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- Author HeadingSicat, Gerardo P. University of the Philippines. School of Economics
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- Note (General)...erly issued by Institute of Econ......ic Development and Research, and the Institute's name remained only on cove......Oct. 1979) imprint on cover
- Related MaterialThe high-yielding varieties of rice in the Philippines : a perspecti......ects of legal minimum wage in Philippine manufacturing industries Towards a more open Philippines : monetary and exchange rate ......olicy Rural savings behavior Loc......ic enterprises in developing countries : issues and practices Special and differential t......ment of developing countries in the Uruguay Round ......ations Growth, inequality, politics, and poverty reducion the Philippines An economic theory of both tenant and landlord : a Philippine case Interlocking directorates,......ercial banks, other financial institutions and nonfinancial co...
- Author HeadingUniversity of the Philippines. School of Economics
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- Note (General)Editor: Herbert B. Adams Publisher varies: Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins Press
- Related MaterialErin's daughters in America : Iris......mmigrant women in the nineteenth century The criminal law system of medieval and Renaissance Fl......cipal problems in mediæval Switzerland French freemasonry under the Third Republic Econimics and politics Maryland, 1720-1750 and the public service...... Daniel Dulany the elder Fashoda reconsidered : the impact of dome...... French policy in Africa, 1893-1......sance humanism in papal Rome : humanists and churchmen on the eve of the Reformation God in La Mancha : religious reform and the people of Cuen......of judicial administration in the state of Maryland South Carolina, Maryland, and...
- Alternative TitleJohns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science
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- Note (General)The series was formerly known as "Studies in history, economics and public law"
- Related MaterialFarmers and workers in American politics Privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States India's demand for transporta......ilway monopoly and rate control The Puritan frontier town-planting in New England colonial devel......1660 Valuation and rate-making : the conflicting theories of the Wisconsin Railroad Commi......h a chapter on the uncertainty of the United States ......urt decisions, and a concluding chapter on the need of a revised principle of utilit......luation An hypothesis of populati......owth Sociology and education : an analysis of the theories of Spencer and Ward Sieyes: his life and his...
- Alternative TitleColumbia University studies in the social science Columbia studies in the social sciences
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Edited by the Faculty of Pol......sity Edited by the University Faculty of Politic...
- Related MaterialWage differentials : the case of the unskilled The recognition policy of the United States The peaceable Amer......1861 : a study in public opinion The I.W.W. : a stu......dicalism Crime in its relations ......ress Treaties, their making and enforcement The civil war and reconstruction in Florida The ratification of the federal constitution in North Carolina The syndical and corporative institutions of Italian fascism The economic theory of cost of living index numbers Early New England towns : a comp......ative study of their development Intermarriage in New York City ......tical study of the amalgamation of European peop...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nmental policy in Great Britain and the United States Governments, markets, and growth : financial systems and the politics of industrial change......i-Americanisms in world politics The state and American forei......ent statistics and what to do abo......ional security and the technological ......r games : policing the U.S.-Mexico divide The currency of id......etary politics in the European Union Winners and losers : how sectors shape the developmental ......Beyond Japan : the dynamics of Ea......alism American industry in international com......nment policies and corporate strategies Inequality and prosperity : social Europe vs...
- Author HeadingKatzenstein, Peter J.
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- Related MaterialBack from the brink : Thailand's response to the 1997 economic ...... participation in the Indian power sect......ence Risk modeling for appraising named peril index insurance product......practitioners Financing health care in East Asia and the Pacific : best practices and remaining challenges De......w : productive and inclusive cities for an emerging Democratic Re...... of Congo Building engines for growth and competitiveness in China : experience ......economic zones and industrial cluste......iplomas : managing education for results in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Expanding opportunities and building competencies for you...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Issued by: Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columb......ity Press, MerwinAsia, University of Washington Press, The University of ......rsity Press, Princeton University Press, MIT Pr...
