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Western History Bibliographies (Subject Bibliography) Published in the Japanese Language

This webpage introduces search tools (subject bibliographies) chiefly in the Japanese language available mainly in the Tokyo Main Library Humanities Room to find reference resources (books, journal articles, etc.) related to Western history.

To search for journal articles, please refer to Article Index of Periodicals in Japanese.

Numbers shown in brackets 【 】 indicate the NDL call number for an item.

The [Range] field indicates the range of years during which the material of interest was cataloged and material format.

1. Searching Basic Literature

An introductory guide by period introduces basic literature, commenting on history of research of the field by subjects and countries.

2. Searching Research Trends

Bibliographies and reviews of the research literature printed in history journals are useful for investigating newly published literature and research trends. Here are a few typical bibliographies.

3. Searching Comprehensively

4. By Region

*This section also includes general regional studies.

4-1. Western Europe

  • Kazuhiko Kondo, ed., "Igirisushi kenkyu nyumon" (An introduction to British history studies) (Yamakawa Shuppansha 2010 【GG222-J10】)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] None
    [Notes] 'List of research literature' included in Part 2
  • Shoichi Sato, Takao Nakano,ed., "Furansushi kenkyu nyumon" (An introduction to French history studies) (Yamakawa Shuppansha 2011 【GG312-J16】)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] None
    [Notes] 'Reference literature' included in Part 2
  • Seiji Kimura, Toshiyuki Chiba, Akiyoshi Nishiyama, ed., "Doitsushi kenkyu nyumon" (An Introduction to German history studies) (Yamakawa Shuppansha 2014 【GG412-L5】)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] None
    [Notes] 'Literature guide' included in Part 3
  • Masao Nishikawa, ed., "Doitsushi kenkyu nyumon" (An introduction to German history studies) (Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai 1984 【GG411-2】)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] None
    [Notes] 'Bibliography' included in Part 4
  • "Italiakankei tosho mokuroku " (Catalog of books related to Italy) (Italia Bunka Kaikan 【GG6-4, Z41-6222】)
    [Range] 1977-present. Books, articles published in books and journals, etc.
    [Order] Depending on the issue number
    [Index] Issues starting from Number 9 (for the year 1985) include author name and other indexes. Issue number 10 carries author and other indexes of the contents from numbers 1 (1977)-8 (1984).
    [Notes] This is a collection of bibliographies of literature which was published in Japan (chiefly related to the humanities and social sciences) or which was compiled by Italian authors and editors (without restriction to particular fields). Issues up to number 23 (1999) also cover newspaper articles. Users can search bibliographies from 1995-2011 on the web version of the ItaliaKankei Tosho Mokuroku (Catalog of Books Related to Italy)Leave the NDL website. by selecting [歴史] (history).
  • Kyoto Daigaku Italia Bungaku Kenkyushitsu, Nihon Italia Kyoto Kaikan, ed., "Itariagaku bunken mokuroku" (A bibliography of Italian studies) (Nihon Olivietti 1977 【GG6-2】)
    [Range] 1946-1975 (*some prewar items included). Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Order] Classified according to themes, the prewar bibliographies are arranged in order of publication date, while the postwar bibliographies are divided into Japanese translations of the originals and research monographs, and then arranged in author name order.
    [Index] None
    [Notes] This includes bibliographies of Japanese translations of humanities and social sciences, and research literature in Japanese.
  • Shoji Bando, ed., "Spainkankei bunken mokuroku" (Bibliography related to Spain) (Korosha 2005 【GG6-H1】)
    [Range] 1868-2005. Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Order] Theme> Editor or author's name in Japanese alphabetical order
    [Index] None
    [Notes] This includes literature by Japanese people living in and outside Japan, and writings and translations of non-Japanese people published in Japan.
  • Shoji Bando, "Spainchunanbei kankei bunken mokuroku" (Bibliography related to Spain and Latin America) (Keisuisha 1997 【GG6-G1】)
    [Range] 1868-1996. Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Order] Theme> Author name in Japanese alphabetical order
    [Index] None
    [Notes] This includes literature by Japanese people living in and outside Japan, and writings and translations of non-Japanese people published in Japan. Bibliographies related to Latin America focus on 'The age of exploration and the colonial period', 'Literature', and 'Language'.

4-2. Russia/Eastern Europe

4-3. America

  • Database of American Studies in JapanLeave the NDL website. (Japanese Association for American Studies)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Notes] This is a bibliographic database managed by the Japanese Association for American Studies to search for academic papers published in Japan related to the United States and Canada.
  • Yoshimitsu Ide, Hitoshi Abe, Motoo Kaji et al., ed., "America kenkyu hogo bunken mokuroku " (Bibliography of American studies in the Japanese language) vol.1, 2, 3 and 4 (Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai et al. 1973-1987 【GH2-1】)
    [Range] End of World War II-1985 (some items up to March 1986). Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Order] Theme> Author name
    [Index] Author name index
  • Takeshi Igarashi, Daizaburo Yui, ed., "Americakenkyu nyumon" (An Introduction to American studies) (3rd. edition Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai 2003 【GH81-H7】)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] Name index, item index
    [Notes] This book introduces American studies by subject, and an annotated bibliography is attached at the end of each subject.
  • Hitoshi Abe, Takeshi Igarashi, ed., "Americakenkyu annai" (A guide to American studies) (Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai 1998 【GH81-G8】)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals mainly after the 1970s
    [Index] Author and editor name index, research subject index
    [Notes] This book introduces important literature of American studies published in Japan by subject. An annotated bibliography is attached at the end of each subject.

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