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Oriental History Bibliographies (Subject Bibliography) Published in the Japanese Language

This webpage introduces search tools (subject bibliographies) chiefly in the Japanese language available in the Tokyo Main Library Humanities Room to find reference resources (books, journal articles, etc.) related to Oriental history.

To search for journal articles, please refer to Article Index of Periodicals in Japanese.

Numbers shown in brackets 【 】 indicate the NDL call number for an item.

The [Range] field indicates the range of years during which the material of interest was cataloged and material format.

1. Searching Basic Literature

  • Mamoru Tonami, Mio Kishimoto, Masaaki Sugiyama, ed., "Chugoku rekishi kenkyu nyumon"(An introduction to Chinese history research) (Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai 2006 【GE213-H5】)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] None
    [Notes] A bibliography is included on pp.365-467.
  • Yukio Yamane, ed., "Chugokushi kenkyu nyumon" (An introduction to Chinese history research) vol.1, 2 (Enlarged and revised edition Yamakawa Shuppansha 1991-1995)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] Index of historical annals
    [Notes] While items published before 1982 feature in the selected bibliography, items have been consolidated and added as supplements at the back of each volume. Volume 1 includes items up to the year 1991, volume 2 up to the year 1994.
  • Chosenshi Kenkyukai, ed., "Chosenshi kenkyu nyumon" (An introduction to Korean history research) (Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai 2011 【GE122-J19】)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] None
    [Notes] Includes an appended 'Bibliography' (pp.335-457).
  • Yasushi Kosugi, Kayoko Hayashi, Yasushi Tonaga, ed., "Islamsekai kenkyu manual" (The world of Islam research manual) (Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai 2008 【GE781-J8】)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] None
    [Notes] Describes research history and historical sources, and presents literature
  • Tsukasa Mizushima, Hiroshi Kato, Toru Kubo, Ryuto Shimada, ed.,"Asiakeizaishi kenkyu nyumon" (An introduction to Asian economic history research) (Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai 2015 【DC141-L20】)
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] None
    [Notes] Includes a 'Bibliography' (pp.263-354). The bibliography is presented by region (East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Western Asia and Central Asia), and in chronological order by historical period (antiquity, pre-modern, and modern eras).
  • Kenji Shimada [et al.], ed., "Asia rekishi kenkyu nyumon " (An introduction to Asian history research) vol.1-5 and a supplementary volume (Dohosha Shuppan 1983-1987 【GE33-6】)
    Volume 1: China. Part 1
    Volume 2: China. Part 2. Korea
    Volume 3: China. Part 3
    Volume 4: Central and Western Asia
    Volume 5: South Asia, Southeast Asia, and World History and Asia
    Supplement: General table of contents and general index
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] A general index (a book title index and a name (author) index) has been included in the supplement.
    [Notes] Describes research history and historical sources, and presents bibliographies by region and in chronological order by historical period.
  • "Toyo shiryo shusei"(A introduction to Oriental history research) (Heibonsha 1985 【GE1-24】)
    *A newly designed reprint edition of 1956 edition 【220.08-H418t
    [Range] Books, articles published in books and journals
    [Index] Chinese classics index, Japanese name index, Chinese name index (*includes Korean names), Roman character name index
    [Notes] Describes research history and historical sources from antiquity to modern history, and presents literature.

2. Searching Research Trends

Bibliographies and reviews of the research literature printed in history journals are useful for investigating newly published literature and research trends. Here are a few typical bibliographies.

  • "Shigaku zasshi" (Journal of historical science) (Shigakkai monthly)
    *As for the NDL's holdings, the issues from 1889 to 1964 are on microfilm, 【YA-20】; issues from 1965 and after are available in paper form 【Z8-321】.

'Shigaku bunken mokuroku: Toyoshi' (Historical science bibliography: Oriental history) (1960 (volume 69, number 6)-present annual the February (2), June (6), and October (10) issues)
[Range] 1960-present. Books, articles published in books and journals
[Order] Books, research papers> Region and historical period> Author name in Japanese alphabetical order
[Index] None
[Notes] Incorporates bibliographies that include Africa. While there is no cumulative addition, the years 1946-1950 have been compiled into the reference titled "Shigaku bunken mokuroku"(Historical science bibliography) 【UP54-E16】.
*The same as the "Meiji Taisho Showa zenki zasshi kiji sakuin shusei. Jinbun kagaku hen. Dai 36 kan" (Composite index of Japanese magazine and journal articles published from the Meiji to the early Showa periods. Humanities volume.Volume 36) provided in 3. Searching Comprehensively below.

' XXXX nen no rekishi gakkai: kaiko to tenbo' (Historical science of the previous year: review and perspective) (1950 (volume 59, number 5)-present annual May (5) issue)
*For the year 1970, June (6) issue (volume 79, number 6) includes the content.
[Range] 1949-present. Books, articles published in books and journals
[Index] None
[Notes] Major literature are presented among the overview of research trends from the previous year. The ' 1948 nen no rekishi gakkai' (Historical science of 1948) was printed in volume 58, number 1 (1949) before it could be established as a special issue. Contents were reprinted in the form of the "Nihon rekishi gakkai no kaiko to tenbo"(Historical science in Japan: review and perspective) 【GA32-50】 described below from 1949 until 1985 once they had been resorted and reorganized by topics such as region and era, etc.

3. Searching Comprehensively

4. By Region

4-1. China/Korea

4-2. The History of Relations between the East and the West, etc.

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