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National Diet Library
- Contentspt. 1. Conclusions and recommendation......nancial status and needs of medical schools pt. 3. Public......Health Service grants; their distribution and impact on medical schools.
- Subject HeadingTraining Support. Schools, Medical -- United States.
- Author HeadingUnited States. Surgeon General's Committee on Medical School Grants and Finances.
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Contents...ment of Korean and Formosan Repat......he Supreme Commander for The Alli......ssion to Sell Land No. 1012: Rele...... to Use Silver and Gold to of Diamonds and Precious Metal......on Association and Now Held at Va......aged Buildings and Machinery No. ......g Share of Oil and Fat Manufactur......adio Telephone and Telegraph Circ......r Additions to and Changes in Net......tion of Vaults and A Part of The ......ican as Higher School Lecturer No. 1......: Construction and Posting of Roa......from Kusaie Island No. 1060: Open......ld Dormitories and Corporation Ho...... Sell Building and Land No. 1093: Confiscated Ra...
- Subject HeadingMemoranda, Directives and Instructions to Japanese Gove...
- Note (General) Commander for Allied Powers
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- Related Union today and tomorrow Dear ......rafting of 18- and 19-year olds] ......blem has been handed to you! : a of teachers and students : for teacher and students in public and private schools and colleges The a......8 Valley Forge and the presidents......t on the costs and benefits of el......: The ACLU's stand on outlawing t......nt of New York and the fight for ......e general case and claim of the in business and the industries......ith historical and explanatory notes The life and services of Ma......neral Campbell and his immortal f......y of Political and Social Science Letter to ladi...
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- Related MaterialValuation, England : the ascertai......r paragraphs 1 and 6 of part III ...... to the Rating and Valuation Act,......Small holdings and allotments, England and Wales : compul......Education, England : regulations for secondary schools, England, 1919 : the re...... for secondary schools in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire,......n Act, 1918 (8 and 9 Geo. 5, c. Insurance : medical benefit regula......tatutory rules and others, 1895 T......lic elementary schools in Wales (inc...... Housing , England : The Public ......Education, England and Wales : regula...... prescribing standards for school premises, 1945...
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- Related Material...wo dramas of brandy A case for di...... Mammy Crittie and baby Suzon Dea......lda di Shabran and Corradino; or,......on of Thespis Pandora Three strin......rtune Fun in a school-room With love......r Through snow and sunshine Der F......, the martyr Grandmother Hildebrand's legacy: or, reward Love and lockjaw Le com......r, the cobbler and the King Waffles Grandpa A charming Harold Duty and safety of eman......nagerie in the school-room Doctor Po......vesty on Romeo and Juliet Narciss......Orleans Elfins and mermaids; or, ......ce for niente [and] an answer Bea...... or, the false and the true The fall of the Alam...
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- Related Material..., their making and enforcement The civil war and reconstruction......a The syndical and corporative in...... Early New England towns : a comp...... of the origin and development investigate and punish for con...... of the theory and practice of co...... study History and functions of c......eachers of England The retirement......s : the theory and history since ......s of Confucius and his school American prece...... : a political and diplomatic Wilt Herder and the foundation......tes of America and the dominion o......ssouri Hanover and Prussia, 1795-...... economics of land tenure in Georgia Discussion ...
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- Note (General), Education, and Welfare
- Related MaterialEngineering and mechanic arts ......ype rural high school : Mount Vernon Union High School, Skagit County......tion Improving school custodial serv......ion in Switzerland, 1916-1918 Edu......League for Immigrants, held at New Y......k City, May 16 and 17, 1913 Neede...... a pageant for schools The biologica......ns of Europe A school building progr......h in secondary schools : report by t......on Association and the National C......of public high schools Higher France : a handbook of informa......? Organization and administration...... the duplicate school in Philadelphia, PA. School administration and finance Fa...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...achian village and hinterland communities Th......erns of public school practice A stu...... of young high school graduates A te......f age The city school district : sta......r organization and fiscal affairs......bulary of high school Latin : being ......n Pompey's command, for the poet ......alphabetically and in the order o......tions for high schools: their use and improvement : ......tions, partial and multiple, betw......women The free school idea in Virgin......e of political and social evoluti...... rise of local school supervision in......achusetts (the school committee, 163...... circumstances and adult participation in certai...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialResearch grants index, fiscal ......on, narcotics, and gambling in th......s Age-adjusted and age-specific d......sis data, 1966 Medical school facilities : p......als : a county and metropolitan a......ealth problems and resources A sy......ew of research and experience in ......ion, operation and maintenance Ai...... 1964 The role and methodology of...... in psychiatry and psychopatholog......ic Association and the Psychophar......ational health and safety legisla...... of State laws and regulations Ai......for inspection and enforcement PH......hronically ill and aged : a commu...... Public Health and Resources ... Ticks of public...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Cd [series], 1900-1918 Command Papers, 3rd Ser. [Cd.1]-[Cd. ...
- Related Material...n the separate and district schools in the metrop......tions of human and animal tubercu......lances) : memorandum on India Off......t of secondary schools in England recognised as of evidence and appendices the......o enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of...... for secondary schools (in force fro......1908, in Wales and Monmouthshire)...... Some notes on medical education in England : a memorandum addressed to......orate Northern and Highland Divisions, gen......t on the trade and commerce of the Somaliland Protecctorate ......loris, A.I.C., and Mr. R. S. Finl......lied to sewage and sewage effluents The recent d...
