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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...plications for the animal feed industry / Geo......plications for the animal feed industry / on the feed industry / G.C......Utilization of feed co-products fr......n sulphide: synthesis, physiologi......ssociated with feeding cattle of the ethanol indust......onald C. Beitz Feeding biofuel co-......nnet, F. Skiba Feeding biofuels of the sweet sorghum-......y as livestock feed in as feeds for of the biofuel indust......Pecari tajacu) feeds / Natália In......e as livestock feed of some co-products, by-produ...
- Subject Heading...oducts. Animal feeding. Energy and energy. Feedstock.
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)...rganization of the United Nations 联合国粮食及农业组织
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingFlour and feed trade -- Canada. Flour and feed trade.
- Note (General)"Report commissioned by the Hon. Otto E. Lang, Minister Responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board."
National Diet Library
- Contents...llet Feminized protein : meaning, India since the Raj / Andrea S...... Jackson and Esther Leslie The mechanical calf : on the making of a mu......and Yair Eldan Markets in mothers' milk : virt......Julie P. Smith The lactating man ......tuted milk and the women who innovated infant feeding amid an American health cr...
- Note (Content)...cles bring together an exciting group of the world's leadin......iple facets of the production, on society. The book frames the emerging globa......l and critical theoretical engage......ncorporated in these debates within these disciplines ......geography, art theory, and gender studies. It wi...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....nt overview of the contributions around the world. While i...... both food and feed is rapidly inc......ularity around the world, the role that wild......have played in the lives and soci......nsively covers the basic principl......ects as animal feed; factors influ......d legislation. The book contains practical infor...
- Contents...consumption in the Arctic Ethnogr......hic account of the role of edible insects in the Adi Tribe of A......le insects and their uses In insects for feed and food as Sustainable proteins? values relat......n food systems Marketing insects: su......ects as animal feed Small-scale fl......ion for animal feed Insects as in compound feed for aquacultur...... use as animal feed in low-income ......production for feed and food Part ......cies? Insects, the next European ......ts as food and their preferences ......preferences in the U.S. Means-end......t-based foods: the case of cricket-scones in Ken...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ucts to assert their safety as we......information on the safety of GMO ......od production, the economic coverage of the surrounding is......fic experts in the field who pres......lts to help further more evidence.
- Contents...genic Soybeans The Necessity of U......ief History of the Transgenic Involved in the Oxidative Stre......s and (Metallo)proteins Trends Conclu......PCR Biosensors Protein-Based Detectio......l Context, and the Suitability of...... Rodent Study Other Animal Models......sures Food and Feed Safety Nutriti...... / Vinod Goyal The Biology of Agr...... Generation of the T-DNA Transfer...... of T-DNA into the Plant Genome C.......Understanding the Factors Influe......asrizul Hashim Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses Development......ionships among the Variables in Food and Feed / Alex L. Simonian Standard A...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ioreactors for the production of ......nts of photosynthetic microorgani......n / F. Fischer Market demand and cultivation The cooperation be......ial genres and their options and their strengths an......algae: Solving the hurdles / S. B......ate content of the algal biomass ......icroalgae as a feedstock for biodi......el production: The global microalgae other raw materials......diterranean Further reading Pyrol......yrolysis with other feedstocks Life cyc......s upgrading Synthetic biology of ......a Tools for synthetic biology of ......lism Improving the partitioning of reducing powe...
National Diet Library
- Summary, emphasis on the themes of food was...... technologies, the bioeconomy, the technoeconomic......efineries, and the policies and r......als working in the areas of food waste valorizat...
- Contents...Rajesh Banu 5. Thermochemical con......iopolymers and feed protein from food wast....... 14. State of the art of food wa......e valorization market outlooks : key......w business and marketing concepts for cross-sector ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....allenges along the entire agri-fo......ents, state-of-the-art based rese......ty challenges. The book is written for food scie...
