検索結果 12 件
- 件名Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- Canada...
- 著者標目Canada. Federal Task Force on Agriculture.
- 件名Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- Canada
- 件名(識別子)Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- Canada
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical referen...
- 関連情報The performance of industrial develo......corporations : the case of Jamaica Agribusiness in Latin America The Structure of the Soviet economy......onstruction of the 1966 input-output tabl......tical change : the development of......d open society The production, marketing, and consumpt......copper and aluminium The Fertility of working women : a synthesis of international research The role of trade unions in the development pr......s imports from the Soviet Union : financing the North Star Joint Venture Proje......ong-range planning for the multinational corporation Managing foreign investment in southern Italy : U.S. busines...
- 並列タイトル等Praegers special studies in international economics and deve...
- 関連情報The ideology of domesticity and the struggles of women workers : the case of Zimbabwe In the shadow of agriculture : economic div......grarian change in Java, 1900-1990 Institutionalizat......olicy analysis in developing countries wit......d Women's role in rural industrialization : the case of Java S......major progress in China's public administration Small......cale manufacturing and regional industrialization : the urban and regi...... framework for the analysis of co......zation of planning and administration in Zimbabwe : international per......0s experiences The perfumed night...... some notes on the Indonesian women's movement T...
- 並列タイトル等ISS Working Papers Working paper series Working paper
- 関連情報...le, Wash., outlining the Waterville version of the correct idea o......emorial concerning conditions in the Independent state of the Kongo : memorial of the chairman and members of the conference of ......zations conducting missionary an......anthropic work in the independent state of the Kongo in Africa, praying that Congress investigate existing conditions in the Kongo state, a......te and correct the evils from whi......state is suffering Threatened st......mployees : Hearing before the Committee on interstate commer......sion on Bills, in connection wit......on relative to the thrreatened s...... companies and independent treasury system Rela...
- 関連情報Racial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist ......l anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant school : a history of infant and nursery education in Britain, 1800-1970 Banking in an unregulated......sis management in the power industry : an inside story Redefining politics : pe......y of Rome from the origins to the empire Languag......and classrooms International business handbook So......cy 1830-1914 : individualism, collectivism and the origins of the welfare state ...... participation in British industry Non-renewable resources...
- 一般注記...(series XIII, Linguistics, ), 07...... (series XXVI, Theater arts), 074......ries XXVII, Feminist studies)
- 関連情報The voices of Afri......erican women : the use of narrati......uthorial voice in the works of Harri...... Romans 13:1-7 in modern Japan Villasandino y su hablante......opian colleges The return of the gods : a philosophical/theological reappraisal of the writings of Ernest Be......led defense of the mother world A Beeth......e practice and the piano sonata, opus 111 Anger in the Old Testament The co-existence o...... evil Critical theoretical inquiry on the notion of act in the metaphysics of......ristotle and Saint Thomas Aquinas A linguistic study o...... modernity and the (un)Commonweal......a novela argentina contemporánea The promised e...
- 関連情報Report for the year ... Report to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department Report of the Committee on the Provision for ......rch Conférence internationale du......nférence ... = International Lab......ons adopted by the conference ... Report of the Standing Committee respecting tools Report of the Standing Committee respecting copper plates......ational Health Insurance : Report of the National Health Insurance (International arr......ents) Board to the National Health Insurance Joint Committee and to the Irish Insurance Commiss......oners Profiteering acts, 1919 an......0 : report on vinegar : prepared by a sub-commi...
- 関連情報Parke-Davis : the never-ending search for better medicines Paper making in Alabama Shadow......and Alexander Winton Samuel M. Vauclain, 1856-1940 : c......neer, believer in America! "Insurance company......ican property since 1792 A distinguished Briton in American skies! : the viscounts "Capital Airlines" William Rot......rica's pioneer in international industry Material civilization in America : a ce......of American beginnings : Essex Institute James W......anna Evolution into total energy : the story of Kerr-......e Corporation "The University of ......956 Moncure Robinson (1802-1891)......liest railways The life and times of Cyrus H.K. ...
- 関連情報Message of the President of the United States to the two houses of Congress at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-Seventh Congress McClintic-Marshall Co. : report on the claim of McClintic-Marshall Co......ruction Co, against the Isthmian Canal......, submitted to the Senate pursant......nual report of the governor general of the Philippine Islands Space......taff report of the Select Committ......tion Report of the commissioner o......orporations on the transportation of petroleum The Constitution of the United States ......ed, analytical index, unratified......ents Water terminal and transfer facilities : L...
- 関連情報...orities on housing and urban dev......pment Small business investment act : ......tions Small business tax adjustments (contained in the Technical Amen...... 85-866) Exploring the dimensions of the manpower revol......litical change in the underdeveloped......ress : a preliminary report on newsprint by the Subcommittee on Newsprint of the Select Committee on Small Business, United Sta......on 93, and continued by senate r......de act of 1978 The geopolitics of......ederal Deposit Insurance The role of inventory changes during expansion and contraction The Overseas Private Investment Corpor......lysis Small Business Act : text of Small Busine...
- 関連情報...Philippe de Comines, seigneur d'...... Hermann Lotze in seiner Stellung zu ......r Gegenwart : eine kritisch-hist......che Studie ... Intercollegiate d......ies on old age insurance and banking and currency ......rm ...Problems in cost accounting... Das Pañcat......us ornatior); eine altindische Märchens...... A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions China : its state a......l reference to the spread of the gospel : containing allusions to the antiquity, ext......nd religion of the Chinese... Sumerian......ute Briefe an eine Freundin Studies in East Christian......ique dans la peinture française à la fin du 19e siècle : Degas, Renoir...