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多田, 幸生, Tada, Yukio2004-03平成15(2003)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 研究成果報告書 = 2003 Fiscal Year Final Research Report2002-2003p.6p.-
- 件名...zing Microwave Supercooling Ice Formation Cryo-SEM Freezi...
- 一般注記... enhancing the supercooling is one of prom...... and releasing supercooling in dependence on microwave po...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)...Enhancement of Supercooling due to Microwave Irradiation
前川, 透, 福田, 尚宏, 松本, 聡, 足立, 聡, 依田, 真一, 木下, 恭一, Maekawa, Toru, Fukuda, Takahiro, Matsumoto, Satoshi, Adachi, Satoshi, Yoda, Shinichi, Kinoshita, Kyoichi宇宙開発事業団2003-08-29宇宙開発事業団技術報告: 化合物半導体研究アニュアルレポート2002:混晶半導体(InGaAs)の結晶育成に及ぼす微小重力の効果に関する研究.均一組成結晶の育成 = NASDA Technical Memorandum: Annual Report of the Semiconductor Team in NASDA Space Utilization Research Program (2002): Effects of Microgravity Environment on Growth Related Properties of Semiconductor Alloys (InGaAs). Growth of Homogeneous Crystalsp.27-37
- 件名...sis TLZ method supercooling
- 一般注記... The degree of supercooling is remarkably ...... The degree of supercooling is increased as the inclinati...
木下, 恭一, 緒方, 康行, 越川, 尚清, 足立, 聡, 岩井, 正行, 鶴, 哲也, 村松, 祐治, 杉木, 喜洋, 前川, 透, 依田, 真一, Kinoshita, Kyoichi, Ogata, Yasuyuki, Koshikawa, Naokiyo, Adachi, Satoshi, Iwai, Masayuki, Tsuru, Tetsuya, Muramatsu, Yuji, Sugiki, Yoshihiro, Maekawa, Toru, Yoda, Shinichi宇宙開発事業団2003-08-29宇宙開発事業団技術報告: 化合物半導体研究アニュアルレポート2002:混晶半導体(InGaAs)の結晶育成に及ぼす微小重力の効果に関する研究.均一組成結晶の育成 = NASDA Technical Memorandum: Annual Report of the Semiconductor Team in NASDA Space Utilization Research Program (2002): Effects of Microgravity Environment on Growth Related Properties of Semiconductor Alloys (InGaAs). Growth of Homogeneous Crystalsp.19-26
- 件名...wth TLZ method supercooling freezing temperature gradient...
- 一般注記...constitutional supercooling in the crystal......constitutional supercooling exists. When c......constitutional supercooling was reduced be......constitutional supercooling even at lower ......constitutional supercooling in a semiconductor crystal gr...
正木, 匡彦, 石川, 毅彦, 岡田, 純平, 古池, 紀之, Masaki, Tadahiko, Ishikawa, Takehiko, Okada, Junpei T., Koike, Noriyuki宇宙航空研究開発機構2007-03-30宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 = JAXA Research and Development Report: Liquid Structure and Transport Properties of High Temperature Metallic MeltsJAXA-RR-06-015Ep.25-29
- 件名...tic scattering supercooling
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宇宙開発事業団, National Space Development Agency of Japan宇宙開発事業団2003-08-29宇宙開発事業団技術報告 = NASDA Technical Memorandum
- 件名... concentration supercooling model translational motion
石川, 毅彦, Paradis, Paul-Francois, 渡辺, 勇基, 古池, 紀之, Ishikawa, Takehiko, Watanabe, Yuki, Koike, Noriyuki宇宙航空研究開発機構2008-02-29宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 = JAXA Research and Development ReportJAXA-RR-07-014E
- 件名... earth element supercooling liquid metal containerless me...
石川, 毅彦, Paradis, Paul-Francois, 古池, 紀之, Ishikawa, Takehiko, Koike, Noriyuki宇宙航空研究開発機構2006-01-06宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 = JAXA Research and Development ReportJAXA-RR-05-015E
- 件名...sical property supercooling levitation laser heating
林, 勇二郎, Hayashi, Yujiro金沢大学工学部1997-03平成8(1996)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A) 研究成果報告書 = 1996 Fiscal Year Final Research Report1994-1996p.3p.-
- 件名過冷却 凝固 複合材料 ミクロ伝熱 Composition Micro-Solidification Supercooling Crystal growth Morphology
- 一般注記...processing", a supercooling state easily a......ucleation. The supercooling which makes a ......ling rate, the supercooling also appears a......ly distributed supercooling and the extern...... mixtures with supercooling under external heat transfer ...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Development of Composite-and-Functional Gradient Material by using Supercooling
正木, 匡彦, 石川, 毅彦, 依田, 真一, Masaki, Tadahiko, Ishikawa, Takehiko, Yoda, Shinichi宇宙航空研究開発機構2006-03-08宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 = JAXA Research and Development Report: Thermo-physical and Atomic Transport Properties of Liquid Metals Related to the Experiments Under MicrogravityJAXA-RR-05-034Ep.25-32
- 件名...conium silicon supercooling levitation melting synchrotro...
石川, 毅彦, Paradis, Paul-Francois, 古池, 紀之, Ishikawa, Takehiko, Koike, Noriyuki宇宙航空研究開発機構2007-03-31宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 = JAXA Research and Development ReportJAXA-RR-06-012E
- 件名...elting furnace supercooling electrostatic levitation posi...