- Related MaterialFinancial politics in contemporary J......ese sources on the history of the Chinese Communist m......y of materials in the East Asiatic L......bia University and the Division of Or......ongress Palace and politics in prewar Japan The Korean Communi......ent, 1918-1948 The North Korean r......ion, 1945-1950 The first Vietnam crisis : Chinese Communist strategy and United States involvement, 1953-1954 Food of sinful demons : me......vegetarianism, and the limits of Buddhism in Tibet Mobilizing without the masses : control and contention in China Inheritance of loss : China, Japan, and the political econ...... virtues : Nanjing in an age of utopian visions...
- Alternative TitleA study of the East Asian Institute Studies of the East Asian Institute, Columb......y A studies of the East Asian Institute, Columb......ity Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute A study of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columb......ity A study of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLabor market performance in transition : the experience of Central and Eastern Europe......Pension reform in the Baltics : issues and prospects Deflation : determinants, risks, and policy options Aging populations and public pension......liberalization in Russia : behav......ces, household incomes, and consumption during the first year Rebuilding fiscal institutions in postconflict c...... vulnerability and financial crises in emerging market economies The behavior of no...... stabilization and growth in Portugal Reven......ization Issues and developments in international tra......nited Germany, the first five years : performanc...
- Alternative TitleOccasional paper of the International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund occa...
- Alternative TitleOccasional paper of the International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund occa...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialWorld trade and output of manu......uctural trends and developing countries' exports Instruments for export policy and administration : lessons from the East Asian experience Oil and gas policies in Tunisia : a ma......nomic analysis Industrial prospects and policies in the developed countries The training and visit extensio...... of operations and effects International experience in budgetary trends during economic development and its relevance for China The consequences o...... farm tractors in Pakistan : an ......A credits for financing the mechanization of farms in Pakistan 1966-......70 Differences in income, nutrition, and povert...
- Alternative TitleWorld Bank staff working paper Documents de travail d...
- Alternative TitleWorld Bank staff working paper Documents de travail d...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe sectoral foundations of China's development Institutional reforms in sector adjustment operations : the World Bank's experience Income distribution and economic development in Malawi : some ......stics Outreach and sustainability of six rural finance institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa Indonesian experience with financial sector r......ate enterprise in Africa : creating a better envi......rce management and pastoral institution building in the West African Sahel Institutional development and technical assistance in macroeconomic ...... Togo Projectizing the governance app......ce reform : an institutional environment assess...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFinancial transact......cations for savings of aging in the Asian "Tigers"......lization strengthen social capital? Investment and growth in the Middle East and North Africa Credit and exchange rate-......on Gender bias in tax systems Time-to-build and convex adjustment costs Deposit-refund on labor : a solution t...... unemployment? Investment implic......WTO agreements and the proposed multi......l agreement on investment The CFA franc zone......currency union and monetary standard The underground ec...... : estimation, and economic and policy implications : the case of Pakistan Nominal income targeting : a critical evaluation A ge...
