検索結果 11 件
- 一般注記原タイトル: National income and capital formation in Mainland China
- その他のタイトルNational income and capital formation in Mainland China
- 件名Income -- China. Capital -- China.
- 一般注記Errata slip inserted.
- 関連情報The performance of industrial develo......Jamaica Agribusiness in Latin America The St......omy : analysis and reconstruction of the 1966 input-output tabl......nomic, social, and political chan......ore prosperous and open society T......duction, marketing, and consumption of copper and aluminium The Fertility of working women : a synthesis of international research The r......f trade unions in the developmen......oviet Union : financing the North Star Joint Venture Project Strategic and long-range planning for the multinational corporation Managing foreign investment in southern Italy : U.S. business in developing areas of the...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Praegers special studies in international economics and developmen
- 並列タイトル等Praegers special studies in international economics and developmen
- 一般注記Publisher varies: Singapore : ISEAS Publishing, 2015-
- 関連情報The state of local politics in Indonesia : surve......olitical Islam and Islamist politics in Malaysia The "free and open Indo-Pacific" and implications f......SEAN Vietnam's industrialization......: the case of vingroup and the automotive industry China's new maritime......: implications and opportunities ......st Asia Trends in Thailand : proceedings and background paper Chinese investment and Myanmar's shifting political landscape Strategic possibilities and limitations for Abe's Japan in Southeast Asia The South China Sea and China-ASEAN relations The rising politics of indigeneity in Southeast Asia......rsatu Malaysia in Johor : new party, big respon...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Trends in Southeast Asia TRS
- 関連情報...eweled pagoda mandalas in Japanese Buddh......ective fiction and the rise of th......-1930 Colonial industrialization and labor in Korea : the On......t factory Becoming apart : national power and local politics in Toyama, 1868-1945 Reading Tao Yuanming : shifting paradigms of ......ion (427-1900) In pursuit of status : the making of South Kore...... Unitarianism, and the Meiji comp......: Buddhist art and regional politics in twelfth-centur......ed past : form and thought in early Chinese historiography Facing Japan : Chinese politics and Japanese imper......hn Fryer : the introduction of Western science and technology into nineteenth-ce...
- 一般注記Some issues have title: Joint research program series OHは中...
- 関連情報Who is who in social science research in Thailand Agriculture and roads survey in selected regions of Thailand Information concerning Indonesian studies in japan Opportun......on development in Tanzania 北東アジア......ology transfer in the local cont...... of the Philippines Studies on e......ution disputes in East Asia : cases from mainland China and Taiwan Towards......liance of the land-locked Zambia ......ole of foreign capital in the manufactur......et development in Thailand Review of the Philippines' waste segregation and collection system and the trading of recyclables : a joint-research project by the Institute of Developing Economie...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)JRP series Joint research program series 海外共同...
- 関連情報...pendency needs in Japanese politics and law Early Sino-American rela......regulation of financial services : costs and benefits to co......military as an instrument of U.S. policy in Southwest Asia......d Deployment Joint Task Force, 1......law : politics in the Punjab, 19......Waste disposal in the oceans : minimizing impact, maximizing benefits Women and revolution in Iran The statu...... Gibraltar Farming systems in the Nigerian s......nna : research and strategies for......y nuclear doctrine, 1945-1980 Soviet forest industries The im......ife management in central Africa......e challenge of integrated rural development in ...
- 一般注記Imprint varies
- 関連情報...he small-scale industry in Japan and Egypt with spe...... reference to financing Development o......t bonds market in Iraq : applica...... between Japan and Latin America : problems and prospects at t......llennium Modelling the sources and impact of macr......c fluctuations in Sudan WTO加盟後の日......ment of rural financial sector in Kazakhstan : w......n development Minerals and metals in Japanese-Austr...... food security and crop diversifi......ar development and its experience...... economic transformation The dilemma of interdependence and cooperation : ...... public sector in Malaysian econ......elopment Fostering competitive clusters in Asia...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Visiting research fellow monograph se...
- 関連情報...ism, Ethnicity and voting behaviour in Malaysia House......s to cope with income fluctuations :......producer price and asset market interventions on ......tton producers in Tanzania Exchange and social organization in Nias, Indonesia A cross......f conversation and its implicatio...... United States and the Communist International, 1919-1929 Hegemony and crisis : Swazi royal power in transition Fro......3-1991 Trade, kinship and Islamisation :...... of the social and economic organ......tion of Muslim and Hindu traders in Tirunelveli district, South India The impact ......litics of sustainable development Religious fem...
- 関連情報Поэтика и генезис былин : очеки Englis......tures for certain acyclic topolo......ition of women in Vietnam A gene......distributions Sintaksis russkogo......complete works in verse and prose of Samue......ic regionalism in the Middle East during World War II ......ural deduction and universal vali...... of piecewise-linear manifolds T......ure operator Pointwise bounds fo......c equations Business and capitalism : an introduction to business history The......al novel Blueprint for an effective marketing program Melan......lized homology and cohomology the......ic concepts of income and profit for accounting The role of the provincial g...