A dike that connected from present day Asakusa 7 chome to Minowa. Constructed by the Shogunate government in order to prevent damage occurring from the flooding of the Sumida-gawa River. There was a separate dike from Sanya to Shodencho, and together these were referred to as "Nihonzutsumi" (two dikes) and from there it came to be called "Nihonzutsumi" written in different characters meaning "Japan dike". After the Great Fire of Meireki in 1657, after the Yoshiwara licensed pleasure quarter that was in Nihonbashi Fukiyacho was moved halfway up the southern side of the dike, it became a road for travelling to and from Yoshiwara.
Nishiki-e and Paintings
江戸八景 吉原の夜雨
東都花暦之内 日本堤之桜
名所江戸百景 よし原日本堤
東都名所八景之内 吉原日本堤夜雨
Other Materials
Landmarks around Nihonzutsumi
Shin Yoshiwara Otori-jinja Shrine Hashiba / Imado Matsuchiyama Shodengu Temple / Imado-bashi Bridge Saruwaka-cho Massaki Asakusa okuyama Sumida-gawa River Senso-ji Temple Senju