- Alternative TitlePapers by command. Cd [series] Cd
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialEnergy and the western Un......tes : politics and development Br......society Policy and methods in German and American antit......ass, politics, and culture in Mar...... United States and Pakistan : the......olicy sciences and futures resear......ology transfer and international ......ico : equality and freedom at iss......ture, profits, and prices Rural A......ia : challenge and opportunity Ro......aches Politics and change in, religion, and development in......ise : national and international ...... cities Soviet and Chinese aid to...... issues : race and sex discrimina......tates, Canada, and Britain Congressional committ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...loyment before and after childbir......ld of medicine and its related sc......t : a guide to medical care, emotiona......onal programs, and resources The ......e aged, blind, and disabled : sel......f October 1977 Medical technology : t......s of the liver and biliary tract : standardization of n......stic criteria, and diagnostic met......y : laboratory and clinical inves...... of minorities and low-income Demographic and economic chara......vey Preventive and community medi......ealth Sciences and the Associatio......Bethesda, Maryland Proceedings of...... epidemiology, and end results : incidence and mortality data, 1973-1977 The...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...tion skills in schools : report on Information and the practice o...... report of the Medical Information Re......ply of library and information se......tes of America and Canada : repor......Mini-computers and bibliographic ......der constraint and the future co-......on of academic and national libra......cered by the Standing Conference of National and University Libraries and the British Li...... librarianship and information sc......haracteristics and attitudes Use ......brary Research and Development De...... United States and an assessment ......iew of library and information se......s in Australia and New Zealand An investigation ...
- Alternative TitleBritish Library research and development re......brary research and development reports British L...
- Alternative TitleBritish Library research and development re......brary research and development reports British L...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...fic resources, and emerging strat......ility in space and time : challen......onal transfers and population agi......tional systems and harmonisation ......rty reduction, and regional condi......kets : drivers and impediments In......age inequality and the developing...... welfare state and a market econo......ces offshoring and its impact on ......ical evidence, and economic polic......trial mobility and public policy ......rket structure and market interac......opean money demand : aggregation,......stem of models and forecasts for Germany and Poland The economics ......ion of reforms and comparative perspectives on C...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAgricultural marketing costs and charges Identi......cation of crop and weed seeds Com......o the Consumer and Marketing Service and closely relate......r measuring demand Dictionary of ...... hides, skins, and leather trade ...... an inventory Handbook of the nut...... trees (native and naturalized) : varieties and production Fir...... Mosquitoes of medical importance Let...... flooded homes and farms Land values and farm finance in farming and other business......ates Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils b......e timber owner and his Federal in......ratives Fruits and tree nuts : blooming, harvest...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... Press, McClelland and Stewart, Gage Publishing, Mac...
- Related Material...tario Distance and duties : deter......g in Australia and Canada In The Empire and the world, 191......nada : origins and early history ......nial reformers and Canada, 1830-1......from documents and publications o......transformation and challenge in Australia and Canada The eco......elations. Life and letters of Sir......itical inquiry and Canadian thoug......ntury Newfoundland : a geographer......ctic scientist and pioneer geogra......ected speeches and documents The hand of God : Claude Ryan and the fate of Ca......nadian Indians and Eskimos The Ca......history Change and continuity : C......suit relations and allied documents : a selectio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Union, China, and Cuba, 1928-197......e hundred thousand songs of Milar......tics : America and the end of the......ieval city Sex and society in Swe......dition Therapy and the arts : too......y Ways of the hand : the hunger Gods and games : toward......suicide, drugs and the good life ...... psychotherapy and psychoanalysis The raw and the cooked : i......iscovery, free school talkin' blues ...... society Rites and symbols of ini......eries of birth and rebirth The pr...... Myths, dreams and mysteries : th......mporary faiths and archaic realit...... Making it Men and politics : eur......, Lee, Lincoln and the radicals : essays on Civi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ion for Social and Economic Resea......tions et recommandations adoptés ......ft conventions and recommendation......eport of the Standing Committee r......eport of the Standing Committee, rods, wire and tubes National......oint Committee and to the Irish acts, 1919 and 1920 : report ......inted by the standing committee o......ade in imports and exports at Iri......liament by command of His Majesty......ritain, France and Italy respecti......rsea Dominions and Protectorates ......nited Kingdom Mandate Mandate Report of t......of maintenance and production, and the proceeds investigate and report upon the present rubbe...
- Alternative TitlePapers by command Cmd
- Alternative TitlePapers by command Cmd
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...July 1979 Portland cement prices ......etary of State and Secretary of S......onomic Affairs and the Minister o......ublic Building and Works Malaysia...... Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Federatio......orneo, Sarawak and Singapore The ......y of Education and statistics for England and Wales Prices o......etary of State and Secretary of S......for Employment and Productivity and the Minister o......the efficiency and costs of the B......ucation Safety and health at work...... Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government......enry McMahon...and the Sherif Hus......nto the causes and circumstances of a dispute be...
- Alternative TitlePapers by Command. Cmnd Cm
- Alternative TitlePapers by Command. Cmnd Cm