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Philosophy and Religion Bibliographies (Subject Bibliography) Published in the Japanese Language

This webpage introduces search tools (subject bibliographies) chiefly in the Japanese language available mainly in the Tokyo Main Library Humanities Room to find reference resources (books, journal articles, etc.) related to philosophy and religion.

To search for journal articles, please refer to Article Index of Periodicals in Japanese.

Numbers shown in brackets 【 】 indicate the NDL call number for an item.

Items following the materials and database information is as follows below.
[Range]: Indicates the range of years during which the material of interest was cataloged and the material format
[Organization]: Indicates the content of individual volumes in multi-volume works
[Order]: Indicates the order in which a bibliography is filed
[Index]: Indicates the index of type

1. Philosophy and Thought

1-1. General

  • "Shiso tetsugakusho soran" (Comprehensive list of books on thought and philosophy). 2001-2010. vol.1, 2 (Nichigai Associates 2011)
    [Range] 2001-2010. Books
    [Organization] Vol.1 (Thought, philosophy, and ethics), Vol.2 (Thought and philosophy in particular fields)
    [Order] Volume> Classification> Title
    [Index] Author name, subject name
  • "Shiso tetsugakusho zenjoho" (Comprehensive information on books on thought and philosophy). 1945-2000. vol.1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Nichigai Associates 2001 【H1-G5】)
    [Range] 1945-2000. Books
    [Organization] Vol.1 (An outline of philosophy and particular theories of philosophy), Vol.2 (History of thought and philosophy), Vol.3 (Ethics, virtue, and philosophy of mind), Vol.4 (Thought in social sciences), Vol.5 (Thought in sciences, arts, and religion)
    [Order] Volume> Classification> Title
    [Index] Book title, author name, subject name
  • "Tetsugaku meicho kaidai"(Annotated bibliographiy of classics of philosophy) (Shunjusha 1955 【103.1-Sy998t】)
    A commentary of historical literatures on Western philosophy.
    [Range] Books
    [Order] By author name
    [Index] None

1-2. Japan

2. Religion

To search for research literature and related books on each sect in addition to using the items presented below, please go to the NDL Search, and open the "Refiners" and enter the name of the religion (or sect) in the "Title"field. You can also add "Subject "filed, and enter the name of the religion (or sect) in Japanese. To narrow your search down to bibliographies, please enter name of the religion or sect followed by "書目" (Example: 日蓮宗 書目).

2-1. General

  • "Shukyo no hon zenjoho (Comprehensive information on religious books). 2000-2005*"* (Nichigai Associates 2006 【HK1-H2】)
    "Shukyo no hon zenjoho (Comprehensive information on religious books). 1995-2000*"* (Nichigai Associates 2000 【HK1-G1】)
    "Shukyo no hon zenjoho (Comprehensive information on religious books). 1986-1995*"* (Nichigai Associates 1995 【HK1-G1】)
    [Range] 1986-2005. Books
    [Order] Religion> Sect/Subject> Publication date or book title
    [Index] Author name, subject
  • Kazuo Kasahara, ed., "Nihon shukyoshi kenkyu nyumon"(An introduction to studies on the history of Japanese religions) (Hyoronsha 1971 【HK33-15】)
    This work provides annotated bibliographies by each researcher of research literature.
    [Range] 1945-1970. Books, parts of books, journal articles
    [Order] Era> Religion/Subject> Author name
    [Index] 'Bibliography of research literature' included. Author name> Paper presentation date
  • Tetsuya Ohama [et al.], ed., "Nihon shukyoshi kenkyu bunken mokuroku" (Bibliography of studies on history of Japanese religions) vol.1, 2 (Iwata Shoin 1995-2000 【HK1-G2】)
    This work covers the results of studies on regional history.
    [Range] Books, parts of books, journal articles
    [Organization] Vol.1 (1971-1986 (*including some items published in 1987)), Vol.2 (1987-1997)
    [Order] Chiefly by era> Author name> Publication date
    [Index] None
  • Susumu Shimazono, Kenji Ishii, Masahiro Shimoda, Hidetaka Fukazawa, ed., "Shukyogaku bunken jiten"(Dictionary of literature on religious studies) (Kobundo 2007 【HK1-J1】)
    This is a collection of bibliographies (including some original texts) with commentary on religious studies covering all eras and places, and related fields.
    [Range] Books
    [Order] By author name
    [Index] Book title, author name, subject (*all types of indexes are in Japanese and Western languages)
    [Notes] The beginning of the book contains a list of literature by fields and a list of authors. The end of the book contains an annotated bibliography of dictionaries, book series, etc.
  • Written and edited by Masakazu Tanatsugu, Hiroshi Yamanaka, "Shukyogaku nyumon"(An introduction to religious studies) (Minerva Shobo 2005 【HK13-H30】)
    It includes 'Shukyo wo manabu hito no tame no kihon bunken' (Essential literature for students of religious studies) (pp.219-246) and 'Gendai no shukyo kenkyu 100sen' (100 selections of contemporary study on religion) (pp.247-251).
    [Range] Books
  • "Shukyo kenkyu" Database Ronbun KensakuLeave the NDL website. (Database of Articles Published in "Religious Studies") (Japanese Association for Religious Studies)
    [Range] Users can search articles published in "Religious Studies" (Japanese Association for Religious Studies triannual 【Z9-184】) from no.1 (1917) to no.340 (2004). Full text of no.1-145 (1955) is available.

