Rearmament of Japan, Part 1: 1947-1952 & Part 2: 1953-1963

憲政資料室 作成

(1) Rearmament of Japan, Part 1: 1947-1952
(2) Rearmament of Japan, Part 2: 1953-1963

(1) 日本の再軍備 第1部 1947-1952/(2) 日本の再軍備 第2部 1953-1963
(1) YF5-A16/(2) YF5-A17
(1) 566枚/(2) 561枚
日本の再軍備政策に関する米国政府機関等の主要文書を採録した資料集(増田弘編)。この資料集の収録文書のうち、予算局文書(米国国立公文書館所蔵 RG51)、財務省国際問題担当次官補室文書(同 RG56)、国務省政策企画室文書、相互防衛及び安全保障支援計画文書、世論調査室文書(同 RG59)、米国情報庁文書(同 RG306)、陸軍省参謀本部作戦部(G-3)文書(同 RG319)、対日軍事援助顧問団文書、国防長官室文書(同 RG330)、国連軍文書(同 RG333)、陸軍長官室文書(同 RG335)、シーボルド文書(米海軍兵学校ニミッツ図書館)、などは、当館ではこの資料集でしか所蔵がない。
Part 1 Section 1: Military Agencies and Organizations
  • 1-A-1 to 215: Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • 1-B-1 to 273: Records of Army Staff, Operations
  • 1-C-1 to 212: Records of the Office of Secretary of the Army
  • 1-D-1 to 234: Records of the Supreme Commander for Allied Powers
  • 1-F-1 to 190: Records of Army Commands Japan
  • 1-G-1 to 33: Records of International Military Agencies Headquarters, United Nations Command
Part 1 Section 2: Diplomatic and Security Departments, Offices, Agencies and Programs
  • 2-A-1 to 184: Records of Foreign Service Posts Office of the U.S. Political Advisor for Japan
  • 2-B-1 to 334: Records of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs
  • 2-D-1 to 40: Records of the Policy Planning Staff
  • 2-E-1 to 12: Records of the Mutual Defense and Security Assistance Programs
  • 2-F-1 to 32: Records of the Office of Public Opinion Research
  • 2-F-33 to 35: Records of the Bureau of Intelligence Research
  • 2-F-36 to 39: Documents from "Foreign Relations of the U.S."
  • 2-F-40 to 137: Records from the Japanese Peace Treaty Files of John Foster Dulles
  • 2-G-1 to 41: Central Files of the Department of State
  • 2-H-1 to 14:Records of the National Security Council
Part 1 Section 3: Presidential Libraries
  • 3-A-1 to 23: Records from the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library
Part 1 Section 4: Other U.S. Executive Branch Agencies
  • 4-A-1 to 17: Records of the Bureau of Budget
  • 4-B-1 to 81: Records of the Department of Treasury Office of Assistant Secretary for International Affairs
Part 1 Section 5: Collections Other than the National Archives and Records Administration
  • 5-A-1 to 59: Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives and library
  • 5-B-1 to 26: William J. Sebald Papers (Nimitz Library, U.S. Navy Academy)
  • 5-C-1: Library of Congress
  • 5-D-1: U.S. Army Military History Institute
Part 2 Section 1: Military Agencies and Organizations
  • 1-A-216 to 521: Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • 1-B-274 to 332: Records of the Army Staff, Operations
  • 1-D-235: Records of the Supreme Commander for Allied Powers
  • 1-E-1 to 341: Records of the Military Assistance Advisory Group,Japan
  • 1-F-191 to 201: Records of U.S. Army Commands
  • 1-G-34 to 51:Records of International Military Agencies Headquarters, United Nations Command
  • 1-H-1 to 8:Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense
Part 2 Section 2: Diplomatic and Security Departments, Offices, Agencies and Programs
  • 2-C-1 to 709: Records of the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs
  • 2-E-13 to 36: Records of the Mutual Defense and Security Assistance Programs
  • 2-F-191 to 199: Records of the Office of Intelligence Research
  • 2-G-42 to 550:Central Files of the Department of State
  • 2-H-15 to 33:Records of the National Security Council
  • 2-I-1 to 50:Records of the U.S. Overseas Missions
Part 2 Section 3: Presidential Libraries
  • 3-B-1 to 16: Records from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
  • 3-C-1 to 32: Records from the John F. Kennedy Library
Part 2 Section 4: Other U.S. Executive Branch Agencies
  • 4-A-18 to 23: Records of the Bureau of Budget
  • 4-C-1 to 14: Records of the U.S. Information Agency
Part 2 Section 5: Collections Other than the National Archives and Records Administration
  • 5-B-27 to 29: William J. Sebald Papers (Nimitz Library, U.S. Navy Academy)
  • 5-E-1 to 17: Papers of John Foster Dulles (Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University)
  • 5-F-1: Library of the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's School
この資料集は、Congressional Information Service(CIS)社と丸善が1998年に刊行。憲政資料室では2004年度に取得した。
※各文書のアイテムごとの記述と事項・人名索引、文書番号順索引、年月日順リストから成る。ProQuest社のサイトにPart 1 の目録(PDFファイル:20.5MB)Leave the NDL website. Part 2 の目録(PDFファイル:23.4MB)Leave the NDL website. が共にPDFファイルで掲載されている。