Hashiba / Imado
The area from Imado-bashi Bridge to Kanegafuchi on the right bank of the Sumida-gawa River. It is noted in the "Gikeiki" (a military epic about the life of Yoshitsune) and the "Genpei Seisuiki" (The Rise and Decline of the Minamoto and Taira Clans) that there was a floating bridge at Hashiba, and that is said to be the origin of the name. There was a crematorium such that the phrase "Hashiba no kemuri" (smoke from Hashiba) means the smoke from a cremation. The Hashiba ferry linked the present day Hashiba 2 chome with Sumida Ward Tsutsumi-dori Road. A new port was opened in Imado while an old port existed in nearby Ishihama, and it is thought the name Imazu (current port) became linguistically corrupted to Imado. Imado Ware (dolls, tiles, etc.) were one of Edo's meibutsu (famous products), and the kilns and smoke of Imado Ware being baked were often pictured in nishiki-e.
Nishiki-e and Paintings
名所江戸百景 墨田河橋場の渡かわら竈
〔江戸高名会亭尽〕 隅田川橋場渡之図
東都名所ノ内 隅田川八景今戸夕照
江戸自慢三十六興 橋場雪中
Other Materials
Landmarks around Hashiba / Imado
Sumida-gawa River Massaki Matsuchiyama Shodengu Temple / Imado-bashi Bridge Nihonzutsumi Mimeguri Inari no Yashiro Shrine Mukojima Hyakkaen Sumidazutsumi Saruwaka-cho Akiba Daigongen no Yashiro Shrine Koumezutsumi