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Exploring Japanese Landmarks in Nishiki-e and Photographs


Japan's largest island located in Niigata Prefecture. There are many natural scenic spots such as the Sado Kaifu Coast and the Sado Ogi Coast, which is a National Natural Monument. The Five Storied Pagoda of Myosenji Temple is the only existing pagoda in Niigata Prefecture, and is designated as an Important Cultural Property. In addition, ibis, Special Natural Monuments, are bred and released into the wild.

Nishiki-e and Paintings

旅みやげ 第2集


旅みやげ 第2集



日本名勝旧蹟産業写真集 奥羽・中部地方之部 新訂

佐渡 真野の山稜



The NDL Image Bank is a public-domain digital gallery of the National Diet Library, the national library in Japan. Our website has thousands of out-of-copyright Japanese artworks and images from our library’s extensive collection!

The NDL Gallery is online content that you can enjoy using the digitized materials of the National Diet Library. It also provides information on exhibitions in the National Diet Library.

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