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- Note (General)...hy: p. 126-133 thesis submitted i...... fulfilment of the requirements for the master of arts...... International Development Studies, Saint Mary's Univers...
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- Note (General)Title from cover Continues(CF):Network p...
- Related Material...t agricultural development in West Africa......mer input into the research proce......onal setting : the case of semi-a......ory technology development : a case study from Senegal Commun......imbabwean NGOs The role of the private systems in the semi-arid zone......ect planning : the limits and soc......g agricultural development Non-government......ral research : the experience of the Gambia Sustain......agriculture at the Margin : resea...... communities : lessons from Asia and Latin......ence society : lessons from the Moru of Sudan The scope for coll......ral technology development : the case of Zambia From agr...
- Author HeadingOverseas Development Institute (London, England). ...
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- Note (General)...aphic guide to the microform collection
- Related MaterialA study of the physical vigor......ntury calendar The evolution of the family The Brugoyne campa......s delivered on the battle-field on the one hundredth celebration of the battle of Bemi......rade unions in the United States The American Civil......ter concerning the drafting of 18......r olds] Report The church state p......s and colleges The authentication of the Declaration of......port, 1965. -- The principles for which the American Revol......address before the Ohio Society, Sons of the Revolution, delivered at the Queen City Clu......ity parties on the ballot : a sur......y parties, together with recommended legislation...
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- Related Material...y and Humanism The problem of anxiety The quest for power : the lower houses of assembly in the southern royal colon......ay fishermen : their peasant econ......-1787 Play and development : a symposium ......frican Negroes The natural histor......s Evelina, or, The history of a y...... entrance into the world Captain ......ding causality The human habitat ......ic semantics Mothers of the South : portraiture of the white tenant f......atry Honey for the bears The lost Eden : ( me tangere) The making of a poem The class struggle......unting house : the Quaker merchan......hia, 1682-1763 The literary criticism of John Ru...
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- Related MaterialThe sectoral found......ons of China's development Institutional ......t operations : the World Bank's e......n and economic development in Malawi : and pastoral institution building in the West African S...... Institutional development and technical ......o Projectizing the governance app......stment loan in the Gambia potential : lessons from the regions for countries : the design of user......rises : recent lessons from transition cou......n agricultural development World Bank HIV......mazon region : development issues and options Improving the performance programs in the Philippines : targetting, cos...
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- Related Material...l perspectives The post-Soviet de...... : sustainable development and comprehens...... and free will The politics of kn......tween Marx and the market The economics and ......tics of oil in the Caspian Basin : the redistribution......Central Asia : the Soviet legacy ...... of transition The Caspian : poli......urity Economic development in Kazakhstan : the role of large ...... governance in the Caucasus and Central Asia : lessons not learned The life of ʿAlimq......Eurasianism in the Nazarbaev era Prospects for pastoralism in Kazaksta......Turkmenistan : from state farms to......Central Asia : the Islamic Revival Party of Taji...
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- Related MaterialThe dynamics of the Maastricht analysis of the effects of approach to the analysis of co......guage pedagogy The Communist Party of the United States and the Communist Inte...... in transition From aid to structu......ative study of the social and eco......t, South India The impact of civi......ty networks on the global politic......of sustainable development Religious femi......ran, 1869-1934 The institutional ...... to terms with the banana trade :......translation in the bilingual vern......entury England The question of na......atorial Guinea The responsibility......ssor States in the field of the environment Tran...
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- Note (General)"Published under the direction of the Department of History from the income of the Henry Warren Torrey Fund"
- Related MaterialThe Fronde Oil emp......strian Galicia The reign of King 1905-1917 : the development of the great schism T...... our talents : the democratizatio...... policy during the administration......and commercial development The Monroe Doctrin......n Virginia and the Carolinas Geor......ntellectualism The Schleswig-Hols......tantinople and the Latins : the foreign policy......l community in the 1930s Native t......alism and race from encounter to the reservation The battle for chantries : the road to dissolution The travails of conscience : the Arnauld family and the Ancien Régime The Parliament of 1624 : politics...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... a handbook on the training of Renaissance The Elder Pliny's chapters on the history of art The study of stell......issionaries to the Chinese : giving a list of their publications......ary notices of the deceased Eleme......ltural reality The spirit of mode...... : an essay in the form of lectures The major symptoms......tures given in the Medical opponent of the French Revolut......ics History of the World's Fair :......description of the Columbian Exposition from its inception Suggestions on the improvement of...... on a study of the systems prevai......e How I filmed the war : a record of the extraor...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAncient fiction : the novel in the Graeco-Roman world A pastoral and liturgical theology China fights for the world Development in practice : ......ood intentions The value dimensio......Romanticism in the nineteenth century The modernization of the American Stock......nge, 1971-1989 The British and the Grand Tour Gov......ks in crisis : the legal response The geometry of ve...... fields Social development : its nature a......hall's mission The psychology of ......tism Women and their work Blake and the new age The Elizabethan dumb show : the history of a d......tic convention The history of Swe......y Paradoxes of the infinite An introduction to p...
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- Related Material...g : a study of the collective tho......5 : a study of the Ottoman polici......overnments and their political an......quences during the period 1870-18......l tradition in the poetic imagina......sian symbolist From Chaona to Khon-Ngan : the growing divide...... literature in the Soviet Union 1......d Kingdom, and the United States of America The sociology of knowledge and the curriculum : a......k for studying the conceptions of teachers in the middle school years The rapprochement between the Federal Republ......of Germany and the Soviet Union, and the policy of inte......l reference to the Soviet Union and Czechoslovak...