2-2. Shinto

  • Kokugakuin Daigaku Nihon Bunka Kenkyujo, ed., "Shinto jiten"(Shinto dictionary) (Kobundo 1994 【HL2-E15】)
    It includes 'Shinto bunken' (Literature on Shinto) (pp.545-594) and 'Bunken ichiran :kenkyu bunken, jinja shiryo kankei bunken )' (List of literatures: research literature and literature related to materials on Shinto shrines) (pp. 733-763).
    It also contains summaries of literatures on Shinto and research histories, commentary on essential publications, annotated books, research bibliographies, and more.
    A reduced-size-edition【HL2-G8】 is also available.
    [Range] Books
  • Ariyoshi Saeki, ed., "Shinto bunrui somokuroku"(A comprehensive classified bibliography of Shinto) (Meicho Fukyukai 1988 【HL1-E2】)
    *This is a reproduction of the following books published in 1937:
    Ariyoshi Saeki, ed., "Shinto bunrui somokuroku"(A comprehensive classified bibliography of Shinto) (Shun'yodo Shoten 1937 【170.31-Sa134s】)
    This contains bibliographies of approximately 10,000 Shinto-related publications.
    [Range] Antiquity-circa 1911
    [Order] 13 categories> Book title
    [Index] Book title
    [Notes] 'An annotated bibliography of titles of books difficult to read' (with index) is included. 'A selected bibliography of SHINTO in foreign languages' included at the end of the book.
  • Kokugakuin Daigaku Nihon Bunka Kenkyujo, ed., "Shinto ronbun somokuroku"(A general bibliography of articles on Shinto) (Daiichi Shobo 1987 【HL1-E3】)
    *This is a reprint of Kokugakuin Daigaku Nihon Bunka Kenkyujo, ed., "Shinto ronbun somokuroku" (Meiji Jingu Shamusho 1963 【170.31-Ko547s】)

    Kokugakuin Daigaku Nihon Bunka Kenkyujo, ed., "Shinto ronbun somokuroku. Zoku"(A general bibliography of articles on Shinto. Supplementary volume) (Daiichi Shobo 1989 【HL1-E3】)

    [Range] 1868-1986. Journal articles
    [Order] Classification volume (Classification> Publication date), Personal name volume
    [Index] The main volume includes an 'Index of main subjects'; the supplementary volume includes an 'Index of keywords'.
    [Notes] A list of included journals added as an appendix.
  • Kokugakuin Daigaku Nihon Bunka Kenkyujo, ed., "Shinto jinbutsu kenkyu bunken mokuroku"(A bibliography of research on notable Shinto figures) (Kobundo 2000 【HL1-G6】)
    This work focuses on deceased notable figures up to 1996 deeply involved with Shinto such as those related to shrines, Shintoists, scholars, and other associated individuals. It also includes brief biographies and research literature for each figure (categorized into books, articles, dictionaries and short biographical sketches, etc.).
    [Range] -March 1997. Books, parts of books, journal articles
    [Order] By personal name
    [Index] None
  • "Gendai shinto kenkyu shusei. Bekkan"(Anthology of modern Shinto studies. Separate volume) (Jinja Shinposha 2000 【HL11-G62】)
    This is composed of an index and a catalog of books.
    [Range] Books published between August 1946 and March 2000
    [Order] NDC Classification> Publication date
    [Index] The index is to be used to consult citations in research articles included in the main volumes.
    [Notes] The main volumes (vol.1-10) collect and classify important postwar articles on Shintoism. They include commentaries on articles, volume and issue numbers of the journals which publish those articles.

2-3. Buddhism


<Jodo Shinshu>


  • Makoto Onozawa, ed., "Jishu bunken mokuroku"(Bibliography of literature on Ji-shu) (Koshi Shoin 2016 【HM1-L23】)
    [Range] Meiji period-present. Books, parts of books, journal articles
    [Order] By author name
    [Index] None
    [Notes] It includes an introduction to the contents and notes on the illustrations (monochrome, color, etc.).


  • Yushin Natsume, "Mikkyo kankei zasshi ronbun mokuroku"(Bibliography of journal articles on Mikkyo) (Bunseido 1975 【HM1-15】)
    [Range] Meiji period-1965. Journal articles, books, parts of books
    [Order] Classification> Subheading > Chiefly publication date
    [Index] None
  • Shuchiin Daigaku Mikkyo Gakkai, ed., "Mikkyo kankei bunken mokuroku"(Bibliography of literature on Mikkyo) (New revised and enlarged edition Dohosha Media Plan 2007 【HM1-H40】)
    [Range] -March 2005. Books, parts of books, journal articles
    [Order] Classification> Book, Journal> Subheading> Book/Journal title
    [Index] By author name
    [Notes] In addition to academic books, exhibition catalogs, introductory guides, and general introductions to subjects are included. It also includes some journal articles written in foreign languages.



  • Hitoshi Miyake, ed., "Shugendo jiten"(A dictionary of Shugendo) (Tokyodo Shuppan 1986 【HM2-114】)
    'Index of literature' (pp.409-429) includes literature related to Shugendo published from the early Meiji period until 1985.
    [Range] Books, parts of books, journal articles
    [Order] Classification> Author name
    [Notes] For literature published in and after 1986, please refer to 'Shugendo kankei bunken mokuroku' (Bibliography of literature related to Shugendo), included in "Sangaku shugen"(Japanese mountain religion) (Nihon Sangaku Shugen Gakkai semi-annual 【Z9-851】).This bibliography is included in no.3-5, 7, and issues nearly every other one to the present).

2-4. Christianity

2-5. Islam

2-6. Taoism

2-7. New Religions

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