The area centering on Mt. Hakone and Lake Ashinoko in Hakone, Kanagawa, has been considered a sacred place for mountain worship since ancient times. In the Edo period, the area became one of the 53 Stations of the Tokaido Highway, and as a transportation hub, it developed into a post town based around the checkpoint. There are many hot springs here, and the area is visited by many people from inside and outside of Japan as an international tourist destination.
Nishiki-e and Paintings
Other Materials
- 「箱根驛箱根湖水」 龝里籬嶌 編, "東海道名所圖會 6巻 [5]" (小林新兵衞 [ほか10名] 1797)
- 「箱根権現社」 龝里籬嶌 編, "東海道名所圖會 6巻 [5]" (小林新兵衞 [ほか10名] 1797)
- 「小地獄」 龝里籬嶌 編, "東海道名所圖會 6巻 [5]" (小林新兵衞 [ほか10名] 1797)
- 「塔の澤」 龝里籬嶌 編, "東海道名所圖會 6巻 [5]" (小林新兵衞 [ほか10名] 1797)
- 「箱根湯本挽物店」 龝里籬嶌 編, "東海道名所圖會 6巻 [5]" (小林新兵衞 [ほか10名] 1797)
- 日本歴史地理学会 編, "箱根" (三省堂書店 1910)
- 箱根保勝会 編, "箱根めぐり" (箱根保勝会事務所 1918)
- 吉田初三郎 製圖 et.al, "箱根名所圖繪 4版" (箱根印刷 1922)
Landmarks around Hakone
Odawara Mishima Taisha Shrine Atami Mishima Numazu Hara Shuzenji Tanzawa-Oyama Oiso Mt. Fuji