- Alternative TitleWorking paper
- Alternative TitleWorking paper
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- Related MaterialChile, an economy in transition Rep......ew Papua New Guinea : selected d......t issues Restoring fiscal discipline for poverty reduction in Peru : a publi......h : vocational and technical educ......n review Argentine youth : an un......ia : restructuring for recovery Education in Ethiopia : strengthening the foundation for sustainable progress C......gional issues, and capital flows Brazil, financial systems ......n to manufacturing Georgia : reform in the food and agriculture se......s to stop hyperinflation and initiate economic......recovery Argentina : economic recovery and growth Brazil,......s Kyrgyzstan : the transition to a market econom...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialIndonesian foreig......relations with the Koreas : a chronology and bibliography, ...... Prospects for the neutralisation of Kampuchea The fertility and living arrangements ......tralia's three Indochinese-born commun......relations with the Republic of Korea : an emerging partnership New directions and new thinking in Australia-Southeast Asia relati......ations Culture and politics : issues in Australian journalism on Indonesia 1975-93/ Damien Kingsbury discontent and succession in Indonesia : polit......l developments in Indonesia, 1989-9......relations with the Philippines during the Marcos years : a study i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCreating capital markets in Central and Eastern Europe Design and appraisal of rural transport infrastructure : ensuring basic access ...... December 1992 The emergence of p......ctor manufacturing in Hungary : a su......of firms Guidelines for calculating financial and economic rates...... DFC projects Handpumps testing and development : ......eport on field and laboratory testing Irrigation-induced salinity : a growing problem for development and the environment Meeting the needs of the poor for water supply and waste disposal Attacking extreme poverty : learning from the experience of the International Movement ATD Fourt...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialEnergy and the western United......tes : politics and development Br......zil : politics in a patrimonial society Policy and methods in German and American antit......parative study The crisis in historical mat......ass, politics, and culture in Marxist theory Resources f...... for policy making Urban development in the Third World : internal dynamics......akistan Brazil in transition The United States and Pakistan : the evolution of an influence relatio......ip New methods in social science......olicy sciences and futures resear......ology transfer and international law The Overseas Private Investment Corporation : a study...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialPrivate enforcement of the antitrust laws......nomic critique The consumer price index : issues and alternatives The uncertain promise of ret......ocial security in the United Kingdom : contracting out of the system The future of Germany and the Atlantic alliance Here the people rule : ......4-1985 edition Indexing social analysis of the issues Maintaining the safety net : income redistribution programs in the Reagan administration Inventions in the marketplace : patent licensing and the U.S. antitrust laws International competition in services : a c......onal framework The church and the social question Conglomer...
- Alternative TitleAmerican Enterprise Institute studies......can Enterprise Institute AEI studies in advertising
- Alternative TitleAmerican Enterprise Institute studies......can Enterprise Institute AEI studies in advertising
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Imprint varies
- Related Material...ions 1920-1940 The political econ......ative study of the small-scale industry in Japan and Egypt with spe...... reference to financing Development o......vernment bonds market in Iraq : applica...... between Japan and Latin America : problems and prospects at the end of the millennium Modelling the sources and impact of macr......c fluctuations in Sudan WTO加盟後の日......経済貿易関係 : 問題と対策 The development of rural financial sector in Kazakhstan : w......n development Minerals and metals in Japanese-Austr...... food security and crop development and its experience......transformation The dilemma of interdependence an...
- Alternative TitleVisiting research fellow monograph se...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialProblems of pattern in Lermontov's verse and prose Kedang : a study of the collective tho...... of an eastern Indonesian people......5 : a study of the Ottoman polici......ued by British and German Governments and their political and commercial consequences during the period 1870-18......cheslav Ivanov and Dante : reflec......eval tradition in the poetic imagination of a Khon-Ngan : the growing divide in a central Thai......n's literature in the Soviet Union 1917 to 1934 International accounting harmonisation in developed stock market countries : an......of measurement and associated dis......sure practices in France, Germany, Japan, Unite...
- Alternative TitleBritish theses
- Alternative TitleBritish theses
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)ISSN for subseries "Elements in public policy"......ries "Elements in evolutionary e......ries "Elements in religion and violence": 251......ries "Elements in public economi......ries "Elements in American polit......ries "Elements in politics and society in Southeast Asia": 2515......ries "Elements in quantitative and computational methods for the social science......ries "Elements in the economics of emerging markets": 2631858X IS......ries "Elements in quantitative finance": 26318563......ries "Elements in public and nonprofit administration": 251......ries "Elements in the philosophy of ......ries "Elements in political economy": 25143816 ...
- Related MaterialDesigning for policy ef......ctiveness : defining and understanding a concept Independent Timor......tween coercion and consent Twitte......tes Value-creating boards : chal......uture research and practice Singapore : identity, brand, power Gene-culture interactions : to......ork Pragmatism and the origins of the policy sciences : rediscovering Lasswell and the Chicago School......strian capital theory : a modern survey of the essentials How ideas and institutions shape the politics of public policy The decline and rise of institutions : a ......dern survey of the Austrian contribution to the economic analysis of institutions Topics at the front...