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Exploring Japanese Landmarks in Nishiki-e and Photographs

Kashima Jingu Grand Shrine

The head shrine of Kashima Shrine is dedicated to Takemikazuchi no Okami, the god of the founding of Japan and of martial arts, and is located in Kashima, Ibaraki. The current main shrine was donated by TOKUGAWA Hidetada, the rear shrine by TOKUGAWA Ieyasu, and the tower gate by TOKUGAWA Yorifusa, all of which are designated as Important Cultural Properties.

Nishiki-e and Paintings

六十余州名所図会 常陸 鹿島太神宮

常陸 鹿島太神宮




日本名勝旧蹟産業写真集 関東地方之部 新訂




Landmarks around Kashima Jingu Grand Shrine

Katori Jingu Choshi Oarai Naritasan Temple Mito Kairakuen Garden Kujukuri Mt. Tsukuba Horikiri Yatsukoji

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