- Contents... challenges in the global agri-fo......od security in the coming decades......d A. Suleiman, Theresia J. Jumbe,......igner food and feeds from underuti......lgal biomass : the future of food......5. Future food proteins--trends and p......icente 16. Mycoprotein : a futuristic...... Chantakun 19. The future of cult......ika Olsson 22. The use of emergin...... bodies and on the way there / Funmilola kids eat in the future? Using ...... 29. Restoring the values of trad......r organic food market organization /......plications for the food industry ......a Hashim 38. Authentication of wine and other alcohol-based beverages--fut...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...c chemistry Synthetic macromolecu......o-sponsored by the Division of Ca...... Chemistry and the Division of Mi...... Technology at the 172nd meeting of the American Chemi......hanisms and synthetic methodologi......cosponsored by the ACS Divisions ......Chemistry, and the U.S. National ......n Chemistry at the Second Chemical Congress of the North American......ear energy and the environment En......on by advanced thermal processes ......m sponsored by the Division of En......l Chemistry at the 175th meeting of the American Chemi......ate : bridging the gap between la......olfactometry : the state of the art Partnerships...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... frontends and their building techniques The TSQL2 temporal......l amplifiers : theory, design and......ocesses System theory : modeling,......iven layout synthesis Power syste......nalysis and synthesis Operational amplifiers : theory and design ......presentation : theory and applica......ic location in the internet Wirel......e pipelining : theory and CMOS im......filtering from the Web Performanc......tive resonance theory microchips ......mation Quantum theory of real mat......el computers : theory and practic......ntroduction to the design of tran......ractional-N synthesizers : design...... VLSI circuits The nonuniform discrete fourier t...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...mal production The Mechanization ......m organized by the British Societ......stes in animal feeding : proceedin......m organized by the British Societ...... production to the markets for meat : pr......m organized by the British Societ......ance in future markets : proceedings......m organized by the British Societ......inary practice The Use of blood m......ig housing and the environment Forage protein in ruminant an......m organized by the British Societ......m organized by the British Societ......m organized by the British Society of Animal Pro...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe types of bacte......ese Human milk The use of agar sl......application of the gram stain The determination of the keeping qualit......ulture work at the station Ammoni......manure in soil The casein and sal......g variation in the reaction of fr......hly-drawn milk The accuracy of ba......m milk samples The texture of ice......reeding apples The general characteristics of the microscopic fl......est adapted to the study of the soil flora Acidity of gluten feeds Actinomycetes in soil The microscopic st......inheritance in the violet (Viola ......) A method for the preliminary development The use of various culture media ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialA revision of the genus lygus as......ogical data on the species from N......k and cream in the New York market, 1933-38 The movement of fa......ate Studies of the effects of methods on the quality of market peas Prices of......unty, New York Marketing fruits and on farmers' markets, New York met......tical study of the methods for me......soil survey of the Hilton Area, M...... high-oil high-protein concentrate The production and marketing of cabbage in New York The chemical composition of the muck soils of profiles in the profiles in the Peru, Plattsbu......agement for southeastern New York The alfalfa sn...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ques Improving the flavour of che......y : overcoming the world food cri......nce through to the marketplace Breadmaki......g pathogens in the food chain Foo......ndbook of food proteins Functional fo......ience Food for the ageing populat......nd controlling the microstructure...... quality and authenticity Dairy-d...... automation in the food industry ......beverages and other fast-moving c......goods (FMCG) : markets, materials an...... management in the food industry ......crylamide and other hazardous com......ene control in the food industry ......ture prospects Feed and feeding practices i......ved Maximising the value of marine by-products M...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialProceedings of the Ketotifen Workshop on the occasion of the VIII Congress of the European Acade......proceedings of the Xth Internatio......proceedings of the second Interna......r 26-27, 1976 Atherosclerosis VII......proceedings of the Seventh Intern...... Symposium on Atherosclerosis and the 7th Scientific Committee of the National Heart......0 October 1985 The peripheral cir......proceedings of the International Symposium on the Peripheral Cir......arch and novel therapeutic indica......proceedings of the Symposium on N...... 1991 State-of-the-art technology in anesthesia and intensi......proceedings of the 18th International Symposium ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTuning the design procedu......wave mechanics The effects of som......m for managing the front end of i......velopment from the product lines' development The role of surfac......mmunications : the proceedings of the 1st Workshop o......pression using the wavelet transf......and sharing in the early phases of the strategic inno......mmunications : the proceedings of the 3rd Workshop o...... a manipulator Market orientation in the international ......granular flows The effects of filler wire feed on the efficiency, pa...... case study On the condition moni......tion design in the electricity di......ution sector : theory and practice A modified st...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...undertaking by the International ......rgy Agency and the World Health O......ion Manual for the operation of Methods for the minimization o......inimization at the design stage o......pplications of the Mössbauer effe......pplications of the Mössbauer : report of the panel on use o...... techniques in the hydrogeologica......tial sites for the disposal of hi......ta Analysis of the behaviour of a...... inspection of the quality by WHO and the IAEA An oceano......phic model for the dispersion of ......disposed of in the deep sea Guide...... of a panel on the use of nuclear energy for wat...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...prepared under the framework of a......l support from the Joint FAO/IAEA......siderations in the disposal of di......ta for neutron therapy : Status a...... : prepared by the joint FAO/IAEA......ons drawn from the : report of the International ......g organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA......onversion from the use of highly ......hed uranium to the use of low enr...... : overview of the current status......Application of the safety classif...... used in brachytherapy : guidelin......repared within the framework of the technical work......r reactors for the production of Mo-99 and other short lived radioistotopes [...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...chine learning The concise Handbook of the philosophical changes in the nervous system......ike lesions of the hepatobiliary ...... : a volume in the encyclopedia o......cyclopaedia of the history of sci......euroscience in the 21st century :......ology : neural protein metabolism and......s, lights and other technologies Handbook of the philosophy of ...... : a volume in the encyclopedia o...... : a volume in the Encyclopedia o......ndbook of risk theory : epistemology, decision theory, ethics, an......l complexity : theory, techniques......obal bioethics The prokaryotes : firmicutes and ...