystical reprints Kessinger publishing's rare reprints Kessinger Publishing's rare reprints : thousands ......e and hard-to-find books Kessinger's rare reprints
- 一般注記Imprint varies: London ; New York : ...
- 関連情報Tale type- and motif-indexes : an anno......essays Alchemy in Europe : a gui......wish question" in German-speaking countries, 18......y Iconographic index to Old Test......ts represented in photographs and slides of paintings in the visual collections, Fine Arts Library,......: symbolic meaning in The rainbow and Women in love The Roman......phy of the writings of Walter H.......racter and distinctiveness The c......: an anthology in Spanish, Engli...... and Caló Teaching the conflicts......he legends of King Arthur, the K......s and politics in American histo...... Women writers in pre-revolution......historical writing A handlist to James Joyce's ...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Garland reference library in the humanities