- Alternative TitleBritish theses
- Alternative TitleBritish theses
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- Related MaterialComplete poems The Gorbachev factor The accidental gue...... small wars in the midst of a big......ts and musical development The language of music The tender passion The Oxford history of Ireland The Middle Ages Christianity in the twenty-first c......reflections on the challenges ahe......ent in America The witch-cult in ......Codebreaker in the Far East The user : the truth about drugs, what they do, how they feel and why people take them Sociology The struggles of B......ean vision and the South Pacific,......0 : a study in the history of art......or worlds : or the day software puts the universe in a want : why the sexes still see love and comm...
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- Note (General)... (series XXVI, Theater arts), 07421923 (series X...
- Related MaterialThe voices of Afri......erican women : the use of narrati......orial voice in the works of Harri......opian colleges The return of the gods : a philosophical/theological reappraisal of the writings of Er......led defense of the mother world A Beeth......e practice and the piano sonata, ......s 111 Anger in the Old Testament The co-existence o...... evil Critical theoretical inquiry on the notion of act in the metaphysics of...... modernity and the (un)Commonweal...... contemporánea The promised end :......nce closure in the Gawain-poet, reading of the theology of Walter......logy and art : theories of mass culture from Wal...
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- Related Material...d is beautiful The enigma of arri......iage Dot.con : the greatest story......ever sold When the United States ......n First nights The tenth gift That certain age The Penguin book of Southern African stor....... Tell no lies The struggles of and power : the place of sugar......n's universe : the layperson's gu......astle in Spain The rains came The Spanish Armada The Penguin book of facts The king My sister......Sea mammals of the world Nairn's ......ressing up for the carnival Of mi...... is back : how the global is changing the world A passage to India The Arabs : a hist......Elizabeth II : the steadfast Lord Jim : a tale T...
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- Related MaterialEdward Bellamira, or, The fall of Tunis ......s performed at the theatre royal, Cov......den Frascati's The castle of Villeroy The heiress The guilty tongue ......with scenes at the congress of Ve......ona Ben Nazir, the Saracen : a tr......represented at the theatre royal, Dru...... 21. May, 1827 The Hebrew : a sketch in the nineteenth century, with The dream of Saint......entertainments The new Gil Blas The Arabs : a four cantos The gentleman : a ......written during the years 1812, 18......d 1815 ; with other poems, and no......riana and Maud The vale of Apperley ; and, Other poems Who's the murderer? or, The mystery of ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialA dictionary of the drama : a guide to the plays, playwri...... playhouses of the United Kingdom and America, from the earliest times to the present Fairs, past and present a chapter in the history of com......e A history of the English church during the civil wars and under the Commonwealth, ......mercantiles et théories libérales Les théories économiqu......l materials on the Spanish border......Exercises upon the first Psalme :......rose and verse The literature of the Louisiana territory The life of the learned Sir Jo......f superstition The great South : ......isiana, Texas, the Indian Territo......ys Handbook to the chamber & orchestral music of...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe OKW war diary ......enforcement in the South Pastoral accounting in ......tive policy in the twentieth cent...... textbooks and the image of the nation : polit......ion, 1880-1910 The Symphony in Sw......, and Faulkner The transformation......ial banking in the United States, 1956-1991 The reivers Father Abraham : hol......escripts; and, The wishing tree :......on typescripts The principle of P...... A treatise on the principal trad......anufactures of the United States The British Trades...... recollections The Dymaxion exper......rescue of Jews from Nazi oppressio......e of locusts : from an antebellum town to a New S...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...uvelle-Espagne The inner life of ...... Palestine and the Holy land Phys...... Louis Murbach The revenge : a is acted at the Theatre-Royal in D......ts An essay on the history of civ......, and Dalmatia The little ballet ......Meditations on the Life of Christ......ations of Demosthenes The union of Engla......tional history The children's Bib......tory A view of the American Indians : their general char......and traditions The Creoles of history and the Creoles of rom......ais Ruskin and the English lakes ......myrene, Jewish The times of Melvi......conomics : together with a short ......onomic history The first book of the Hitopadesa ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... A treatise on the theory of Bessel f......l reference to the spread of the gospel : conta......g allusions to the antiquity, ext......nd religion of the Chinese... Sum......l'anno 1500 Le théatre et la soci...... education for the common schools of Kentucky The book of the Orphic hymns : together with the principal frag......ed to Orpheus. The whole extracted from Hermann's edition of the Orphica... The Russian conquest of the Caucasus Reges......-1508 Building the Atlantic world......f Governors of the Federal Reserv......tem Journal of the proceedings of the late embassy t......s Urkundenbuch The Saint Louis World's Fair of 1...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... : proceedings from the Uppsala 1977 I......tion Towards a theory of aspect, studies of the brain death co......représentation théâtrale Labraund......proceedings of the international Labraunda : the Royal Swedish ......t : a study of the civilian Swedi......d bands during the latter part of the 19th century M......versitätsbibliothek Uppsala : through the eyes" : studie...... J. Mobilising the novel : the literature of ......mperialism and the First World War The non-contractua......l liability of the European commu......entury English The lichen genus c......l reference to the extra-European species Adeln ...